Oikawa x reader

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As long as I can remember Oikawa Toru has been there in my life and always out of reach. His parents being my parents' best friends we grew up together and him being a year older meant that he was always on to bigger and better things before I could come along. So it was a surprise that he came over one day begging for my help.

"Y/n-chan! Hey I have a favor to ask." I look up from my textbook with a raised eyebrow. "Ah Toru senpai isn't it a surprise to find you in the library opposed to the gym. I'm busy right now." He scoffs sitting across from me. "I need you to be my team's manager, in return I'll help you out with that crush of yours Iwa-chan told me about." I blink a few times feeling my cheeks burning but he can't tell either way, a true blessing. "No thanks...anyways I'll be going now."

I close my textbook and I grab my bag as I get up from the table. He pouts whining slightly. "But Y/n/n-chan, I don't ask you for much...please?!" I sigh knowing I can't resist him. "Fine but I hope that your fan girls won't be around at your practice. They're rude and annoying." He smiles and hugs me. "Thank you Y/n/n-chan! I love you!!" He drags me off to the gym and I feel my stomach do somersaults.


"Iwa senpai why would you tell him that I have a crush on someone?! Now he won't leave me alone about it." He scoffs. "I didn't tell Crappykawa anything, he's bluffing. He's just...well ask him yourself. I'm not getting in this mess." I sigh and I continue to help clean up the gym and put away the equipment. I see Toru across the gym accepting various gifts from different girls and I roll my eyes.

After I change and get my things I wave goodbye to the team as I exit the gym. I hear heavy footsteps behind me but I continue walking. "Y/n-chan let me walk you home, it's dark out." I stop walking and turn to look at him. "No thanks, I don't want to be targeted by your fan club more than I already am. Go walk one of them home." Before I can continue on he grabs my wrist. "I want to walk you home, please let me!"

I sigh and let him walk alongside me. "So Y/n-chan are you hungry? I know a good place to get some food." I roll my eyes. There's not that many places we can go but I can wait until I get home." He whines and pouts. "Y/n/n-chan why don't you want to hang out with me? I'm trying to ask you out properly but you're ignoring my affection, what do I have to do to win you over? I want to be your crush, I want you to love me too!"

I blink looking around if anyone else is around on the semi empty street. "Look Toru senpai I like you too but-" "Then be my girlfriend Y/n/n-chan! I will prove myself to you, I want you to always be the one cheering me on!" He bows slightly and I feel my cheeks get hot. "...I'll be your girlfriend on a trial basis. If I feel at any time you're not serious about our relationship I'll dump you and ignore your existence." He squeezes me and kisses my forehead. "I won't let you down Y/n/n!"

Two months later

"Y/n-chan let's get something to eat because we don't have practice today." Oikawa came to pick me up from my house. "Okay but I'll warn you now, if we run into Tobio-kun you can't act immature again. Last time I had to be embarrassed by your behavior." He intertwines our hands as we walk down the street. "I promise, besides I don't like when you're mad at me....hey when did you get on first name basis with Kageyama?!"

I shrug ignoring the glare my boyfriend is giving me. "We literally went to school together up until middle school. I was forced to go to your school because of our parents...and I'll still be there when you're gone because I'm a year behind you." He hold the door open for me and we walk into the café. "Don't be sad Y/n-chan, I'll go get our drinks. Can you find a table?" I nod and I look around and I see a familiar group of boys.

"Y/n-chan!! Wow what are you doing here?? You look as beautiful as ever!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka come rushing over to me and I sigh. "I'm on a date with my boyfriend . He doesn't like you guys talking to me." They follow me over to the table that was empty and I see Oikawa glaring at them. "Who stole you away from us Y/n-chan??" Oikawa comes over with our drinks. "Are they bothering you my sweet Y/n/n-chan?" He shoves them pug the way and sits across from me.

"They were just saying hi senpai, they're leaving now." They nod seemingly scared off by my boyfriend's intense gaze. "I don't know if I want to leave you here alone after I graduate with them running around. How will I be able to protect you?" I sip my iced latte. "Let's worry about that later. We're on a date to enjoy our time now." He smiles brightly. "You're right Y/n/n-chan!"

During Summer training for Spring Nationals


Y/n-chan broke up with me last week and I'm still trying to figure out why. I have to pick up Takeru and spend the day with him. "Hey where's Y/n senpai? I wanted her to come too!" I sigh as we walk out of the gym. "I know but she kinda broke up with me and I'm not sure how to win her back." My nephew rolls his eyes. "Of course you ruined everything for yourself. Let's go find her!"

He starts running off down the stairs and I run to keep up with him. We end up in front of Y/n's family's house and Takeru  runs up and rings the doorbell. Her mom answers the door and smiles. "Ahh Toru, we were just about to go out with your parents. Please take Y/n out, she's been in her room all day. Hello Takeru! Have fun!" Her parents wave goodbye on their way out and Takeru runs to Y/n's room and knocks.

My eyes widen as she looks confused to see him. "Oh hi Takeru...was I supposed to watch you today? I thought your uncle was supposed to pick you up." He sighs. "He's a boké, he did something stupid that made you break up with him. Please take him back I want to hang out with both of you!!" She steps out her room and sees me, her face immediately falters. "Oikawa-kun..." I frown because she never calls me that.

"Ouch Y/n/n-chan, I don't know what I did that made you so mad." She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. "Oh you don't recall your fan club pushing me out the way to get to you at the station and then you telling me to go ahead while you were surrounded by a bunch of girls. And then when I did go ahead you stood me up and I waited in the park for an hour and to find out that you were out with one of those girls from the fan club...don't recall?"

"I-" "And that wasn't the first time I saw you with that particular girl either, you've been around her more than once before practice and I don't like looking like a fool and I don't even know why I'm talking to you anyways. Takeru can stay, you can go." I shake my head and I take her hand in mine. "Y/n/n-chan you should know I only have eyes for you, that girl just is the president of the fan club and she keeps making advances but every time I'd say I have a girlfriend. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I love you!...If you take me back I'll work harder to keep your affections because one day I'd like to marry you."

Her eyes widen a bit and her face softens. "You really mean that Toru?" Her eyes tear up and I quickly wipe her tears away. "Of course I do, every great king needs his queen by his side." I wrap my arms around her and she leans into my touch. Her (hair type) brushes against my chest. "I'll take you back but you have to make up for our last date and take me and Takeru out for ice cream." I see Takeru smile and nod. "Do it occhan!!" I lift up her head and kiss her softly on her forehead. "Okay let's go...uh Y/n/-chan you're still in your pajamas..." She doesn't know this but I can tell she's blushing even if it doesn't show up on her face fully.

"Oh...right. Give me 15 minutes! Takeru you know where the remote is!" She runs off to her bedroom.

Bonus content:

Iwa-kun : So did you get her back or are you still a loser?

Oikawa-kun: Of course I got her back, she loves me!

Iwa-kun: She should've dated me instead because you can't even handle her like I could 😌

Oikawa-kun: Iwa-kun I didn't know you were jealous of my relationship 👀😌

Iwa-kun: ...shut up Crappykawa that's why she broke up with you, you're annoying!!

A/n note:

Hello this is my first one shot, I definitely think I'll update often! You may request on my messages because it's easier.😌✨

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