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❛ my heart feels like it's being ripped apart whenever you are in danger. ❜


feat. revelation heueheu (manga spoiler warning!)

tsunayoshi immediately flew to jaeger, crushing his watch and securing team reborn's victory.

the others rejoiced when suddenly, they felt a huge presence from above, coming in their direction in a great amount of speed.

a small figure descended from the sky swiftly. the smoke cleared and revealed the legendary figure chosen by the moon.

“sieglinde!” tsunayoshi gasped as reborn narrowed his brows, ‘why did she come here? sieglinde rarely shows herself to a crowd.’

“oho! outsiders are not allowed–”

tsunayoshi gasped when wonomichi's arm went flying, cutting him off.

“shut up.” they shivered hearing your low voice. they took a second to look at your form; piercing blue eyes that had crescent sparkles in it, waist–length hair, and a varia jacket tied around the small waist.

it was you, the ‘child chosen by the moon’, sieglinde.

“my boss...” you shifted your gaze on the vongola decimo slightly before looking down on the figure on the ground (‘what is vindice doing here?’), “where is he?”

tsunayoshi widened his eyes and looked at reborn, who, together with the others, tried to block the bloodied figures on the ground.

you raised a brow when you felt a faint presence. “aah, wonomichi... are you okay?” you turned to the voice with a perplexed look, “... what is the tri–ni–sette administrator doing here?”

“aah, sieglinde, couldn't you have went easy on my assistant? an arm is gonna take a long time to heal.” checker face chuckled as reborn bit his lip.

“checker face!”

you ignored the slight ruckus and looked around and squinted your eyes on the line of arcobaleno. “so this was the ‘guardians–only’ mission you guys told me about a week ago, huh, mammon..?” the arcobaleno flinched and swallowed, keeping his mouth shut.

you weren't supposed to know of this since mammon and the boss had decided not to involve you with it this time. but the cat's out of the bag now.

you narrowed your brows and flew right behind them, freezing at the bloody sight. “hibari, dino..!” your fingers trembled when you looked at the figures next to them, “mukuro, byakuran..! chrome!” they were all laying in their very own pool of blood, making you gasp.

‘dear gods, who in the world would–’

and then your gaze landed on the figures on the ground just a bit far away from you. you felt your heart stop. “huh..? s–squalo..?” you called meekly, slowly dragging your feet to the familiar figure laying on the ground. you shifted your gaze and dropped to your knees, blood staining your legs and your varia uniform, “.. xan.. xus..?”

you went to grab their bodies close to you and felt your breath hitch, xanxus was missing an arm and two legs. your vision turned dark.

‘no... no, no, not them please– not squalo, not xanxus, not my family, anyone but them please please please, no–’

tsunayoshi and the others shut their eyes tight when a blinding bright light came from the sky to you, covering their surroundings with blinding light.

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