Welcome To Bonten

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A/n: Okay so this is my 3K special enjoy!

Warnings: Mention of blood, and Y/n is on the spectrum of sociopathy. Slight violence, this is a gang so🌝...mild swearing but it will be censored.

Not to be cliché but it definitely is a dark and stormy night. Y/n is pissed seeing the scene before her. She had to work overtime in the office today and she forgot that it was supposed to rain. Working at this stupid company was a pain in the ass but it put food on the table and money in the bank. She sighs as she opens her umbrella and walks out onto the street. Y/n is not usually out this late but with her workload tonight is her exception. She walks past an alleyway and hears someone groaning. The black in her is telling her to mind her business, however the person seems to call out for help.

She looks over in the alley to see a slim lean built man standing over a bloody guy who's begging for mercy. "Please spare me, I'll tell you a-" Before he could continue the white haired man shoots him, silencing him. The man turns to Y/n who stares with little emotion on her face, this intrigues the man. "You're not phased by the fact I just shot this man's brains out?" She shrugs pulling out her fenty gloss and applies it to her lips. "Well you know what they say, survival of the fittest. It's really not my business but what'd he do?" "He owed me money, I don't take excuses really well."

Y/n scoffs in amusement. "I can see that, but I can understand though. I hate when someone lacks competency. Nothing I hate more than an idiot." The man walks up to her leaning down to meet her eyes. "Did you come over to help or watch?" Y/n smirks looking into the man's cold yet alluring eyes. "I came to be entertained, thanks for the show." He smiles and pats her head. "Hehe I like you, what's your name?" "Y/l/n Y/n but Y/n is fine." His lips form into a smirk. "Mikey, I think I like the thought of you being mine better. Got anywhere to be?"

She shakes her head adjusting her umbrella so that Mikey was covered. Somehow Y/n feels like they've met before. "Thanks beautiful, now, why don't you come with me before the police show up?" Y/n returns the smirk. "I have nothing better to do, lead the way." A black car pulls up and a pink haired man steps out with a black umbrella. "Our ride is here." Mikey leads Y/n to the open rear door of the car and gets in. The pink haired man closes the door after Y/n is safely inside the vehicle as well. "Who's the b****?" Mikey wraps an arm around Y/n protectively. "That's not how you're going to address my girl. This is Y/n and you will call her as such, understand Sanzu?" Sanzu smirks looking at Mikey through the rear view mirror. "You got it boss, my apologies Y/n. Is your business finished here?" Mikey nods and signals for Sanzu to drive off.


They pull up to this mansion and Y/n raises an eyebrow. "Surprised baby? This is where you'll be staying from now on. I know it's sudden but in the world I live in, you keep your enemies close and your love interest closer." Y/n let's out a soft laugh. "Mikey we literally just met, what about my house and my stuff? Or you know my job?" Mikey caresses her face, making her look at him. "I'll take care of it, don't worry about that stupid job. I'm gonna bet you didn't even like it. You're with me now." By now the rain has stopped and Sanzu opens the car door for Y/n to exit along with Mikey. "Mikey wel...who's this pretty lady??" A lanky man with purple and dark blue streaked hair gelled back neatly greets the couple when they step inside.

"She's the boss's girl so don't you even think about it. From what I hear she'll fit right in here. She has no regard for those she deems beneath her so watch out." Sanzu says brushing past the tall man. "Who knew sociopaths could be so sexy? I'm Ran the oldest of the Haitani brothers, the one with the mullet at the poker table is Rindo." Y/n nods uninterested and looks up at Mikey. "If you're going to keep me here, there has to be something fun to do. If not, can you please let me get my manga collection from my house?"

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