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❝ hmm, mammon, don't you think it's a bit unfair to keep the other arcobalenos out of this? ❞

❝ ... this is a varia–exclusive treatment. if they want to grow up faster like me, they have to pay money. ❞

just a moon

feat. belphegor and the others teasing mammon by saying they also want to taste your flames ;-;

you smiled at mammon, dusting off your hands as your eyes fixated on his adult form.

“staring is rude.”

the illusionist mumbled as you only giggled, “well, i can't help it. you look a lot different in your adult form, mammon.” you said before setting your gaze upon his shining pacifier. “one hour and three minutes.” you suddenly blurted, still staring at his pacifier whilst it slowly faded.

“that's how long you've been in your adult form.” you said as mammon turned back into an infant.

“it's too short but it's enough. this is better than waiting for such a long time to grow back.” mammon said as you only smiled, “yes.. i'm really glad that kawahira and the vindice agreed to hand your pacifier over to me, it made my work easier.” you tilted your head, cupping your cheek with one hand; “.. if they had disagreed, i'm afraid i would have been forced to take drastic measures.”

mammon only swallowed, opting to stay silent at your indirect threats to the vindice and the tri–ni–sette administrator.

the first time that they heard about it, they immediately refused; the safest and only option they came up for the arcobaleno to go back to their original forms was to basically wait and just grow up– it was entirely impossible for someone to speed up an arcobaleno's growth by feeding flames with a whole different attribute to the pacifier. but then, they actually forgot that you were sieglinde.

you were the chosen child, your flames are not just any type of flame– it's moon flames, also known as the white flame; a flexible attribute. it can be sky, it can be storm, mist, cloud, and basically everything. your flames doesn't have a permanent attribute, because you yourself are the one who decides what kind of attribute you will give to your flame (one of the perks of being sieglinde ;-;).

when they refused, you swore you could've cursed if mammon wasn't there to calm you down. how dare they refuse? when your dearest mammon has been stressing all over having to go through puberty again so much that belphegor actually got away with stealing money from him?

you couldn't bear to hear mammon sigh again and again all the time that you actually decided to step up and make use of the benefits that came with being ‘the chosen child’.

mammon could clearly recall the moment where you decided to rewrite the formula bermuda and the rest of the vindice provided out of a whim. the bluntness you displayed shocked him, he didn't expect that you would have a strict and stern side to your usual display of  gentleness.

but then again, that gentleness hadn't disappeared when you suddenly said these when the two of you were alone in the library: “mammon, i'm gonna be increasing the amount of flames i feed your pacifier for a bit.”

apparently, the reason why the other arcobaleno had to wait for a really long time was because the amount of flames their pacifier receives is too small. but when he suggested feeding his pacifier with a huge amount of flames all at once, you gave him a frown:

“no, that won't work too– my flames are special, its attributes are made to be much more stronger than how it normally is. feeding you a huge amount of moon flames might overwhelm you and your body might not be able to take it– you could burst.”

and you were right. the first time his pacifier tasted your flames, he grew back to his original form for about a minute, yes, but his whole body felt like it was on fire and he felt as if his heart could burst at any moment. thankfully, you'd thought of a solution; which is increasing the amount of flames you feed his pacifier bit by bit until his body could adjust.

since mammon's body was kind of maladjusted to your flame, it took him a month to achieve his newest record, a quarter of a quarter of the flames he needed, which resulted to an hour and three minutes of uninterrupted adult form.

“still, i'm concerned about the amount of flames you're giving him.”

fran had stated as you only smiled, “.. and still, i'm telling you that the amount of flames i have is limitless– moon flames never go out, fran.” you glanced at the silent mammon, who's only been staring at his hand, opening and closing, at awe.

and then, you've decided that maybe being sieglinde isn't that bad.

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