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i'll be here. even if the moon has fallen and the sun is up, i'll still be here.

caduta della luna

feat. xanxus wondering if what happened was a dream or not

aside from the sounds of the occasional turning of the pages and the ticking of the clock, nothing could be heard in your room.

you blinked to moisten your dry eyes, before pausing when you realized you had no more pages to turn– you've reached the last page of the book.

with a sigh, you got up from your bed to return the book to your shelf. ‘well.. that wasn't a very interesting read..’ you thought.

you turned and stopped in front of the window, “.. it's a windy night.” you noted, watching as the satin curtains fluttered in the wind, revealing the dark sky. the moon couldn't be seen, and the clouds were too thick. it looked like it would rain at any time now.

what was once a dimly-lit room turned darker when the strong wind blew the candle. and then, it slowly began to rain.

with another sigh, you had no choice but to close your windows. “.. aah, i wanted to go visit the garden after i finished the book too...” you mumbled softly, lips forming a slight frown.

you looked around the room before deciding to take a stroll inside the mansion. you needed to take a breather outside your room, even if it's still inside the house. after grabbing your shawl, you exited your room quietly.

heading to the lounge, you tilted your head at the sight of the fran. he was laying asleep on the sofa, but for some reason he looked comfortable sleeping in such an awkward position.

“fran looks like he's sleeping well.. it's a rare sight.” you muttered under your breath, smiling softly as you adjust the blanket up to the teal haired illusionist's chin.

‘aah, but i wonder why he's sleeping down here at the lounge..’ you wondered before aimlessly wandering around the mansion.

it was two in the morning, when you heard a weird sound as you passed by xanxus' room. you paused for a while, thinking maybe he's doing it in his sleep. but then you remembered, xanxus doesn't make any sound when he sleeps.

“hngg..” and then you heard it again, albeit louder this time. as much as you'd like to give your boss privacy, he sounded as if he was in pain, and that was more than enough reason for you to check.

you quietly opened the door, taking a peek inside. the room was a mess, but taking in to consideration the fact that it was your boss' room, it was quite clean.

your sapphire eyes searched around the room, and it landed on the bed. there, your boss laid, still in his varia uniform. he was asleep, but looking closely, you noticed that his forehead had a crease. his brows were furrowed, and his hair was sticking to his forehead due to the sweat.

then, you concluded: your boss was having a nightmare.

with light footsteps, you neared the bed. you knew better than to shake him awake, so you merely grabbed a random book that was placed on top of his bedside table, and sat on the stool beside his bed.

you opened the book to begin reading, but then something dawned upon you– since when did xanxus ever read books?

your train of thoughts came into a halt when xanxus began turning in his sleep. a swirl of blue light wrapped around your finger as you tapped lightly on xanxus' forehead. you slowly let out a relieved sigh when the crease on his forehead began to disappear.

you waited until he no longer showed any signs of discomfort before you returned reading.

an hour and a half passed by and you were in the middle of the book you were reading. compared to the book you've just finished in your room, the plot and the flow of the story was very interesting. but even though you were so immersed in the book, you didn't fail to notice when xanxus began to stir in his sleep.

you softly smiled when he slowly opened his eyes.

you watched as he stared at the ceiling first before he wandered his eyes around the room. a pair of bloody red orbs landed at yours and you smiled.

you tilted your head when he just kept staring at you with his sleepy eyes, smiling, “.. do you need something?” you waited for his reply. but he only kept staring at you, as if he was in a daze.

“.. am i bothering you? should i leave?” you asked, genuinely curious if your presence makes him feel bothered.

xanxus immediately shook his head, “no, stay there.. just until morning comes...” he mutters in a tone a bit too soft than what you were used to. you wonder if he's in a sleepy daze, but still replied:

“okay, i'll be here. even if the moon is no longer awake and the sun is up, i'll still be here when you wake up.” you whispered in the same tender tone, “you can go back to sleep. i won't go anywhere.” that seemed to assure xanxus, as he began to close his eyes and go back to sleep.

morning came and you stayed true to your promise.

xanxus awoke to the view of you still reading the book that he initially bought for you. you only left the room when he was about to change (“ah? boss? are you changing? while i'm still here?” “...” “aah, perhaps you forgot i was here? boss, you should really be mindful of your surrounding,” *more nagging noises*).

the two of you proceeded with your day normally, as if you didn't just stay the night inside xanxus' room.

and just like how the rest of the varia wondered why you came out of xanxus' room first thing in the morning, you as well wondered if the boss remembered anything that happened in that seemingly intimate moment.

'selenophile' has reached 1k reads!!
thank you sm
i appreciate u all (even the silent readers out there <33)
i love u all <33
drink water everyday and stay safe!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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