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❝ d- did i do something wrong..? are you mad? ❞

❝ yes. ❞

always watching over

feat. fran waking in the middle of the night with his head throbbing

“y/n, you shouldn't go here...”

fran stated quietly as he followed you a few steps behind, “bel senpai and the others might–”

“voi! what are the two of you doing here in the middle of the night?” the door opened to reveal squalo, fran only sighed (“now they know...”).

the two watched as you continued to wander around the hallway, ignoring squalo and fran (something you've rarely done).

squalo blinked when you suddenly tripped, as fran went to help you up, patting your nightgown for dust and keeping a hold of your shoulders to make you more stable. (“i told you to be careful...”)

“what's wrong with her?” squalo noticed your dull and dim eyes which was in contrast to your usual bright ones. the way your eyes looked as if it were entranced– dazed by something, it sent shivers down his spine.

“it's one of y/n's sleepwalking episodes.” fran stated casually, to which surprised the second in command.

“wha– sleepwalking?”

unlike squalo who had a stunned look, fran is used to seeing you like this. mostly because he has always followed you during your episodes to make sure you don't get yourself hurt.

squalo turned to fran and narrowed his brows, “how long has this been happening to her?” fran continued to watch over you, “ever since she came here.”

this shocked squalo. it's been years since you first came to the varia and he only get to know this now?

“and you've been following her every time it happens?” squalo questioned as fran shrugged, moving to follow you as you furthered away.

“i can't sleep every time it happens to her, my head aches.” fran said as squalo clicked his tongue, “i should discuss this with boss. it's too dangerous for her even though she has you with her.”

fran said nothing and only followed you until you began to turn into your bedroom's direction.

“about time you decide to head back.” fran opened the door for you and gently led you to your bed. he watched as you slipped under your covers and began to actually sleep.

“good night.”

— next morning, breakfast

“um... is something on my face?” you asked as you played with the hem of your shirt, feeling a bit intimidated (?) at their stare.

you frowned at the unusual silence. “mama luss..?” you tried, but blinked at lussuria's missing motherly look.

“did.. did i do something wrong..? are you mad?” you asked meekly. lussuria internally cooed at you looking like a kicked puppy.

“yes.” you flinched at squalo's firm tone, “what did i do..?” you frowned at the sudden tension.

“you didn't tell us about your sleepwalking habit.” you blinked at the captain and looked at him as if he grew two heads.


“what a bad princess.” belphegor snickered as you tried to get over your shock(?). “aah, no. i just– i didn't tell you because i thought it wasn't something important.” squalo only clicked his tongue.

“what do you mean, dear? everything about you is important..!” lussuria chimed as you blinked, speechless (“..?”).

“aww, the princess is crying~” belphegor laughed as levi slightly panicked. “voi! what did you do?! you shitty okama!” squalo yelled as lussuria looked at you with worry, “oh dear...”

“i'm... not crying.” you spoke up as you shook the tears off, “it's just– no one has ever told me that, so...” your voice trembled as you tried to hold your sobs back.

xanxus clicked his tongue, “varia doesn't accept unimportant people, scum. so you are important.” you giggled, “.. not because i'm sieglinde?" xanxus' glare softened, and that enough was an answer for you.

“that's why you have to tell us everything!” squalo yelled as xanxus snapped, throwing a wineglass at his head. you watched with a smile, ‘i guess it's fine to be babied by them sometimes...’

“boss is cruel, you care about the princess so much but not about us.” belphegor snickered as xanxus threw him a glare. “mu... that's favoritism.” mammon mumbled as you frowned, “bel, that's not true... boss cares about you all.”

belphegor only snickered as squalo turned back to you, suddenly getting serious. “so, we and this shitty boss had decided...” you blinked, suddenly feeling something, “what..?”

“we're gonna have to tie you in your bed whenever you sleep to keep you from getting up and wandering around.”

“.. huh?” (translation: ‘it's totally not fine to be babied by them after all???’)

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