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2 years later.....

"Does the suit I chose suit me?" I asked New. He came here early so he could help me find something to wear today for my 18th birthday. But, look at him, busy on his phone laughing alone, I don't know if my friend is in his right mind.

"You know, you're already handsome and beautiful when night falls, so... whatever you wear will really suit you." He replied to me. While still focused on his phone and obviously in love.

He always told me about Tay Tawan who also likes him, my friend is going crazy with that man. I shouted at him and finally he listened to me and he helped me find something to wear today for my 18th birthday.

11 years ago my family  didn't celebrate my birthday, but now they want to celebrate it. I was so happy when mom said yesterday that we would celebrate my 18th birthday.

I looked at the clock to see what time it was, past 6 o'clock. I went to the bathroom to take a shower, I ignored my friend who was busy on his phone. After I took a shower I immediately got dressed and fix myself.

"Have you been there long? They're all here in the living room waiting for you." New shouted outside the door of my room.

I opened the door. "I'm done getting dressed, let's go to them."

"You just miss your boyfriend." He glared at me.

There were very few visitors on my birthday because of my strange condition. Only those who know me are here now, Papi, dada, Papa, New and my family.

Talking about my condition, one year ago, something has changed since we did something that should only happen to couples. Suddenly something strange happened to me. I will no longer half human and half snake every night. My appearance still changing but I become a real woman every night, a most beautiful woman. I was no longer afraid to go out every night but I was still careful that no one could see me whenever I changed my form.

"You're so beautiful tonight." My boyfriendfriend whispered to me.

"Hey love birds, can you stop that, respect for singles like me." He rolled his eyes and pretended to vomit.

"All right, that's enough for you to tease. We'd better have dinner, the food is already ready on the table." Mom told us.

"You look stunning my love. I'm so lucky to have you given to me as my child." Mom whispered to me as we headed to the dining room.

" And I'm also very grateful that you're my mom because besides for being beautiful, you're kind and loving mother."

We happily ate our dinner after we ate they sang me a happy birthday song and Jumpol was holding the cake.

"Make a wish." Jumpol smiled as he held the chocolate cake made by dada.

I closed my eyes and make a wish. "My wish is, I hope I can still celebrate my birthday next year with you guys." I blew out the candle after I wished.

We happily celebrated my birthday, we even smeared icing on our faces but I was wondering why dad didn't play with us but I ignored him, the important thing is I'm happy now. after we celebrated they said good bye to us and now we are the only family left in the house.

I was about to go upstairs to go to my room when dad made us sit in the living room because we had something important to talk about.

"You're getting married to Arm tomorrow."

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