Draken II

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A/n: 4K already??? Omg wow I'm actually really happy that this book is doing well! How did we like Welcome To Bonten? I'm thinking about making a final 3rd part to end it. But enjoy!

"But daddy I can handle myself, I don't need one of your goonies following me around." Y/n's father received a letter stating that Y/n was in danger of being kidnapped if her father didn't pay for her striking Vanhalla's leader. "That may be true but I'm not taking any chances with your life." Y/n was determined to keep her freedom so she attempts again to convince her father. "Daddy my boyfriend is Vice President of the Tokyo Manji Gang, he's not going to let anyone lay a finger on me." Her father raises an eyebrow hearing that his daughter has a boyfriend...a delinquent one at that.

"Toman's Vice President huh? I've heard about him but I'm not particularly fond of the idea you're dating him. For now you'll be accompanied by Zoro, understood?" She sighs knowing she can't win this argument. "Understood daddy...I'm still allowed to see Draken right?" Now it's his turn to sigh because he really doesn't want to be too controlling. "Yes but you have to bring him by this weekend so I can meet him." Y/n groans dreading having to introduce her beloved boyfriend to her father.


"So he's like your bodyguard?" Mitsuya raises an eyebrow at the tall green haired man standing in the back of the classroom. "Yeah he works for my dad, it's kinda embarrassing." She sighs taking out her lunchbox that her mom made for her. "Well you do kinda have a target on your back, those guys aren't above dirty tricks like using weapons. I think this is for the best....ummm you might want to tell him that Draken isn't a threat maybe..." Y/n turns her head towards the classroom door to see Zoro has his sword against her poor boyfriend's neck. "Hey I'm here to see my girl is all, right baby girl?"

"Zoro stand down, that's Draken. He's not even wearing the gang colors we talked about." Zoro lowers his weapon letting Draken pass into the classroom. "I haven't seen you in 2 weeks, where have you been?" Y/n raises an eyebrow as Draken takes the empty seat in front of her. "Well you were on lockdown at home and I had some stuff to take care of." She rolls her eyes scoffing. "Yeah well who's fault is that? It's not my fault that some stupid gang leader wants to kidnap me." "It actually is your f****ing fault because you knocked that Hanma dude out with that foot of yours. This is why you should've let me handle it."

"Hey calm down, Y/n isn't to blame. It's neither of your fault. It's probably Kisaki who's feeding into this foolishness." Y/n looks away from Draken who sighs knowing he made her upset. "Princess I'm sorry okay? It's not your fault, here I got this for you." He slides over her favorite snack from out of his pocket. She glances at the snack and keeps up the façade that she's mad. "Princess look at me, you know I love you right?" He tilts her head so she's staring into his eyes. "...Yes I know." He smirks rubbing her cheek. "How could it ever be your fault that you handle your own so well in a fight? That's what I love about you." She smiles hearing him boost her up and Zoro rolls his eyes. "Toxic relationship already and she's not even in high school yet." He thinks to himself.

Draken leans down placing a kiss on her forehead. "You texted me something about a dinner tomorrow?" She nods sighing. "Yeah my dad wants to meet you, if he likes you then maybe he'll stop sending his goons to watch over me. No offense Zoro-kun." Draken has a wave of nervousness wash over him. He's never had to meet his girlfriend's parents before, a lot is riding on this. What if her father doesn't like him and makes them break up? 6 months down the drain. "Cool...what time?"

"Daddy please don't embarrass me with your yakuza talk or money talk or anything that'll make me cringe. You got it daddy?" If there was anyone Suzuki Misato feared more than his wife...his youngest daughter Y/n. The moment he laid eyes on her in the hospital after her mother died giving birth, he knew she was a fighter. Turns out he is her biological father but because he stepped out on the marriage once but we'll ignore that, just like most things in POC households it's been swept under the rug to not be looked into. "I promise pudding pie, nothing to upset you. Just getting to know the boy, honest." She eyes him taking her seat at the table.

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