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❝ now, i wonder how i should punish you... ❞

rj, dearest rj

feat. rip a million worth rj plushies

“... pardon?”

you were surprised at belphegor and mammon request. you were all by yourself in your own private library, reading books to pass time.

normally, you would've gone off to bother your boss but unfortunately, he was currently out of town with the sun and the lightning guardian. if your boss wasn't around, you would usually lounge around the captain's office but the idea was immediately turned down when you noticed some kind of tension between the boys; namely the captain himself and the two guardians in front of you.

you heard from fran that the two purposefully messed up their mission just because they were bored and created a huge ruckus that nearly cut off half the finances.

“we want to turn the shark into a baby.”
you pursed your lips, “you want me.. to turn the captain into an arcobaleno?”

mammon shrugged, “we just thought of turning him into a kid but that's also a good idea.” you frowned, “but that's mean, captain is gonna get mad.” you said as belphegor snickered, “he's also mean, he's gonna snitch on us to the boss.”

you huffed, “well, why shouldn't he?” mammon ignored you and chuckled, “and that's why we're gonna stop him before he does that.” you raised a brow with a frown, “by turning him into a child? that's not good...” belphegor only snickered at you.

“well, isn't the princess curious at all?” you bit your lip, “.. i am but that's still bad.” you flinched when you saw a glint of mischief in belphegor's smile (smirk). you widened your eyes when mammon suddenly pulled out a familiar alpaca plushie.

“mammon, no way, you can't do that...” you whispered when belphegor suddenly laughed, “mammon can't but i can, princess.”

as much as belphegor doesn't like the idea of using blackmail (threat) on you, the face you make every time he does it is so much amusing. his sadistic side lives for the fear in your eyes.

you shivered. you knew belphegor wasn't kidding.

the first time belphegor threatened your alpaca plushies, you thought he was joking. but oh boy, was he really. you came home that day with your room filled with ripped rj plushies. your beloved babies were killed in the most brutal way, their heads were ripped off and their bodies were sliced open. that was the first time varia saw you cry hysterically.

“... i guess turning him into a kid doesn't sound that bad after all...”

“froggy said captain's on his way home, i can't wait.” belphegor snickered, giving you a quick glance. “bel, calling fran ‘froggy’ is mean...”

you already knew what to do. you would turn squalo into a kid and return him back after a minute, you were too nice to be that mean to the captain. you can just tell belphegor and mammon that something went wrong. ‘i think i'm gonna feel really bad about lying.’

“voi! you shitty prince!”

you flinched when squalo slammed the doors open. “what'd ya shitheads call me for? fucking weird illusionist..!” he added an insult.

belphegor and mammon gave you a quick glance, making you nod with a gulp. you stepped in front of squalo, raising an arm and opening your palm against him, immediately whispering incantations.

squalo widened his eyes at the magic circle. “voi! what do you think you're–”

the swordsman was cut off when the door suddenly went flying, hitting him on the back and making him hit the wall (albeit hardly ;-;). you gasped when your palm went face to face with xanxus, “aah, boss!”

it was too late, the magic circle was summoned and the spell was mistakenly used on xanxus, instead of squalo.

all of you gasped when the boss suddenly shrunk. “oh my, what a cute child the boss had turned into!” you turned to see lussuria and levi stepping into the room.

you immediately ran to your boss, kneeling to match his height. “boss, i'm really, really sorry, i didn't notice your presence right away and– and mistakenly used magic on you instead of squalo, and i apologize..! uhm, you can punish me.” you stammered as you held xanxus' (now small) hands (“but please avoid my face”).

“scum...” you looked up, his tone wasn't even scary, how cute!

“turn me back.” he demanded with a childish voice. you giggled, suddenly having an urge to pinch his chubby cheek and hug him. “ushishi~ boss' glare doesn't feel scary at all..!”

you snapped from your thoughts at belphegor's voice. “hmm, you're not exactly wrong.” you agreed with a smile.

you blinked when you felt a tug on your hands and looked down to see xanxus tugging them. “scum, i said turn me back. now.” you only smiled with a nod, “aah, yes..!” you exclaimed before placing a palm against him.

you were about to recite the spell when you suddenly felt someone tugging your shirt.

you secretly looked back just to see mammon, who gave you a look. ‘..? what does he want to say..?’ you frowned, finding it hard to read mammon when he had that hood covering his face. you slightly turned to look at belphegor, and immediately got the message.

it was a very mean idea but you also wanted your boss to stay like that for a few more minutes, so you decided to play along with them.

you took a deep breath before reciting the ‘spell’ (which was actually a spell that makes him stay like that for an hour ;-;). magic swirled around xanxus and faded after a few moments. he blinked when he looked down at his hands: “... scum, what's the meaning of this..?”

“huh? wha– what happened?” you cursed your stutter. “did something go wrong? oh, maybe something did? aah, i'm not really sure but boss, i think you're gonna be staying like that for an hour.” xanxus' brow twitched.

belphegor and the others face-palmed, they forgot you were the worst at lying.

one hour has passed.

and you were currently left alone with your boss. the others had fled the room in order to escape xanxus' wrath, and unfortunately left you alone to deal with it. ‘they are so cruel.’ you internally cried, but couldn't help it since you were also part of the plan.

“hey, what are you waiting for?”

you flinched at xanxus, “aah, yes...”

you took a deep breath before closing your eyes, you raised your arm, straight (and strictly) at 90 angle, and placed your palm in front of you, facing his figure. you whispered the incantations as a magic circle appeared below xanxus' feet, feeling magic swirl around his body.

you flinched when a large hand wrapped around your small wrist, grabbing you forward. “oomf–” your face met with a hard chest. you slowly looked up just to see red eyes glaring down at you.

“scum.” you gulped, praying to the moon for your life. “i wonder how i should punish you...” you could only whimper as a response.

and for the second time, the varia saw you cry hysterically for the very same reason.

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