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  marigolds look so much better when they’re under the sun, don’t you think so too, milady?

❝  really? hmm, i think they look more captivating at night, especially when the moon is bright and big. ❞

love me only 'till this spring,
like the warm breeze

feat. varia giving up on trying to get rid of you</3

“if you need anything, you may pull the string over there and i will go to you right away. then, miss, i shall take my leave.”

you stayed silent, watching the maid as she gave you a smile, bowing to you before closing the doors, “please enjoy your stay.”

you blinked a bit before looking around you. the room looked simple but nice, it was large, but not larger than the room you were staying at before.

“aah, i should probably go out sometime to check on vongola nono.” you blurted out as you sat on the bed. “his presence has gotten a bit fainter compared to before i slept.” you mumbled before realizing, ‘aah, of course it would. the last time i saw nono was when he was...’ you narrowed your brows, ‘.. i can’t remember.’

you let out a sigh as you ran your fingers through your hair, “hmm.. this is a bit frustrating. my memories are foggy as of the moment.” your gaze shifted to the window.

you noted how the white satin curtains blended well with the theme of the room. you specifically asked for the maids to replace the thick, dark curtains with satin ones so you can view the moon from inside your room, but still, looking at the moon somewhere more open is the best (“it’s a shame that this room had no terrace”).

‘during the tour, i noticed their garden looked promising. i should go take a walk for a bit.’

you took a deep inhale with a small smile resting upon your lips. the cool evening breeze gave you a nostalgic feeling as you slowly walked along the flowery path.

the moon was exceptionally bright today and it illuminated the flowers that was carefully tended in the garden. there was a variety of them; roses, morning glories, lilies, pansies, and others– it was a breathtaking sight, whoever was tending to this garden is doing a great job.

you paused when you caught a glimpse of something shining. you bent down to cup the marigold flower in your hand, gently and carefully caressing the petals. “i’ve always thought that marigolds are best when it’s bathed in morning dew, so i never knew they would look glamorous under the moon’s radiance.” you whispered.

your peaceful stroll was interrupted a few moments later when a maid came running at you with a frantic expression; “milady, goodness! milady, i finally found you!” she exclaimed while catching her breath.

“.. you look tired. since when have you been looking for me?” you asked with concern in your eyes. “milady, you shouldn’t have disappeared without warning just like that! i was alarmed when i entered your room to find you missing!” the maid assigned to you exclaimed as you paused, “... i apologize, i must have caused trouble to all of you.” the maid only shook her head, “please don’t apologize. now come, dinner is ready..! you mustn’t make the boss wait!”

‘dinner? it’s already that late?’ you only stayed silent before nodding. “aah, yes, i shouldn’t. please lead the way.”

SELENOPHILE;; khr.Where stories live. Discover now