Kenma x Reader

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"I know what you're going to say Kuroo-kun , but I would have to politely decline." I look up to see my senpai holding a bento out for me. "You know it so why keep denying it. We need you Y/n-chan...Kenma won't admit it but he needs you too." I raise an eyebrow as I accept the bento. "Kenma needs me? Haha he told me not to even come by the gym because I'm a distraction. He doesn't need me..." Kuroo sighs and pulls up a seat at my desk.

"He probably meant well, we both know about his people skills and you're probably one of the only people he actually has full conversations with. He's always on his phone or playing a game. I think with you around he'll try harder and apply himself more." I sigh knowing he's probably right. "Fine, I'll take the responsibility as manager who's the practice game with today?"


"This is our new manager, L/n-chan will be helping us out with the summer training camp as well so treat her well." Kenma blinks a few times as his teammates surround me trying to get my attention. "You're really cute, can I walk you home?" This really tall guy looks down at me and before I can respond Kuroo pushing him away. "Hey that's no way to speak to your Kenma senpai's girlfriend, if you don't watch it he won't pass the ball to you in games."

"Aww how does he get such a pretty girlfriend? He barely talks!" Kuroo rolls his eyes. "Go work on your receives before Kurasano gets here!" The team disperses into private practice or to converse with other teams. Kenma saunters over to me. "I thought I said to stay away from the gym, now my teammates are going to be looking at you." His face has a light blush across it. "Well Kozume-kun I was asked to be your manager and I heard that you needed me here to help you perform better."

The blush on his face deepens. "Well...okay. Just stay away from Kurasano, two of the players are girl crazy and I don't want to have to say anything." I give him a kiss on the cheek before going off to assist the coach. Very soon the doors swing open to reveal our rivals and two of them stop at the door and start falling about. Their manager comes and bows apologizing for them. "I'm sorry, they like to make a fool of themselves around pretty girls. You must be Y/n-chan, I heard a lot about you on the way here. Hinata is very excited to see Kenma."

I smile and bow introducing myself. "I'm L/n F/n, you can call me Y/n-chan. I'm very excited to meet Kenma's friends, he told me a lot about your team. Well mostly about how Hinata is really great with lack of...are they okay?" We turn to see her team arguing and the couch looking annoyed. "Oh that...I apologize, they're a mess."

The game goes on and Kurasano loses to Nekoma both sets. I hand out water and towels to everyone on the team. When I get to Kenma he's talking to Kuroo. "Here you go Kuroo senpai. Here you go Kenma-Kun, you guys did well." Kuroo smirks and Kenma looks slightly annoyed. "It looks like the whole team played better today, even your boyfriend ." I smile softly seeing Kenma blush lightly. "I played like I always do."

I sigh excusing myself and as I do a stray ball hits me in the head. I shake it off and I go sit outside the gym on the grass hill.


"You should be more forward with your feelings or you won't have a girlfriend anymore. There's plenty of other guys here that could sweep her off her feet because they're more forward than you. Just tell her that you want her here, she's probably outside sulking." I sigh knowing he's probably right. "Fine." I make my way out the gym looking for Y/n. She's sitting at the top of the hill, her brown skin glistening in the sun. Before I can approach her, Sugawara sits next to her.

I feel something grow within me watching him hug her and wiping tears away from her eyes. I turn away and go back inside the gym.


That night


I sigh making my way to the cafeteria bumping into Kuroo. "Hey...sorry for making you become our manager, I thought you two would get closer but I think I made it worse." I shake my head. "It's not your fault, I guess he just doesn't want me around but that's fine...I'm not that great of a manager anyways." He shakes his head patting me on the back. "You're a great manager, the team loved having you around today. You should stick around longer."

We make to the cafeteria and I spot my new friend. "Ah senpai I'm going to go sit with my new friend, I'll see you later." I bow slightly before getting my food and sitting across from my new silver haired friend. "Hi Suga senpai, I wanted to thank you again for earlier. Do you mind introducing me to your teammates?" He smiles and nods. "This is Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukeshima, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Daichi, and...Nishinoya are you okay?"

I look over at Nishinoya to see his nose bleeding so I rush over to him and help him clean his face . "There you go, all better. Take care of yourself Nishinoya-kun, here have some more rice." As I sit back down next to Sugawara I feel a menacing stare. I look around but I don't see anyone.


I walk up the hill and sit on my back staring up at the stars. I sigh thinking about if it's worth it staying with Kenma if he doesn't really want we around. "Hey...can I sit here?" I look to see the devil himself and I nod. "I didn't mean to make you cry earlier...and I'm sorry for not being honest." I sit up and look at him.  "I do need you... I apply myself more when you're around." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Wow I never thought I'd here that coming from my pudding head. Kozume-kun you're so cute, I forgive you."

I sit up and hug him, kissing him lightly. "If I'm still being honest, I'd like for you to stop being so nice to other guys. It makes me...jealous. Kuroo is fine but not Kurasano players." I can tell his face is dusted pink even in the light of the moon. "Okay I'll try to take that into consideration. Were you staring at me earlier?" He nods. "Yes, I was looking for you and I saw you sitting with the other guys. Nishinoya was staring down your shirt and got a nosebleed...please keep your distance or I'll have to hurt him."

"Oh Kozume-kun, I love when you share your honest feelings. I think personally I'm a bit too curvy for the school uniform but I'll order a bigger size when I get a chance. I love you..." His eyes widen before they return to their normal state. "I-I love you too."

Bonus Ending

Author's POV

Kenma walked Y/n to the room the managers were staying in, looking around before leaning down and kissing her. He hates PDA but he really wanted to make sure she knew that she belonged with him. As he headed back to where he was sleeping that night he bumped into Sugawara, making him drop his phone. "Oh here you go Kenma-chan, I hope you rest well." Kenma stops him and takes a deep breath. "Stay away from my girlfriend, she won't be swayed by your people skills and good nature."

Sugawara looks surprised and holds up his hands. "Oh no, I would never try to steal your girlfriend! Who's your girlfriend?" Kenma blinks before pulling up his favorite picture of you. "Y/n, she's from America and has the beautiful glowing brown skin and really soft beautiful hair. You were hugging her earlier, you've been warned." Sugawara's mouth drops slightly, cursing to himself about getting himself in this situation. Why did he have to have a slight crush on Kenma's girlfriend?!

"No problem, I was just trying to be friendly. I'll definitely stay away!" Kenma nods walking off, staring at his favorite picture of Y/n causing a small smile to stay on his lips.


Hey lovelies it's me! Requests are open!! I don't do stuff like Lemons (not my thing) but I believe I'm going to do a personal imagine next to give a feel of what can be requested.

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