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i've waited for ten generations. and the feeling that came to me the first time we met was worth the wait.❞


feat. me listening to serendipity while writing this lol

they were on a mission.

it was supposed to be just another of their usual boring missions; assassinating an important person, annihilating a family, and the like. this was supposed to be just the normal easy peasy mission to infiltrate a family and to kill the boss with a 92% of success rate.

yes, it was supposed to be. when suddenly, they started pulling out unfamiliar rings that yielded unknown flames, ‘the flames of the moon’, they said.

“voi! don't get yourself killed, you shitty fallen prince! we don't wanna bother ourselves with arranging your funeral!” a weak snicker followed as a response, “i should say that to you.”

the place was a total mess. there were debris all around and sounds of battle was the only thing breaking the silence.

the battle was a 6 vs 10, with the espelindo family in the upper hand. although varia is the strongest assassination squad in the world, they were obviously outnumbered and had the disadvantage of not knowing the existence of such unfamiliar and unheard of rings. but nevertheless, varia refused to call for backup.

their stamina was already depleting by now for having to fight for hours, but the members they took down were only 3. all of them were injured and their sun guardian can't keep healing them while having to fight.

things were just starting to get downhill when suddenly, a warm bright light enveloped them, making them squint their eyes at the blinding light.

“for making use of sealed rings and for tarnishing the moon's name... i should've punished you a long time ago.”

a gentle voice broke the silence. they opened their eyes to see a female with golden hair, descending from the sky gracefully without a noise. they widened their eyes after realizing that all of their wounds have healed as if they weren't just having a near death battle.


their boss' voice snapped them out of their shock. they looked around just to see the entire espelindo family wiped out, without a trace.

the female raised a brow and turned, “... oh my, what a surprise.” her pair of sapphire eyes scanned them, “aah, that jacket...”

they looked down at their tattered jackets, baffled, “you must be the ninth generation of vongola's special assassination squad, right?” they stared at the female with caution, the smile on her face making them feel relaxed which prompted them to keep their guards up.

“... or was it the eighth? or the tenth? i've lost track of time.”

they were sure it wasn't meant for them to hear but they heard it nonetheless. “hmm, anyways...” they stayed in their stances when the unfamiliar stranger who held such a gentle and soft but confident aura neared them. she stopped a few steps away and smiled, “i am y/n, l/n y/n.”

they frowned at the unfamiliar last name, they've never heard of that name before, to say that they were actually lost was an understatement– they didn't know what to do. they were unsure to kill you since you might be an ally, and another was that they knew they had to think before acting rash after seeing what you were capable of.

“aah, i forgot no one knows that name anymore, then, perhaps you might know of me as ‘sieglinde’?” now that's a familiar name.

they were more than lost now, after hearing the name.

sieglinde, a ‘mythical’ figure from vongola primo's generation, a powerful female who stood on top of the strongests without even wearing a ring. a woman who vanished after vongola primo flew to japan without any trace, but a lot of people claimed that they saw her up til now, quietly watching over the vongola for generations and generations from the shadows.

they didn't want to believe her– after all, to everyone on earth, ‘sieglinde’ was but a mythical figure, her suddenly appearing in front of them and saving them was too much to take in.

but they had no choice but to believe. after all, seeing you heal them and kill the enemies they've been trying to get a scratch on for hours in just a blink of an eye without even breaking a sweat... being sieglinde doesn't seem to be very much impossible.

“seeing as you weren't affected by the light means that you are...” they felt like you were just about to say something important. “anyways, ... varia right?”

“y/n l/n, the keeper, at your service.” you flashed them a smile as they raised a brow at you, “.. at your service..?”

you gasped, “aah, right, you don't know about the prophecy, don't you?”

“the fuck are you talking about, trash.” you smiled, “oh my, what temper.” xanxus glared, “do you want to die.” you brushed his threat off and walked to them slowly.

xanxus' gun was ready to shoot you at any moment.

“there was an oracle given by the moon since primo's time. a female child with shining golden hair and jeweled blue eyes shall be born when the moon shows itself completely and live to maintain the balance in the underworld.” they looked up at you as you stopped in front of them, pausing. “in a full moon, when the clock struck midnight, i was born.”

“another prophecy came from the moon when i turned 10: ‘the chosen child shall unexpectedly cross paths with her purpose; envelop them with the light that kills, they shall heal’.” their breath hitched when you suddenly crouched, looking straight in each and every of their eyes with a smile. “and today, on the tenth, i met my purpose.” you beamed and held a hand in front of them,

“i've been waiting for you. my name is y/n, please take care of me.”

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