Gojo Satoru

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A/n : I am a simp for him I really am. Anyways I was gonna make it personal but that's selfish so here's another Y/n imagine!


I am positively in love with my sensei. I know what you're thinking and no I'm not a minor and no he's not a pedo. I started learning about curses late in my teens but I didn't enroll until I was 19. Anyways my dilemma is I'm not the only one who's in love with my sensei, plenty of woman are drawn to his dashing good looks and he loves the attention. He's a grade A arrogant ass but I can't help but fall in love with him.

I just arrived back from a mission exhausted mind you because I had to exorcise not one but three special grades and it does a number on you. "Y/n-chan you're back! Did you bring me a souvenir?" I look up to see the tall white-haired man I've grown to love. "Yes I'm back I got you some sweets. I'm gonna go take my much deserved rest." He takes the bag of sweets but stops me before I walk away. "You're pretty beat up, go get yourself checked out. Wouldn't want you missing training tomorrow." I sigh looking at the gash on my arm that is indeed still bleeding. "Fine whatever you say sensei." He smiles down at me and I can feel his eyes glancing me over even under his blindfold. "I wouldn't want my favorite student to be missing from our one on one first thing in the morning. Especially since I missed her so much."

I feel my cheeks burning at his words. "Oh uh well I'll be going then. See you tomorrow!" I scurry off away from him and I hurry in the direction of my own dorm. My curse technique is special in a way that I can copy anyone I want and right now I'm using Shoko's to heal my own wounds.

My peers and I along with Gojo Sensei walk the streets of Tokyo hanging out after training. "Hey Yuji come with me to this store so you can help me carry my bags." Nobara drags him off and Megumi sighs. "I'll make sure they don't get into trouble." He saunters off behind them and Gojo and I are left alone. "Y/n-chan you don't want to go with them?" I shake my head. "I honestly didn't want to come out here today but I wanted to get some food so..." He nods. "I see...so let's go to this café I like." We walk in a sort of awkward silence because women start to flock him as we walk on. "Wow you're soo handsome, want to go out sometime?" "Can I have your number?!" "Here's my number, call me!" "Do you have a girlfriend?!?!" The more they crowd him, the further I'm pushed away. He basks in their affections causing me to roll my eyes.

Not wanting to feel my heart break anymore I turn in the direction of a dark alleyway so I can teleport back to the school. Once back in my dorm I sigh changing into regular clothes. How do I get him to only want me? I turn on my tv and I put on a random anime to drown out my sorrows. "Y/n-chan if you didn't want to hang out with me you should've said so." I jump startled to see Gojo sitting on the end of my bed holding a bag. "What are you doing in my room?!" He frowns. "You disappeared on me and I couldn't find you. I thought we were supposed to go on a date." The shock I'm experiencing is written clear on my face. "Huh?! Date?!...Hold on we were going on a date?" He nods getting comfortable on my bed. "Yeah a date, why'd you leave?" A new feeling of annoyance creeps through my veins. "Why would I stay when you obviously were entertained by the crowd of women that had your attention."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh that? They were just being nice. That's no reason to leave...unless you're jealous." The air in the around us rises in temperature. "Me...jealous? You must be crazier than I thought. Why would I be jealous of hoes throwing themselves at you? I left because it seemed like that's the company you wanted. You're welcome to go back." I roll my eyes and a smirk grows on his face. "If you insist." He teleports out of my sight. I see the bag he was holding is left sitting on the edge of my bed. I grab it to see my favorite order as the contents making me feel slightly guilty for running him off. "Oh I forgot your coffee Y/n-chan, sorry I know you probably want to be alone." He appears handing me my coffee. "...Thanks but you know I'm curious as to why we were going on a date. Aren't dates for people who like each other?"

"Well maybe I like you." "Very hard to believe that, you are constantly attracting women and flirting with them." He smirks. "That's the second time you've mentioned that, you must be jealous." I purse my lips. "Wow how perceptive of  you, want a reward?" He leans closer to my face, dangerously close. "Why are you so jealous, do you like me too?" This is the moment I've been waiting for but you know it feels to good to be true. "How do I know that you actually like me and you're not playing around?"

The further he leans I feel his hot breath on my lips. "I guess I'll just have to show you then huh?" Before I can react his lips are already attacking mine. I melt into his touch until hot coffee spills all over my shirt. "Omg ow ow!! Ugh now I'm all covered in coffee, thanks a lot Gojo Boké!" The look on his face even with his blindfold on is horrified. "Oh no no Y/n-chan are you okay?!" I get up and go in my attached bathroom and start wetting a rag with cold water. "Fortunately for you I don't have any burns forming but now I know how you feel."

He looks dejected and sighs. "I keep messing up with you, I can't get this right. I've never been in love before. For the first time I'm not confident in something I can do...I'll leave you alone." "Gojo w-" He's gone before I can say anything.

The Next Week

Gojo has been avoiding me all week on some "mission". "What's wrong with you?" Itadori asks coming over to me as I sit and stare at the pond of water. "Oh nothing really just enjoying the outdoors." He raises an eyebrow. "You kinda look like Gojo Sensei when we didn't know if you'd return from your last mission. He was confident at first but you came back a day later than we anticipated and he was really worried. Are you worried about him?" I shake my head. "He's the strongest sorcerer I know, not worried."

"Then why do you look so sad? Do you miss him?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Why do you keep asking me about him? Are you implying that I like him or something?" A mouth appears on Itadori's cheek. "This brat was sent by that idiot to see if you love him back! All this idiotic back and forth is killing me!! Go to him, he's in his room! He's been there this whole week wallowing around like a simp!!!" Sakuna says rolling the eye that appeared.

"...." "...." Itadori and I stare at each other in awkward silence. "Okay well I'm gonna go see him...don't tell the others about this." I teleport outside of Gojo's dorm and I knock. "So what did she say? Does she...oh Y/n-chan! How's your chest? It didn't burn right?" I cross my arms. "You've been avoiding me all week, I know that you finished your mission the same day you got it and you were back that next morning."

"Oh uh...well-" "And I also know that you were using poor Itadori to get information out of me. Sakuna blew your cover but I'm glad he did." I push passed him and I enter his room. "I love you too baka." Gojo pulls his blindfold up revealing his beautiful blue ocean eyes. "Really? You mean it?" I nod smiling up at him. "Wow I've never seen your eyes before..." He smiles and wraps his arms around me as he towers over me. "Well you're the only person I want staring into them." He leans down until our faces are just centimeters apart. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile up at him and I lean in to kiss him but he put his infinity up. "I need an answer before you go around kissing me." I roll my eyes.

"You know I just thought it was obvious, I came here and told you how I love you. I thought that-" He interrupts me by crashing his lips on mine. "Now you're stuck with me because I'll never let you go."

"So I'd like all of you to know that Y/n-chan is mine, she's my girlfriend so don't even think about her unless you want to die." They all look so surprised except Itadori who looks relieved. "Hold on, how long has this been going on??" Nobara wags her finger between Gojo and me. "Well the moment I saw her really but technically 3 months of her being my girlfriend." Megumi shakes his head. "I'm sorry but how do you put up with him?!" I shrug. "I'm not exactly sure but it's not like I could get rid of him, at some point after we get married ask me that again."


Omg this took FOREVER to write but I'm back haha I was sick so it took me way longer than expected. Anyways any requests?

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