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❝ uhm, do we still need to do the ‘cheers’ thing? ❞

❝ ... who does that with water? ❞


feat. the superiority varia felt throughout the chapter


you smiled at the camera and nodded, “aah, vongola... it's been a while.” you stared at the screen and watched as the vongola members gathered around reborn.

“sieglinde (san)! how have you been?” tsunayoshi asked as you smiled, “i've been well. how about you, everyone?” you asked and headed to the sofa, not minding the varia, who's looking at you

“we're doing– aah, yamamoto (kun), you're blocking the camera..!” tsunayoshi exclaimed when suddenly, a familiar face popped in your screen.

“if it isn't sieglinde! it's been a while!” he laughed as you nodded, “yes, it truly has been. squalo and the others are doing well, if you're asking.” for a moment, after you said that, you could swear you felt burning gazes on your back.

you turned just to see xanxus and squalo staring at you. you blinked, ‘must be my imagination...’

“aah, it's the sailor moon!”

you perked at the nickname and gave a chortle when gokudera smacked their lightning guardian, “what do you mean ‘sailor moon’? don't be rude, brat!” you shook your head with a giggle, “it's fine. i'm used to hearing that, lampo used to call me the same nickname.”

the camera panned to the side of the room, showing the skylark. “aah, hibari, it's good to see you doing well.” you greeted with a smile as he stared at you through the camera before looking away.

you only chuckled before blinking at the sight of chrome standing with mukuro at the opposite corner. “chrome..! it's been a long time since we last saw each other, how are you?” you internally squealed seeing the fellow female.

chrome gave you a smile, “i'm okay, sieglinde (chan).” you grinned, “good! oh, mukuro, it's nice to see you doing fine too.” the male only gave you a chuckle as you politely smiled.

“so, sieglinde...” reborn called as you raised your brows with a smile, “yes?”

the varia watched as you conversed with the vongola. they didn't like the fact that you were talking to a bunch of trash but they were aware of your liking to the vongola family's mist guardian so they let it go.

“voi! what do they want from that stupid woman!” squalo yelled as he, together with xanxus, glared at your phone. “pieces of shit.” xanxus grunted as he shoved his wine glass at levi, “throw that away, bring me water.” xanxus ordered as he gestured at the bottle of tequila, levi immediately complied.

“they're probably trying to get close to y/n (san) in hopes of making her side with them.” levi mentioned as lussuria gasped, “oh dear... is that why they've been suddenly showing interest to our dear y/n recently?” mammon huffed, “that's possible, reborn is such a sly person after all.”

“we don't have to worry about anything. after all, when they first officially met, the princess announced that she belongs to the varia.” belphegor snickered.

“right, y/n dear didn't pledge her loyalty to the vongola. aah, but she didn't pledge her loyalty to boss as well, did she...” lussuria stated, cupping his cheek with his palm. “but she calls xanxus (sama) ‘boss’, so doesn't that mean she pledges her loyalty indirectly?” levi asked as they fell into a silence.

“we shouldn't worry, senpai.” fran stated monotonously as belphegor raised a brow.

“after all, when y/n introduced herself to them, she told them to call her 'sieglinde’, unlike what she told us to call her.” he pointed out as lussuria squealed, “that's because she belongs to the varia!”

belphegor snickered, “is that why she's been flashing her business smiles and keeps talking with her business voice throughout the call?” squalo grinned, “her smiles are way too off, it's too obvious.”

xanxus grunted, “hey, scum.” his glare hardened when you didn't budge.


you turned just to see your boss staring right through your eyes. you tilt your head and faced back to your camera, smiling, “aah, sorry, boss is calling me.” and then you ended the video call.

“yes, boss?” you stood and neared them, brows raised and your signature gentle smile settling upon your lips, replacing the stiff, polite one.

“drink with me.” xanxus said as you blinked before nervously laughing, “boss... you know i don't like the smell of alcohol. drinking is a bit...” you were about to say more when he suddenly raised his glass. “... water.” was what he said. you only stared at him, dumbfounded.

“aah, she ended the call just to drink water with the boss.” fran stated as levi and lussuria laughed.

“voi! it's been a month since you last drank water, boss is telling you to drink water with him.” squalo grinned at you as you blinked before letting out a giggle, “is that so?”

you turned to xanxus, “aah, but boss, you know i don't need wa–”

drink with me.”

(“the princess is too stubborn~”) you only giggled before sitting next to xanxus, grabbing the glass levi handed you and raising it, “do we need to do the ‘cheers’ thing?” you asked as xanxus let out a low chortle.

squalo laughed, “stupid woman, who does that with water?” and then you frowned, suppressing a laugh, “i didn't know, okay? squalo, you're so mean.”

and then you took a sip, blinking at the feeling of cold, tasteless liquid. “i'll never get used to the taste of water...” you mumbled as xanxus watched you.

and then suddenly, your phone rang. you blinked at the contact before pressing answer:

“aah, sieglinde (san), we–”

you scratched your cheek, looking up for a bit before giving a polite smile at the decimo, “sorry for suddenly hanging up earlier, the boss asked me to do something important.” (“pfft, drinking water with the stupid boss is important...”)

the vongola boss nervously laughed, “aah, that's okay...” and then you cut off:

“aah, by the way, i don't think i can attend that party, decimo. see, boss already made plans for a vacation for us varia so...” tsunayoshi let out a laugh, “aah, that's fine, that's fine. i hope you enjoy your vacation, sieglinde (san)!” he said before hanging up.

“when did i say that?” xanxus asked as you winked, “boss, won't a vacation be perfect though?” you asked, batting your eyelashes at him with a pleading smile.

“... oi, trash, go book a hotel.”

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