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... i’ve waited for too long. now that i’ve met them, i won’t be wasting more time not being with them.


feat. timoteo leaving with a knowing grin– everyone is confused.


you smiled, resting your cheek on your palm. “aah, nono. i was waiting for you.” you said as you gestured to the seat in front of you, as if you were in your own office. “come take a seat. i don’t think xanxus would mind.” you said, throwing a glance at the man seated on his chair, foot on top of his desk.

“scum, if you’re gonna talk, get out of my office.” he growled, glaring. but you noticed how he was avoiding timoteo’s eyes.

“..! don’t speak to sieglinde like that!” timoteo scolded as you waved your hands, shaking your head. “no, no. it’s fine, i don’t mind. i was the one who barged in his office after all.” you said with no shame.

“have a seat, nono. did you and xanxus have plans for today? i apologize in advance for interrupting.” you said as you turned your head to arda, asking for a cup of tea to be served for the don.

“no, i was merely visiting my son today. if anything, i should be the one who’s sorry for interrupting your time. were the two of you discussing?” timoteo asked as he removed his hat.

“aah, we weren’t discussing anything important. i was just giving xanxus some company while he was working.” you said, smiling. timoteo only nodded, slightly baffled. he glanced at his son (who surprisingly decided to stay quiet and actually do his work ;-;) for a while before turning back to you.

you watched as arda filled timoteo’s cup with warm tea, “it’s been a while since i last saw you. i believe it was also our first meeting.” you said as nono nodded, smiling, “yes. now that i think about it, i haven’t given you my apology for not thanking you for saving me then.” xanxus raised a brow at this, he wondered just how long have you been living.

“aah, don’t bother. you were just a kid back then and i was in a bit of a hurry. you couldn’t do anything since you cried all night in daniela’s arms that you forgot to thank me before i left.” you chuckled.

hearing this, xanxus had a thought; were you always watching over the vongola? then does that mean you’ll have to leave to watch over sawada tsunayoshi too?

“haha, that brings back memories of my childhood.” timoteo laughed as your eyes softened, “yes... you were such an adorable little thing back then. even though you’ve aged much compared to the last time i saw you, i can still see that playful child in you.” you humored as timoteo only laughed more.

“please don’t tease me too much or i might just refuse to proceed with the inheritance ceremony.” you raised a brow at this. inheritance ceremony? isn’t it a bit too early? timoteo is retiring rather too early compared to his mother and his other ancestors.

“... i see. i didn’t even realize that it’s already that time. but i shouldn’t worry much– xanxus is a good leader, and his guardians are promising as well.” you said with a smile. but it faltered when the atmosphere suddenly got tense.


“... sieglinde, the chosen candidate for the seat of the vongola decimo is not my son, but sawada tsunayoshi.” timoteo said, eyeing you carefully for your reaction.

“.. oh? by sawada, you mean, he’s a direct descendant of ieyasu?” you asked, brows raised. timoteo was a bit baffled by your sudden mention of primo’s japanese name, but then nodded. “what an interesting twist of events. although i still think that xanxus would make a better boss.” you said, clearly biased on your opinion.

“still, it’s surprising. when i heard he was your son, i thought he would be the one to step as the vongola decimo.” you mumbled, picking up the cup of tea and inhaling the sweet fragrance.

you settled the cup down without even taking a sip before looking back up to timoteo, who now had a quite uncomfortable look. ‘.. did i perhaps touch a sensitive subject?’ you wondered before shifting your gaze to xanxus, whose glare was fiercer than you’ve ever saw.

and then, you realized.

“i’m leaving.”

xanxus suddenly announced as he stood and headed straight towards the door, not failing to turn his chair upside down and make the door slam violently.

“... i apologize on behalf of my son’s rude behavior.” timoteo broke the silence as you chuckled, shaking your head. “it’s fine. truthfully, i like his attitude, it’s very honest.” you said as you stared at the door where xanxus left. “.. should i give you the address to the sawada residence?” timoteo asked again, slightly nervous.

you raised a brow, “.. what for?”

“so you could find him sooner– aah, will you not be watching over him?” timoteo asked, suddenly curious.

“watch over the decimo? that’s primo’s job as his great (3x) grandfather, not mine.” you gave a chortle. “what i do have to do is watch over him,” you pointed at the door. “and the rest of the guardians. they seem to be the type who just goes and jump right into danger without any care.” you giggled at your accurate representation of varia.

timoteo looked at you with wide eyes, sieglinde? to varia?

“although the decimo might feel unfair because he won’t be receiving my protection, i honestly don’t care.” timoteo inwardly gasped at your blunt and cruel words.

“... i’ve waited for centuries. now that i’ve met them, i won’t be wasting more time not being with them.”

for some reason, timoteo couldn’t bring himself to object with you. the look on your eyes told him he wouldn’t be able to do anything. and so, he decided to just smile and nod,

“.. i see.”

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