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AHHH I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM...erm let's get into this. It's an AU because it's not on plot with anything. Okay here we go.


"Y/n-chan you should go on a date with someone, you're young, beautiful, smart, good in combat, and best of all the soul of Company 8!" Maki says getting all worked up as I do my tai chi. "It must be tiring being such a romantic huh? I'm not interested in dating right now." She rolls her eyes. "Oh yeah? Is that why you freeze around 7's captain?"

"...He's good looking so what?" She smirks. "You know the rookies are at a training with him right now, you should go watch." I scoff folding my arms. "Maybe I will, now can I finish my tai chi?"


I walk into the station hold a bag of sweets for the twins who are nowhere to be found. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Konro comes out from the kitchen holding a tray of tea. "Oh Y/n-chan you're here, I'm sure Beni will be happy to see you." I raise an eyebrow. "Beni? Why would he be happy to see me? Oh because I usually have sake with me. Unfortunately I don't have any today, I just came to see Shinra train." Konro smiles and shakes his head. "You'll see one of these days what I'm talking about."

We go to the back to see the boys training with Benimaru. "Y/n-chan is that for us??" Hina asks. "Oh yes is that for us?? Is it sweets??" Hika asks as the twins peek into the bag. Benimaru looks over and the moment he does Shinra lands a kick to his face, knocking him over. "...Or today." Konro chuckles to himself. "Here girls these are for you, Benimaru-kun are you okay ??" I go over to him and I check the bruise forming on his jawline. His face warms up and I sigh. "I'm fine, it's good to see you Y/n-chan." He sits up and scratches the back of his head.

"Are you sure? You could take a break and sit with me...I do need to treat that bruise." His face turns pink and the twins scream. "Waka is broken!!" I giggle helping him up, guiding him to sit on the porch. "I'm not broken, you two practice against each other while I talk to Y/n-chan." Shinra smiles knowingly but doesn't argue. "So Y/n-chan what brings you to Company 7? Did you bring some sake for us to share?" When he looks over at I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Don't look at me like that, I didn't because I forgot." He smirks. "Well it's a good thing I have some, Konro-san can you bring us some of my sake?"

"Waka is generously sharing his sake??" "He's definitely broken, that or he really loves Y/n-chan!!" The twins gasp. "That's it he loves Y/n-chan!!" They say at the same time squealing making Benimaru frown. "I don't love Y/n-chan don't be ridiculous." Ouch that kinda hurt to hear. "Haha well look at the time, I should be getting back to the station. I just remembered I have something to do that I forgot to look into. I'll see you all later!" Benimaru's frown deepens. "Y/n-chan I didn't mean t-" "No no it's okay I just actually really have to go, I'll come back another time!"

I bow before rushing out and bumping into Konro. "Oh Y/n-chan leaving so soon? I prepared the sake for you and everything okay?" I shake my head. "Well I'm not sure Beni was too happy to see me, I think he was just being nice earlier and I think I should go. Sorry for troubling you." I sigh and I hear him sigh in unison. "Why must he be so stubborn? Oh well if you must go I understand, please don't be a stranger."

I return to Company 8 after I stopped and got myself something to eat. "Y/n-chan how was your day?" Maki asks smiling but it drops seeing my face. "It was fine, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." She doesn't question me further so I head in the direction of my room but I stop when I hear a knock on the door. "Go ahead upstairs, I'll get it." Maki says smiling and I nod before leaving.

I sigh entering my room and I place my to go container on my desk before throwing myself on my bed. The more I think about the situation earlier the more I dread ever having to go back there. I could've handled it better in hindsight but my emotions got the best of me. I'll just have to go by and apologize on my next day off. "I was going to knock but the door's open, can I come in?" I look up to see the very man I was just thinking about. "What are you doing here?" I motion for him to come in and he closes the door behind him.

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