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❛ it was just a dream... or was it? ❜

dream glow

feat. varia waking up in the middle of the night to see you and fran missing ;-;

“sieglinde (chan)..!”

your ears perked at the familiar voice, chrome was calling you. “sieglinde (chan)!” you narrowed your brows before turning. chrome was there, smiling whilst holding a lunchbox.

“aah, chrome. it's been a long time since i last saw you.” you smiled, before slowly walking towards her. chrome smiled back, “... yes, that's why i–” you blinked when the bento in her hands suddenly dropped. you stared at the mess; the lid opened and the rice was all sprawled over.

“chrome, food shouldn't be wa–”

you narrowed your brows when you noticed chrome looking at you– behind you– in horror. her whole body shook, trembling. as you took a step nearer, chrome suddenly dropped to her knees.

“hey, chrome, what happened?” you crouched in front of her, eyes glazed with concern before freezing. the pure white dress that you gifted chrome– it was stained. stained with something so sinful, stained with blood.

“you're– you're bleeding! let me heal you..!” you gasped and tried to hold her shoulders when suddenly, your hands went through her. you looked down to your hands with wide eyes, and now that you've looked at it... were you always this pale?

“sieglinde (chan)... behind you...”

you snapped your head back but–

“there's.. no one behind me.” you trailed off before looking back to face chrome. but when you did, chrome was no longer there. your mind went blank, as your vision went dark.

‘my sight, it's getting dimmer, my surroundings are–’ and before you knew it, everything around you was dyed black.

“chrome! chrome, where are you?” you called. you couldn't sense her presence anymore and it scared you. you were alone in the dark, and for the first time, you were actually scared. scared of being in the dark– scared of this empty, dull, black.

just as you turned, you sensed a faint presence. “chrome..! chrome, are you there? are you okay?” you asked, as you neared the presence. from the form, you could tell right away that it wasn't chrome– this person had a body that's masculine; taller, bigger, and bulkier compared to chrome's petite figure.

as you neared, you caught a whiff of the person's scent and it smelled like alcohol– tequila.

“... boss?”

you called as you took a step nearer. “boss, where did you come fr–” you froze when your boss suddenly took his gun and aimed at you– no, behind you. “.. boss..? what's wro–” you widened your eyes when you caught sight of blood trailing down his chin. you shifted your gaze back to a fiercer shade of red– his eyes, and your breath hitched at your throat when he stated these words:

“.. scum, get behind me and run.”

as you process his words, you slowly turned your head back but, there was nothing in there.

“boss, what– where–” you stammered all over your words as you approached xanxus, but then you were shocked when he suddenly fell down. “xanxus!” you ran to his side and tried to touch him. you need to stop the bleeding, you need to heal him, you need to save him, you need to–

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