Welcome To Bonten II

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A/n : I love the idea of this one. I'm thinking a two part special for 3K because I didn't think I'd even get this far writing about 2D men but here we are just over 3K views🥲. Enjoy the toxic lifestyle ahead. Proceed with caution ⚠️, if you're not a manga reader there is a slight spoiler although maybe not. I will mention something that does happen in the manga.

Warnings: the same as before, slight gore not a lot but🌝, mentions of blood, mentions of death and mild violence. Cursing is censored so🌝...

Y/n was currently at her office cleaning out her desk. She begged Mikey to let her go because no one was even aware that she was the Crouching Dragon or that her alias was even a woman. "I hate to see such a hard worker go, are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" Y/n looks at her boss who she did have a slight crush on but that's because she likes them psycho. "I'm sorry Mr.Hanma but my fiancé said there's no debate. He wants me to be a housewife and to live off of his money." The handsome man sighs knowing he can't change her mind. "Well give me a call if you want to come back. I don't think I'll ever have another assistant quite as hardworking and beautiful like you. I'll miss your face around the office."

Y/n waves as she carries the box of her belongings to the elevator. When she gets outside a black car is waiting but she opts to keep walking just to see if they'll follow her. "Y/n please get in the car, you know how Mikey is." Sanzu calls to her in hopes she'll stop walking. "Yes I know exactly how he is, he'll be mad if he finds out that you didn't help carry my things to the car. You know I love spinning the wheel of misfortune." The wheel of misfortune is full of despicable things Y/n is allowed to do to torture people. Her favorite victim? You guessed it, Sanzu. He rolls his eyes and mumbles curses under his breath. If he didn't like her as much as he did, he would've found a way to kill her.

"Please get in the car, I'll bring you to the bookstore that you like." She stops walking and he lets out a sigh of relief. Sanzu gets out and grabs the box from her hands and opens the car door for her. She gets in because she's ready to see Mikey. It's been a week since she's last seen him because she gave a two weeks notice and worked her full last two weeks and Mikey went away on business. "Is Mikey home yet?" Sanzu doesn't know how to tell her that Mikey has yet to contact anyone but he always does this. He leaves and comes back as if he didn't disappear for weeks at a time. Sanzu was hoping he'd be back because now he has Y/n. "I'll take your silence as a no, can you bring me to my house then? I have stuff I need there." Sanzu sighs but complies because he's tired of the wheel of misfortune.


Once they arrive back at the mansion Y/n is let out the car by Ran. "I'll take your bags beautiful, how was your day?" Y/n rolls her eyes at his advances. "It was my last day working and I just want to go up to my room." Ran catches Sanzu's gaze and understands why Y/n is colder than usual...no Mikey equals no nicey. Y/n enters the house and walks past everyone going straight to her shared room with Mikey. "You know Mikey will kill us if he comes back and Y/n tells him that she was bored. We all know bored means we get the WOM." Rindo says with a sour tone. "WOM?" KoKo asks raising an eyebrow. Sanzu points to the big wheel of misfortune in the meeting room. "Oh anything but that, she's quite the sadistic type. Does anyone know what keeps her entertained?" You know it's got to be pretty bad if Japan's worst criminal organization is shaking in their boots over the punishments on a game wheel. "I bought her manga but that'll only last a few hours. If only she had a friend...wait does the sociopath queen have any friends?" Sanzu says gaining the attention of everyone. "That's a good question, I remember that Mikey said she was friends with Emma but she's dead. What about that other girl, Takamitchi's girl?" KoKo suggests but Sanzu shakes his head. "No but...no we can't get the friends I remember. Mikey would actually kill us." Rindo raises an eyebrow. "You can't mean one of his off limits tomen gang members? He'd definitely kill us."

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