4K Special Gojo vs Toji

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A/n: This is based off of my own personal love situation with Gojo and Toji...please enjoy the foolishness that is about to happen. Part 1 of idk how many parts. Also I made a tumblr page that I'm considering posting imagines on as well. Comment for details!

It was the first day of school for Megumi and he was very excited. You see he met his teacher at the open house and he found her absolutely beautiful. At the young age of 4.5 he was already in love with the cocoa. "Daddy hurry up or I'm going to be late!" Megumi threw a book at his father's head who happened to be driving. "Ouch you little brat! You'll get there on time dammit!" Toji was reluctant to drop off Megumi because his son's teacher happened to be his ex girlfriend from college. They dated before Toji broke her heart cheating on her with some sorority chick (Megumi's mom). Y/n being still in high school moved on to her current boyfriend Gojo Satoru who was also older and in college. Although Toji has had another failed relationship after his first wife who died in child labor, no matter how much he tried he could never forget about Y/n.

He pulls up to the school and Megumi jumps out the car. "Hey wait until I get out before you go running...I better catch up." Toji saunters after Megumi who is more worried about seeing his teacher than getting in trouble with his father. "Oh hello Megumi, are you excited for your first day of kindergarten?" He nods his head smiling hugging her legs. "Aww you're so cute! Why don't you go put your stuff away in your cubby and find your name on your new desk." He nods before doing what she says. Toji watches the exchange smiling to himself. "Toji? Well it's surely been awhile, it's good to see you." His eyes widen slightly nog expecting her to actually talk to him. "Hi Y/n, it's definitely been awhile. You look good...really good. How've you been?"

"Thank you, I've been well. How's your wife?" Toji rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably, Y/n notices and her face drops. "She uh died giving birth to Megumi. But uhh what about you? Are you dating someone?" Y/n nods, the smile returning to her face. "Yes I do have a boyfriend, I met him a few months after we broke up actually." Toji's heart sinks slightly upon hearing Y/n was already taken but what did he expect? A woman as beautiful as herself wouldn't stay single forever. "That's great! Well I have a meeting to attend at the office but please call me if there's any problem with Megumi. He can be a bit of a brat when he doesn't get his way." "Oh okay, have a good day!"


Toji makes it just in time to the meeting he had to attend as acting CEO of Fushiguro Industries. Apparently it was a business meeting to do a deal with some huge financial company he couldn't remember the name of. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence Toji." A man with white hair says sitting at the conference table. "I'm sorry about him, Gojo stop being rude! Thank you for considering a deal with us Mr. Fushiguro." The blonde haired man says bowing slightly. "No problem...I actually didn't know that this was Gojo's company when I signed the contract but it's too late now I suppose. Just sign these documents and it'll be finalized. My assistant will fax over the details of the gala for tomorrow evening."

"Nanami there was no need to apologize for me, I've known Toji here a long time. So Toji am I allowed to bring a plus one to this event?" Toji groans annoyed with Gojo and his antics. "As long as you don't bring some skank of the street then fine. I'll be leaving now, I have a company to run." After Toji leaves the office Gojo whips out his phone pulling up his lovely girlfriend's contact. "I'm going to bring Y/n as my plus one, she's going to look so sexy in an evening gown. What do you think would be better for our coordinating colors, blue or green?" Nanami sighs wondering how Y/n has put up with him. "Green, Y/n looks great in sultry colors." "I agree..wait have you been eyeing my girl?"


"Hi I'm Nobara, what's your name spiky?" Megumi looks to see a girl with short brown hair smiling at him. "Megumi...nice to meet you." Two boys come up to them, one with pink hair and one with brown hair. "Hey I'm Yuuji and this is Junpei! Want to be best friends with us?!" Junpei gives a small wave and the other two wave back. "Okay let's be best friends, so do you guys like Miss Y/l/n? I think she's really nice!" Nobara says pulling out her lunch. "I love her, maybe one day she'll be my girlfriend!" Yuuji says taking a bite out of his onigiri. "No because she'll be my girlfriend!" Megumi glares at Yuuji as he opens his lunch box to find a packet of ketchup. His lip quivers because he's hungry. Poor Megumi begins to cry catching the attention of his teacher.

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