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❝ how dare you push a prince's head down and make him bow. ❞

❝ i'm sorry but value your life more than your title just this once, okay? ❞

dasi run

feat. fran and mammon snickering behind the scenes

“wha– bel, where..?”

you blinked as you let yourself get dragged by the (fallen ;-;) prince. belphegor snickered as fran opened the door in advance.

belphegor (and mammon) led you in one of the rooms, letting go of your wrist.

“..?” you rubbed your swollen wrist and looked at fran, puzzled. “why are we in captain's room?” you whispered cautiously, peeking at the asleep swordsman.

“we're gonna play with him, princess~” belphegor snickered as you frowned, “but he's asleep. we shouldn't wake him up...”

fran looked at your stubborn expression before glancing back at belphegor, “senpai, you forgot y/n's the little goody two shoes.” you frowned at the nickname (“i'm not”).

belphegor only snickered, “princess, do you want to know a secret?”

hearing the prince's playful tone, you knew it was no good. besides, who would want to hear other people's secret?

belphegor took your silence as a yes (tho even if you protest, he'd still say it), “you know, i just found out captain really wants to style his hair because it's getting too long, but he doesn't want to admit it to anyone.”

you huffed, “that's not true. bel, you suck at lying.” you gave the prince a frown and was about to step out of the room when the prince suddenly stated:

“if you don't play with us, i'll tear your rj plushies with my knives~”

it was childish, yes, but belphegor doesn't know any other way to make (force) you do this, except threaten your (beloved) alpaca plushies.

you froze, slowly turning to belphegor with a deeper frown, “that's horrible... bel, you meanie.” belphegor only smirked, loving how he managed to make you submit to him.

fran assumed this as a go signal from the prince and materialized–

“a... curler?” you blinked and turned to mammon, who only stayed silent with a smirk. “aah, mammon, being with bel is rubbing off on you...” you mumbled. bel only snickered, now holding some comb, curler, and scissors.

“okay, it's play time~”

“voi! what the hell do you think you dumbasses are doing?!”

the four of you froze and gave each other looks and gulping. ‘i knew this would happen...’ you internally cried. you turned to fran but gasped when he disappeared. with. mammon.

‘how unfair.’

you were surprised when belphegor grabbed your wrist with a snicker. he immediately stormed out of the room, kicking the door down and running with you (“let's run for it~”)

you looked behind the two of you to see an afro–haired squalo running with great speed towards the both of you, ready to slice you into pieces:

“what the fuck did you do to my goddamn hair!” you only nervously chuckled (“i'm so sorry!”).

“aah, we need to run faster, bel! squalo's getting nearer!” you yelled as belphegor (nervously) snickered, pulling his knives and throwing them behind in squalo's direction.

you ducked as one of the knives squalo blocked went flying to your direction. “bel! bel! hurry!” you screamed as you freed yourself from belphegor's grip, turning a bit to conjure some daggers and throwing at squalo's direction.

you pushed belphegor's head down a bit when the daggers deflected off squalo's sword, grabbing it and pushed yourself to run faster (“ushishi~ how dare you push a prince's head down and make him bow...” “i'm sorry but value your life more than your title just this once, okay?”).

you turned around a corner and froze when you suddenly bumped into someone (‘this smell...’), you looked up to see the one and only xanxus, glaring down at you. you looked down at his now wine–stained shirt and nervously laughed,

“aah, i'm so sorry, boss! i promise i'll make it up to you later!”

you began to continue running, catching up to belphegor fast, who only snickered at you. “seems like your luck ran out today, huh, princess?” belphegor said as you looked at him puzzled, before glancing behind you and widening your eyes.

there, behind the afro squalo, was your boss, with a gun pointing towards you.

you gulped and casted a thin barrier behind the two of you immediately after xanxus pulled the trigger.

you could feel yourself tremble in excitement as the both of you continued running. you began to laugh at your situation as belphegor snickered at you, “princess is laughing~”

you passed by a confused but not surprised lussuria, who read the situation and waved at you, “keep safe dear!” – to which you replied to with a smile, “yes, mama luss!” (“by the way captain, you look fab!” “shut up, you shitty okama!”)

levi, who stared at the ruckus only sighed at squalo who had a makeover, “this, is precisely why i have 116 alarm clocks. because in varia, if you don't wake up, you will die. in more ways than one.”

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