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❝ who's that? is that varia's new cloud guardian? ❞

❝ no, i reckon they called her varia's trump card, sieglinde. ❞


feat. you crying because you've always wanted a family portrait with varia

“today is...”

squalo nodded, “yeah, only a month til her birthday.” xanxus rested his chin on his palm, ‘... a month, huh..?’

the doors suddenly opened as levi and lussuria entered; “boss, we've successfully lured y/n (san) into our trap!” levi exclaimed with a proud look.

“i bet her eyes are already sparkling at the sight of the pop–up store.” lussuria said, cupping his cheek with a fond look. belphegor snickered, “and i bet she's coming home with a mountain of that cursed alpaca plushie again.” fran agreed, “and i bet she'll come home crying again because she's now broke.”

“... now that she's out, what do we do now? we've been planning this for months and yet we still haven't made any progress.” mammon said as squalo let out a growl, slamming his hands on the desk; “let's start first with what to do on her birthday. i don't know what girls like to do on their birthdays– lussuria, do you have any idea?”

lussuria hummed, “hmm, usually, girls like grand scale parties but i don't know about our y/n dear... maybe a small party would do? about thirty to fourty people?”

fran blinked, raising his hand, “then are we inviting master and the other vongola?”

xanxus, for the first time since the two guardians entered, let out a sound, “inviting who?” he scowled as lussuria smiled, clapping his hands together: “.. a private party it is!”

“now that that's settled, let's move on to the gifts..!” lussuria laughed merrily as the rest heaved a sigh.

“aah, this is the hardest part.” mammon sighed. “right, it's hard to buy the princess gifts. you could give her dirt and she'd still thank you.” belphegor snickered. “it's hard to buy someone gift without knowing what she truly desires.” levi mumbled, trailing off. “what do we do, boss?” fran turned to xanxus, who have only said a word or two till now.

“something that she desires...”

— a month later

“happy birthday!”

you blinked in surprise when the lights flickered and revealed a familiar rowdy bunch. “happy birthday, sieglinde.” reborn greeted you (yep in the end, they still invited vongola), jumping over to your shoulder as you smiled, “thank you, reborn (san).”

you eyed the vongola, searching for a certain bunch to no avail. you immediately covered the frown that was about to rest on your lips with the back of your hand, “i was wondering why the mansion was dark and empty, so it was because you guys would be surprising me.” you let out a smile, “thank you.”

“you really should, we had to conceal our presence just for this.” gokudera mumbled as you let out a giggle, “is that so? i apologize.”

“ushishi~ i guess just concealing your presence takes a lot from you.” (“what'd you say?!”) you turned to see–


you narrowed your brows as you tilted your head. with cautious steps, you neared the man donned in a familiar mascot. “tata..? no, bel?” you called as you tried to peek through the holes of the eyes. “yes, princess?” you blinked in shock, “wh– what, why are you wearing..?” you trailed off.

“senpai, how long are you gonna hog y/n to yourself?” you looked behind bel's mascot to see another mascot. “... fran? is that you i see wearing a koya mascot?” you asked as you walked nearer. “voi! how long are we gonna wear these?” your ears perked at the familiar loud voice, “squalo!” you exclaimed as you blinked, “what, i– i'm at loss for words, you guys wore that for me..?”

“muu, i can't breathe properly...” you nearly gushed when a floating little shooky caught your sight. “m– mammon! sh– shooky suits you!” you stuttered as you blushed, dragging mammon in an embrace as you rubbed your cheek on the mascot.

“i– it is very uncomfortable to walk wearing this...” you heard a gruff voice and turned to see a certain duo. “levi! in the mang mascot, right?” you laughed at the lightning guardian's state, he was stumbling in his steps. next to him was...

you stepped in front of the chimmy mascot with a smile, leaning, “boss, are you uncomfortable inside?” you heard a growl from the chimmy mascot and giggled, “i'll take that as a yes.” you heard another growl, “i was given a dog mascot, of all things.” you laughed, “don't worry boss, i'd still follow you even if you turned into a dog.” xanxus let out a deep growl at that.

“behold, y/n dear's favorite!”

your eyes turned sparkly, running over at lussuria's side. “r–rj!” you tackled the mascot– lussuria, into the ground in a big hug. “so even sieglinde (san) has this kind of side..!” haru exclaimed. “sieglinde (chan)... told me she likes a character named rj so much...” chrome mumbled from beside kyoko, who giggled, “then it must be that character.”

“boss, just look at that necrophiliac weirdo hogging the princess all to himself.” belphegor snickered as fran stood beside him, “senpai, y/n only did that because he was the one wearing the alpaca.”

you stood from the ground with a smile as you wiped the gathering tears on your eyes, “this is the first time anyone celebrated my birthday, so i'm really really grateful to everyone, especially to–” you were cut off when reborn suddenly jumped from your shoulder and in front of you:

“hold your speech for later, sieglinde. the party just started.” you broke into a rare big grin, “hmn!”

“that was the best birthday ever.”

everyone had already left and it was just you in your own room, still in your dress, just enjoying the night breeze and looking up at the moon from your room's terrace. your ears perked when you heard your door open. footsteps neared the terrace and you looked behind you to see lussuria in a formal suit, nearing the doors of the terrace.

“dear, what are you doing here alone? the party isn't over yet, we still haven't given you our gift.” lussuria smiled at you as you blinked, “you still have one?” lussuria only winked at you, “it's the highlight of the party.” you only tilted your head in confusion as lussuria held your hand, leading you outside your room and into the lounge.

“... why is everyone wearing suits?”

they all turned to look at you. “voi! finally, you're here..!” squalo exclaimed as he fixed his tie. “..? what are we gonna do?” your attention was caught by a camera by the side. “a camera? are we gonna be taking pictures?” you asked as you neared them. “we're gonna be taking a family portrait. an official, varia family portrait that's gonna be hung in the vongola headquarters.” levi informed with a proud look.

you blinked, “a–a varia family... portrait?” you stumbled back out of shock. “is this a prank?” you meekly asked as you turned to your boss. “hurry your ass up here, scum.” xanxus said as he sat in the middle of the sofa. “but– but boss, this is too sudden, i– i'm not wearing a proper attire...” you mumbled as xanxus eyed you, before looking away, “that dress also looks good on you, what difference would it make?”

you only blinked before smiling, “yeah, you're right.” you giggled before walking over to sit beside the boss.

there was an awkward silence that followed. you blinked, “aah, no one will take a picture...” you laughed when they all went silent (“how could i have forgot that? i have failed, boss” “ushishi~ stupid levi”). you stood and timed the camera for ten seconds. you immediately ran over to the couch and smiled,

“3, 2, 1! say cheese!”

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