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— sinners like me can only wish to keep blooming, all while exuding faux innocence and purity, just so i can continuously watch from below as the moon i yearn for rises and falls.


feat. mama luss' social battery dying = fetching u bc they wanna go home already :'DD

“hey, sieglinde (chan),”

you turned your head to look at the white haired man across the table, “yes?”

“did you know that there was a time when you were on my side?” byakuran smiled as everyone on the table went silent. you narrowed your brows, “... come again?”

byakuran only laughed, somehow finding your reaction amusing, “in a certain parallel world, my future self managed to get you to my side.”

everyone froze, ‘what? sieglinde? on the millefiore's side?’ tsunayoshi rubbed his arms when he felt a shiver went up his spine, ‘i'm really glad i don't have to experience fighting against them as a duo...’

you only closed your eyes, “... i must have received quite a torture then.” byakuran only laughed, “hmm, just a bit.”

your eyes fluttered open as you took a quick glance over to your boss– who was sitting on a throne next to you– and the second in command who was standing on the boss' other side, before looking down on your fingers that's tapping the table softly.

“but, if that may be so, then are you saying that...” your jeweled eyes met byakuran's violet ones, “... in that parallel world.. i betrayed xanxus?” you asked, tilting your head.

the room's temperature suddenly dropped. everyone felt shivers run up to their spine at your cold voice. you maintained eye contact with byakuran, even as you felt xanxus aim his gun at you, “i never said you could call me by my name, scum.”

“what a scary look you have there, sieglinde (chan). but as much as i want to give you a definite answer, i can't. after all, you can't betray someone you don't know.” now this caught varia's attention. “... if you can't provide me a definite answer then at least make up for it with a clear explanation.” you said as you narrowed your brows at byakuran.

“in most of the parallel worlds that my future self conquered, you didn't cross paths with varia.”

you only squinted your eyes, “.. impossible.” you said as you shook your head.

“i know, right? that's precisely why i had to take drastic measures to prevent you from meeting them. because whenever i destroy the vongola, your counterparts always manage to find a way to bring them back to life.”

“— and by 'them', i meant the varia.”

reborn, who was sitting on top of tsunayoshi's hair, only tilted his hat down.

“d– drastic measures..?” tsunayoshi swallowed thickly.

byakuran eyed the room, before landing his gaze unto yuni. they maintained eye contact before the white haired male broke first, closing his eyes with a smile.

“oh, nothing big. just me abducting her the moment she was born so i can brainwash her, or taking her in as my adopted little sister so i could get close to her and get her to kill vongola– just those kinds of stuff.” byakuran says, as he cups his cheek with his palm, leaning his elbow on the top of the table.

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