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❝ why do i get this necrophiliac weirdo while mammon gets the princess? ❞

❝ please don't talk. ❞


feat. levi shaking his head at the sidelines

“huh? you wanna borrow one of my parabolas?”

you raised a brow at levi's question, which caught you off guard. “who wants to borrow levi's parabola?” you asked with a small (confused) smile.

“we do, princess~”

you blinked at belphegor. “... i understand bel doing that but... mammon?” belphegor snickered at you (“how mean
of you, princess”) as mammon huffed, “we're going downtown, i need chocolate.” was his reply, which made you laugh.

“aah well, just don't get in trouble, you two. squalo has been getting less sleep these days because of paper works that it's worrying me, so don't create troubles please.” you said as you went to make the captain a warm drink.

mammon huffed. “we're making no promises, princess~” belphegor snickered. “yes, yes... just try...” you said in a sing song tone as you left to head to the shark's office.

you hummed as you walked through the hallways, stopping when the rain from outside suddenly got stronger.

looking up at the sky, you sighed before continuing your way, looking down at the silver tray. “... looks like it's gonna rain more heavily later.”

you gave the door two knocks before entering. you winced at the mountains of paper work surrounding the swordsman.

“squalo... i brought you warm tea...”

you lowered your voice into a whisper when you were greeted with an asleep squalo. his other cheek was resting on his arm which was on top of his desk, squished. his unruly hair was sprawled all over the desk and he looked so deep in sleep. squalo was so sleep–deprived it actually hurt you.

you quietly made your way on his desk and placed the cup down without a noise. you materialized a warm blanket and made your way over to the captain, laying the blanket upon him and patting him gently on the head, your magic seeping from your fingers and into his body.

the crease on the male's forehead gradually softened as his complexion returned. you smiled and left, but not before tapping his cup lightly, so he could wake up with the tea still warm.

you wandered the hallways and slightly huffed at the rain. as much as you loved the pitter-patters of the rain, this was a whole different story– it was so loud it's starting to hurt your ears.

“aah, isn't boss' office soundproof?”

you thought out loud and grinned, skipping your way over to xanxus' office, which was coincidentally just a few steps away.

you gently knocked twice, waiting for the usual grunt before entering.

“boss.” you greeted with your signature smile, as xanxus watched (a glare but not the i'll–kill–you glare) you, “scum.”

xanxus settled his glass of wine down and just set his eyes upon your figure, watching as you went and sat on the couch, letting out a sigh of relief.

he didn't question your presence, since you did often come here to “accompany” him– or whatever you say.

but xanxus doesn't consider your presence a nuisance. in fact, he somehow finds your voice calming so he likes listening to you ramble to him, which you do often but only to him (although xanxus doesn't know why, last time he checked he was the least person who looked willing to listen to rants ;-;)

“boss... why have you never asked me why i'm always lounging around your office?” you asked with pure curiosity as xanxus grunted, “... you always tell me why even if i don't ask.” you blinked before giggling, “well, that's true.”

“i came here because the sound of the rain bothered me.” you said as xanxus raised a brow. he thought you liked the sound of the rain, why the change of heart?

“aah, i guess you didn't look out your window, but the rain is pouring heavily... the sound hurts my ears.” you shyly admitted with a chuckle, “i know, weird right?”

“oh, actually, before i came here, i was on my way to squalo's office to give him tea. i noticed he haven't slept for five days straight but thankfully, when i entered, he was knocked out in his chair.” you said with a giggle as xanxus closed his eyes, “useless trash...”

you bit back a laugh and frowned, “that's mean, it was you who gave him all of the paper works after all...” you said as xanxus glared at you, you only laughed.

“aah, right. bel and mammon had borrowed one of levi's parabolas earlier to use as a makeshift umbrella, they were going–” you suddenly froze as xanxus raised a brow.

“they.. were going to.. the convenience store...” you slowly turned to your boss with eyes shining with fear. “boss...” xanxus let out an impatient grunt.

“bel and mammon are out and it's raining, they borrowed levi's parabola..!”

xanxus blinked before smirking, letting out a laugh. “good riddance.” you frowned and gasped when you saw a large green thunder stroke through the window. you whimpered and bit your lip, “will they be okay?”

xanxus only laughed.

— later

“goodness! you two look so burnt!”

lussuria exclaimed as you gasped and hurried with lussuria towards the two. “aah, mammon..!” you called as you kneeled and gently pulled the arcobaleno in your arms and began healing.

“aah, why do i get this necrophiliac weirdo while mammon gets the princess?” belphegor tried to lighten the mood but you frowned at him, “don't talk, you're hurt.”

you sighed as you watched mammon's wounds close and his burn marks vanish. “y/n is the best healer in the world...” mammon stated with a relieved and contented sigh, feeling his muscles relax and his body lighten.

“well, that's the princess for you.” belphegor snickered as you huffed, “i said don't talk, bel. i'm mad.” belphegor only snickered as lussuria gasped (“oh dear”).

“the princess is mad?~”

“yes, i'm mad... so don't talk to me, bel. you too, mammon.” (*cue angry face but the varia doesn't see it as angry tho ;-;*)

happy 500 reads, selenophile!! 🥳
i really appreciate the reads and
the votes, thank you sm everyone ㅠㅠ

i love you all,
stay safe and take care 💖

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