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❝ the moon becomes prettier when i'm with you. ❞

when moon rise, it's your time

feat. a package arriving with your shoes in it (it's from tsuna who's afraid to step into a lion's den)

“... please pardon my intrusion.”

you excused as tsunayoshi led you to the living room, where a crowd has already gathered. “oh, she's here!” yamamoto exclaimed as he gave you a grin, waving. “took you long enough to arrive.” gokudera complained as you only smiled, “looks like i arrived a bit late, i apologize.”

“ah! it's the sailor moon woman!”

you only watched as gokudera gave the afro haired a good smack on the head. “lambo, her name is ‘sieglinde’, not sailor moon!” i–pin scolded as you smiled at the infant, before looking at ryohei: “i don't see the girls anywhere, is chrome not here?” the sun guardian shook his head, “they didn't know you were coming so they accompanied sawada's mama to shop.”

“sieglinde, i see you've arrived.”

you turned to meet reborn's gaze. “yes, it's all thanks to decimo for escorting me safely.” you smiled as you gestured towards tsunayoshi who scratched his nape. “aha, i didn't really do anything though...”

“hm, i'm impressed, tsuna. i thought you'd fail somewhere.” reborn teased as you only smiled. you looked around and realized that only the vongola guys are here. ‘aah, but i don't see hibari nor rokudo.’

“are we already complete?” reborn turned to tsunayoshi, “no, there's more to come.” tsunayoshi shrieked, “there's more?! just how much did you invite, reborn?!”

“just a bit.” oh but you knew better when you caught the glint on his charcoal eyes.

when the doorbell rang, you could already feel that it's gonna be a bit crowded in the sawada residence. “aah, that must be kyoko and the others!” ryohei exclaimed as tsunayoshi nodded, standing to fetch the door. but when he came back, kyoko nor the others weren't beside tsunayoshi, instead, it was...

“long time no see, kaoru!”

– the simon family.

you blinked at the sight of a male covered in bandages, he was familiar but you knew you haven't met him yet. “oh! koyou! it's been a while!” you only watched as they exchanged greetings with the vongola. “you haven't met them before, right, sieglinde?” reborn took note of your confused look.

“... yes, i haven't, but...”

– but the red haired male really looked familiar, you knew something felt familiar about him but you can't put a finger on it.

“aah– simon.” they all stared at you with a surprised look. “eh?”

“aah, i apologize, it's just that you resembled someone i know.” you said with a smile. “his name is kozato enma, the tenth boss of the simon family.” you blinked at the name, before letting out a chortle, “aah, so that's why. it's nice to meet you, my name is sieglinde.” you bowed your head in greeting as enma bowed back, silent.

“they are his guardians.” reborn spoke up when he noticed your stare at the other unfamiliar faces (“aah, now that i've noticed, where is adelheid (san) and the others? only you three are here” “adel and kato is on a date, while the others are on watch duty” “we can't help it, then”).

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