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❝ ... you think i can't shoot you? ❞

❝ you can, but you won't. ❞


feat. the two of you staying there 'till morning.

you paused from reading when you heard glasses breaking outside your room. ‘did the captain do something again?’ you wondered, waiting for the commotion to stop when suddenly, there were screams.

“did a maid serve boss the wrong wine again?” you set your book aside and stood from your chair. you turned at the magnificent view before you for a while, admiring the garden. “aah, i should go before a poor maid gets hurt again.” you mumbled.

as you left the terrace and stepped inside your room, the screams suddenly stopped.  you narrowed your brows before opening the door. coincidentally, the sun guardian was passing by.

“mama lus?”

you called softly, in a whisper. instantly, the sun guardian turned with a smile, “yes, sweetie? is there something you need?”

you pursed your lips before asking, “what’s happening? why is the boss in a bad mood?” lussuria only giggled, “oh darling, something bad just came up and the boss is stressing over it. but it’s nothing to worry about, he’ll be fine later.” he assured, before adding, “or maybe tomorrow.”

“... i see, thank you. where are you heading to?” you asked as lussuria cupped his cheek with a palm, “oh, i was ordered by the boss to go to the cellar. i think he’s planning to drink all the wine in the cellar for tonight.”

you blinked, “all that wine? in one night?” you asked again, as lussuria paused for a second before nodding.

“... okay. well, good luck, mama luss.” you smiled as you waved, lussuria only giggled before giving you a flying kiss; “goodbye sweetheart!” (“oh, i really needed that for today, our little happy pill, so cute, so sweet”)

you stepped back inside your room, closing the door behind you. “... he’s drinking all the wine in just one night? that’s bad, isn’t it...” you mumbled, standing still for a minute before looking over the window. “the moon looks pretty tonight.” you whispered before grabbing a sheer shawl and exiting your room.

“... boss?”

you poked your head inside the room.

you blinked, taking in the view before you. there were scattered shards of glasses on the floor, wine spilled over the carpet, a light stench of blood, chairs and tables turned upside down... it looked as if a lambo in a sugar rush was previously in the room.

“aah, you’re bleeding.” you stared at his hand. when you didn’t receive a reply, a hum, or even a grunt, you looked up to his eyes.

if you were a normal person, you would have fainted right then and there because of the deadly glare you were receiving. but alas, you were sieglinde, not just any normal person.

you only smiled before approaching your boss in his seat. “get out.” xanxus growled, gun in his hand and pointed at you.

“but you’re bleeding.” you whispered, not faltering in your steps, still steadily approaching him. “you think i can’t shoot you?” xanxus’ glare intensified, you only stayed silent.

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