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❝ rest in peace, marigold. ❞



feat. go listen to soraru, i love him


"... arda, what are you doing?"

you asked your maid as she suddenly froze, looking at you with wide eyes. "m- miss sieglinde..!" she yelped, dropping the papers on the ground. you raised a brow before crouching down to pick up the papers, "were you cleaning squalo's office? i remember no one was allowed to-"you stopped when you read the words carefully.

"... arda, these papers are exclusive-" you immediately jumped back when arda lunged at you. "of all people, miss sieglinde, why did it have to be you?" she asked, as if pitying you.

you only stayed silent, "so you were a spy, huh, arda..?" you mumbled, "that explains why whenever i call for you, you were always missing. because you were busy knowing the ways of the headquarters."

you dodged when arda suddenly performed an uppercut. you raised a brow when she pulled a gun powered with flames. "a-class storm flames? quite impressive considering your most compatible attribute; cloud." you said as you created an invisible barrier around your form. you began to walk straight to her, watching as she frantically began to shoot you; "stay right there, don't come any closer!"

"of all things, why did you have to be a spy, arda?" you asked as you stopped right in front of her. your eyes locked with hers and in an instant, she gasped and staggered. she felt like she's losing a lot of blood that it's making her dizzy. she looked down just to see a large cut around her stomach.

oh, her insides were falling from her body, aah, she could see her intestines-


arda felt lightheaded, as she stumbled and ended up leaning into you. ".. of all people, why did you have to spy on vongola..?" you whispered as you brought up a hand to rub her head like you usually do.

"rest in peace, arda."


the doors suddenly bursted open just right before you could finish up cleaning. but it was a good thing that you already got rid of the blood stains and the stench of corpse.

"voi! where's the spy?!"

you blinked before meeting squalo's eyes, "... she's gone." you said as squalo's brow twitched ("by the way, you guys have horrible communication lines. it took you so long to arrive").

"voi! what do you mean gone?! where did the corpse go?!" you looked away for a second before replying, "i told you, she's gone. literally."

"captain, what's taking you so long? boss is getting angry." you heard a high pitched voice.

'lussuria... was it..?'

"tell him to shut up and wait! the spy was already killed before i got here and this damned woman here is hiding the corpse!" you slightly frowned at the accusation, ".. i'm not hiding the corpse. that's a disrespectful thing to do."

"then where might the corpse be?" the sun bearer asked you as you paused, thinking about how you could explain before answering, ".. i thought the smell of blood and rotting flesh would stay in the office if i left the corpse lying around so i turned it into ashes instead.""

silence fell upon the three of you. the two officers seemed to be a bit surprised to say something. ".. oh dear, that will be quite a problem. we still have something we need from her." you blinked, what would they possibly need from a spy?

".. i apologize. i should've asked first before killing her. should i bring her back?" you asked as the two got caught off guard. "stop fucking with me, damn woman, i've had enough of your jokes!" squalo yelled as you frowned, "i'm not joking. i am seriously asking you if i should bring her back."

"but dear, you said you already turned her into ashes. how could you still bring her back to life?" you pondered at lussuria's question. "how would i bring her back, you say..." you turned to lussuria, blinking;

"i just do it."


you only shook your head, "hmm, i don't know how to explain it into words. you'll have to make do with your eyes." you said before bending down on the floor and cupping the pile of ash. you stepped to the side to gently spread the ashes on the floor, forming a line.

you stepped back, gaze locking with squalo's, before snapping your fingers.

the two officers' eyes widened in shock when the scattered ashes began to glow and a body was starting to materialize. they could only watch with shock with a mix of interest as the bright golden glow faded and a live, breathing, human body was lying across the ground.

the familiar maid fluttered her eyes open with a gasp, immediately sitting up. "i- i'm alive?" arda stuttered before wandering her hands around her body, "i'm breathing... oh my god, i'm alive..!" she exclaimed before looking around frantically.

you watched as she locked eyes with you and flinched, immediately retreating. "y- you! it's you again..!" you only nodded, looking down, ".. i'm sorry for disturbing your peace and bringing you back. they just needed something from you." arda looked up to the two officers, before gazing back to you, her eyes forming into a fierce glare.

".. just kill me off, i won't tell you anything!"

you blinked, "... did you possibly need her for intel..?" you asked as you turned to the officers. lussuria tried to regain a bit of his composure, "yes." you only narrowed your brows: "but she already said she won't tell you anything, though?"

"what a stupid woman, you don't even know how to torture someone? we'll have to break her mind if we need to. this has been dragging for a long time already, it's time to bring an end to the this; the stupid useless boss is getting mad." squalo said, crossing his arms with a huff.

".. she glared at me even though i was the one who mercilessly killed her earlier, she's a tough one. i don't think she'll ever break." you said, not bothering to give the maid a second glance. "then what do you suggest we do?" lussuria asked as you hummed, "this is the last thing i'd ever want to do to someone but it can't be helped, i guess."

squalo widened his eyes when arda suddenly vomited blood. "voi! what the hell did you do?!" he yelled before looking back at the maid who looked like she's having difficulty breathing. and then, with a sound of something bursting, she suddenly fell down to the ground, jerking every once and then.

"i made her insides burst like fireworks. .. arda once told me she'd love to experience watching fireworks, after all." you said, eyes distant as you watched the very maid you've been getting close with a few days ago. now she's lying on the ground, dead, because of you.

"fucking crazy woman, what do you do now that-"

"giordanno family. her real name is marcella, she's the don's assistant and she was sent here to retrieve secret military documents in order to have an advantage in the war that they're planning to wage against the vongola in... a week." you suddenly mumbled, looking up to meet astonished light grey eyes; "... i read her mind."

"you.. what exactly are you?" squalo asked, bewildered. you only paused before cracking a small smile,

"i told you, i am y/n l/n."

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