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I love him sooo much he's probably my favorite nontoxic anime boyfriend I have. Also I'm giving Mitsuya his short hair in the flashback and his mullet in modern day okay? Cool.


"Thank you for taking me home Taka-kun, I think I'm getting used to it around here." I smile at my boyfriend who returns my smile. "Of course, I can't have you getting lost around here. It's not safe." I kiss him on his cheek causing his cheeks to erupt in a light shade of pink. "That's why you're here to protect me, although I can handle myself." He scoffs playfully before leaning down, placing a kiss on my forehead. "That may be true but I can't have anything happening to my girl. I'll pick you up in the morning okay N/n-chan?" "Okay!"

We say our goodbyes and I watch as he mounts his motorcycle waving before he rides off. You see I moved to Japan over two summers ago  and Mitsuya was the first person I met walking around the park. You know being black in Japan isn't common so it brought me a lot of stares and attention.

Flashback✨ (2 years prior)

"Hey you're pretty! Can I touch your hair ??" A little girl runs up to me smiling. "Oh thank you, I uh actually don't like people touching my hair. Are you here alone?" The little girl shakes her head. "I'm with my older brother and my sister. Oh here he comes." I look to see a hot guy with lavender silver hair with an undercut. When he gets up closer I see he's holding the hand of another little girl. "Mana quit running away, I have to keep up with...oh hello there." He smiles softly and I return the smile. "Hello, is this your little sister? She's so cute!"

"Yes, these are both of my sisters. They are adorable aren't they?" Mana grabs my hand. "Onii-chan isn't she pretty?! Can she join us for lunch?? Please???" The other little girl joins in agreement, pleading with their brother. "Yes she's beautiful but I'm not sure she'd want to join three strangers for lunch...would you?" My cheeks burn hearing him call me beautiful. I know black people aren't known for taking these kinds of risks but he's the finest guy I've ever seen.

"Well who could say no to such a cute face? I'd love to join you." The girls cheer in unison.


"So I never asked, what's your name?" Mitsuya asks as we walk home."I'm L/n Y/n but you could call me Y/n. It's not a big deal because that's what I'm used to. What's your name?" He laughs smiling. "Mitsuya Takashi, I don't care what you call me. Are you new to Japan." I nod pushing the button to cross the street. "Yes I just moved here right before the school year starts so I can get acquainted with the area. So far I like the neighborhood." This thug like guy with two braids with a guy who had blonde hair with glasses smiles at me. "Hey girl, you want to come home with me? I've not tried chocolate before."

Mitsuya looks pissed hearing him. "Ayo piss off she doesn't want someone like you." Mana and Luna nod in agreement. "Yeah y/n-chan is too pretty for you, you delinquent!!" He ignores them and winks at me. "Come find me when you're done hanging with the kids and you want a real man." The cross walk lights up and Mitsuya grabs my hand pulling me away from the two men. I later found out that they were the notorious Haitani Brothers. I will admit they were extremely good looking but they're not Mitsuya.

~A Couple Months Later

On the first day of school I had a hard time finding my classes and now after school I'm lost. "You  lost beautiful?" Mitsuya has his hands in his pockets leaning on the wall. "Oh Mitsuya-kun...I'm looking for the home ec club. Do you know where it is?" He smiles nodding for me to follow him. "Yeah I know where it is, I'm in it." I raise an eyebrow. "You are? Isn't it mostly for...girls?" He laughs putting an arm around my waist. "Oh that may be true but I'm good at what I do. Baby you remember Toman right?"

"Yeah Mikey, Draken, and Baji right? They were at the beach last week." He squeezes my waist. "Right and remember how I told you we're all in the same gang? Do you know who makes the jackets?" We get to classroom for the club and he opens the door to reveal a bunch of girls on sewing machines making jackets. "Taka-kun you're so cool! Wow I have the coolest friends." He frowns but clears his throat walking into the club room taking charge.


All throughout the club activities I got to see how Mitsuya really is an awesome guy. "Hey are you listenin'? Club is over beautiful. Come on so I can walk you home." I snap out of my daze and take the hand he has outstretched for me. We walk down the hall hand and hand surrounded by an awkward silence. "Takashi-kun, what do you think about me?" He looks over at me and smirks. "Well I like you but why wouldn't I like my girl?" I raise an eyebrow. "Your girl?? Since when did you ask me out?"

We get outside and walk to his motorcycle. "N/n-chan how many times have we gone out on dates in the last 2 months? Or how many times have we done things like going shopping together or cooking lunch or just talking on the phone?" I stand there staring into his lavender eyes realizing that he's right. "Huh you're right..." The smirk on his face deepens. "Of course I'm right, come on I have some place to bring you." He gets on his bike and I shake my head. "No I can't get on, I'm wearing a skirt. It's already too short because my ass is big."

He looks down at my skirt and blush spreads across his face. "I'll fix that for you later but here, wrap my jacket across your waist to cover it when you're riding." He takes off his jacket and hands it over to me. "Thanks Taka-kun! You're the sweetest guy I know!" I take his jacket before hopping on wrapping my arms around his waist.


We pull up in front of this shrine and get off his motorcycle after he parks. "Come on we're almost there." He pulls me up to what looks like a love shrine. "Okay here we make sure our relationship official. Take a paper and we'll write our names and make a wish. You can use your Japanese name if you want." I smile and I write my name down. "Okay now pick a charm and I'll pick one." I pick the cutest charm out. "Okay and now we switch. We'll keep these on us forever."

End of Flashback

The next afternoon~

"Do you have that charm I gave you?" Mitsuya opens his jacket and shows me. "Do you have yours?" I open my purse and show him mine. We smile at each other like idiots. Since graduating from high school and being in college we try to hang out as much as we can. "You know Mana called me the other day looking for you, she told me to tell you she misses you." We walk into his apartment and I place our take out containers on his counter. "Awww I miss her too, when are you going to visit? I'll come along."

He smirks holding something in his jacket pocket. "Well I told her that I'd come back engaged. I actually saved up a whole year to buy this ring, it's up to you if you want it." He pulls out a small box and gets down on one knee. I cover my mouth in shock because I didn't think this would be happening so soon. "L/n Y/n will you marry me so we can be together forever? Unless you're tired of me that is." "Are you kidding?? Of course I'll marry you Takashi!" He slips the beautiful ring on my ring finger. "Well I'm glad you're not tired of me after all this time. Let's eat I'm starvin'."

"How could I be tired of the sweetest guy I know? Hey how are you on to food when you just proposed??" He laughs setting up our food. "Because we have the rest of our lives to mushy gushy in love and right now I'm hungry and so are you baby come on." I take my place next to him at the counter. This is why I love him, always honest and knows how to make me fall more in love with him everyday.


Wow I didn't edit this but how about more Tokyo Revengers?? I don't see a lot on here so🌝. Anyways vote and comment 🥰

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