Sugawara x Author

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Mina's POV

Having just moved to Japan it's not all of what I thought it would be. My parents wanted to start somewhere new but not live in Tokyo so I guess this was a viable option. Finding out that I'm advancing to the grade above me due to my test scores and grades in America made me sorta nervous. "Class welcome our new student, she is a bit younger than all of you so treat her well! Introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Saito Mina and I am your kouhai so treat me well. I love art and music." I bow slightly before sitting in the empty desk by a silver haired boy. Wow he's really cute. He smiles softly at me making butterflies dance in my stomach.


That was a year ago and now as a 3rd year I definitely can say my initial feelings for Sugawara have heightened and deepened. We've become really good friends and I think I'm starting to look very obvious. His teammates all are aware of my feelings for him but he is either clueless or chooses to overlook my feelings.

"Mina-chan are you coming to help out at practice today?" Kiyoko asks as we walk down the hallway together. "Yes but I feel like I'm more of a burden when I show up. Nishinoya gets distracted when we're together for whatever reason and Daichi yells at him. Is that normal or?" She laughs softly nodding. "That's just because he's girl crazy, don't worry. Is that your best excuse for avoiding Sugawara?"

"I-I'm not avoiding him...did he mention that I was? Asking for a friend." I cover the side of my face slightly and she smirks. "He did mention feeling as if you were somehow always busy when he asks to hang out with you during lunch and after school. It's no secret that he likes you." My eyes widen I feel my stomach erupt with butterflies. "Oh...well I thought he always liked you..." Kiyoko smiles sweetly shaking her head. "Daichi told me himself, Sugawara has a major crush on you. Just come and see for yourself."


I walk into the gym after I assume their practice is almost over and I'm immediately bum rushed by Nishinoya and Tanaka. "Mina-chan!! You look so beautiful, I love you!" The small libero confesses and I laugh nervously. "Aww you're too sweet Noya-chan but I have feelings for someone else." He pouts and drops to his knees. "Who's blessed enough to steal the heart of a goddess?" I smile softly, patting his head. "Actually..." I turn and look at Sugawara talking to Daichi. "Oh I see, Sugawara is a great choice. I'll help you out! One moment."

The next thing I know a stray ball comes flying at my head. "Mina-chan!!" As my head spins I see two of Sugawara looking at me concerned. "Mina-chan...are you okay?! I wanted you to come watch our practice but I didn't want you to get hurt!!" As my dizziness subsides, I smile through the pain that's starting to arrive. "I'm okay Koshi senpai, my head just hurts. I'll be fine." The worry on his face doesn't leave. "That's no good...if you stay I'll walk you home to make sure you're alright. Just wait for us to clean up!"

I nod and he helps me to my feet and guides me over to the bench to sit. "Kiyoko-san take care of her." She smirks as he runs off. "Today definitely is a good time to confess. He's got it bad."


Sugawara gave me his club jacket and his scent fills my nose as we walk the path to my house. "I'm glad you're okay, I was so worried about you." I smile up at him as I try to hype myself up to confess. "Senpai I have to tell you something." We stop walking and he faces me, giving me his full attention. "I... I like you senpai." He smiles and takes my hand. "Of course, we're friends. Come on I'll get you some ice cream."

I sigh internally knowing that he misunderstood what I said. Or he did it on purpose so he didn't hurt my feelings. That's it...I knew he liked Kiyoko....

A week later

I heard my phone vibrate for the third time but I ignore it choosing to remain sleep. My sleep is quickly interrupted by my ringtone filling my ears. I sigh and pick it up without looking at the caller ID. "Mina-chan you actually answered! I wanted to see if you were busy today, I want to take you out on a date." Whatever sleepiness I had left me immediately and my eyes popped open. "I-uh a date?? Like a real date...uh like more than friends."

I hear him chuckle on the other side of the line. "Yes of course, I'll see you in an hour when I pick you up." He hangs up before I can respond but I sit up in shock. Sugawara Koshi asked me out on a date...and I said yes. I hop up tripping over my comforter and a groan leaves my lips. "Mina are you alright?" My mom calls from down the hall. "I'm okay, just got out of my bed too fast!" I brush it off and look in the mirror, removing my bonnet cap.

My air that's in flexi rods looks in tact before I start taking it down. I fluff it out as it lands on my back and and my copper orange hair glistens from being straightened freshly the day before. I open my closet and pick out a simple vintage top and some boyfriend jeans. I sit at my vanity and do a light makeup look being careful to not over do it. My mom knocks on my door. "Hey Miname...there's a good looking boy downstairs waiting for look nice, is that your boyfriend?"

I laugh nervously and wave my hand in the "kinda" motion. "I confessed my feelings but I'm not sure what we are. He asked me out on a date today but..." She nods understanding and gestures for me to hurry up. "Well hopefully you'll have more information when you come home. Thank goodness your dad is off in Tokyo right now or he'd be having a fit." I laugh it off but I know exactly what she's talking about.

I follow her downstairs to see Sugawara smiling looking at my family photos on the wall. "You have really cute baby pictures Mina-chan, nothing's really changed." Butterflies dance in the pit of my stomach but I smile through it. "Thank you Koshi senpai." My mom raises an eyebrow. "Senpai? Is he a college student?" I shake my head. "No we're in the same class but uh well he's just older than me." My mom shrugs opening the front door. "Well I hope you two have a great time on your date, it's still early so have fun."

As we walk down the street there's a comfortable silence when I feel Koshi intertwine our hands together. I look down at our hands and then up at him. "Uh senpai...?" He looks down at me and smiles with a light blush apparent on his cheeks. "Yes Mina-chan? Are you hungry? We can stop by a café on our way to the park." "Well actually some coffee might be good, I didn't have breakfast this morning. I was going to ask about you holding my hand."

He laughs nervously and he looks really cute. "Ah oh do you not want to hold hands?! Sorry we don't have to!!" I squeeze his hand and we stop walking. "No I'm okay with it but I would rather ask this now instead of later. Last week I confessed I liked you and I didn't mean as friends...I meant like more than friends. Do you like me?" His face darkens in a deep shade of red. "I do like you...I decided to take a chance on you liking me more than friends. I was hoping that you'd like to be my girlfriend."

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "Of course I'd love to be your girlfriend." My stomach growls and he smirks. "Well girlfriend let's go get you something to eat. We can't have you hungry on our first date."

Bonus ending

"I had a really nice time today Koshi senpai, I hope we can do this again soon." He holds my hands smiling down at me. "I'm glad you enjoyed our first date. I'll walk with you to school on Monday, okay?" I nod. "Okay, goodnight!" Before I can pull away he leans down and lightly places his lips upon mine. "Goodnight Mina-chan."

I get inside and my mom is watching TV. "So is Mr.Sugawara your boyfriend now?" I nod smiling really hard. "Yes...he's my boyfriend."


Okay so requests are still open, this was an example of a personal request. Anyways this was pretty fluffy but I'm intrigued to do something angsty. Ah well until next time

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