Draken Part 1

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A/n: What do we want to do for the 3K special? I'm thinking about a Welcome to Bonten kinda thing because let's be honest that Mikey is fine. Anyways here's Draken

"Mom I'll call you as soon as I get there, it's not such a big deal. It's just middle school." Y/n is on her way to her new school. Her uniform is a little snug but she wasn't too worried about it. She told her mom she'd call her back once she got to school. As she's crossing the street, she bumps into two boys making her bag fall. "Oh I'm sorry about that, Kenchin help her pick up her stuff." She bends over and her skirt rides up a little and Mikey looks in curiosity. "You have a nice ass, what's your name?" Draken rolls his eyes. "Mikey that's not how you greet a girl. Sorry about him, I'm Draken and he's Mikey." She smiles at up at Draken as he hands her back her things. "Thank you, Draken senpai, I'm Suzuki Y/n."

Mikey tries to hold in his laugh but fails making Draken annoyed. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I'm not-" "Oh no it's just Kenchin is our age. He's not your senpai, hmm I need a nickname for you. Wanna be my b****?" Draken rolls his eyes. "Ignore him, Takemitchy is already your b****. She can be mine though, from now on you're my b****. Got it?" Y/n stands up shocked. "I guess but like you haven't even taken me out or anything. I can't really commit to it if we've just met. Anyways I have to start my day at my new school, later." And with that Y/n continues on her way to her school. Mikey looks up at Draken. "She's heading towards Mitsuya's school, let's pay him a visit."

Unbeknownst to young Y/n, she was now being followed by the two boys to her new school. Mikey couldn't help checking out her butt as she walked...much to Draken's annoyance.


In the middle of class, bored out of her mind Y/n hears a commotion going on in the hallway. Mitsuya shakes his head knowing the culprits behind the scene going on. Mikey sticks his head in the classroom searching for Y/n who obviously stuck out like a sore thumb because she was the only brown girl in the class. "Oh she is in here, Y/n-chan we have stuff to do. Let's go, Kenchin is here too." Mitsuya raises an eyebrow wondering how the new girl is already affiliated with Mikey and Draken. "...I'm literally in class, can't this wait until I'm done?" Mikey gives her a smile she can't quite decipher but she somehow knew that she needed to leave with him. "I'll catch you up later don't worry." Mitsuya gives her a reassuring smile before she leaves with the delinquent pair of boys.

Y/n sees a bunch of guys laying on the floor making her raise an eyebrow. "What kind of guys are you anyways? You seem like a couple delinquents." Mikey laughs patting her head. "That's because we are, I hope it doesn't bother you." Y/n smirks. "You kidding? I like 'em bad, the badder the better." Draken looks down smirking at the pretty brown skinned girl. "I guess you're in luck because we're as bad as they come. Now here's your red carpet queen, walk it." He lifts her hand and kisses it. "Gladly, I hate idiots." She steps on each and every guy lined up on the hallway floor and Mikey smiles following behind her. As the three make their way out of the school building they gain the attention of staff and their peers but none dared voice an opinion. You see, Y/n's adoptive  father is a politician and her mother is the new head of the school district so either way no one was going to cross her. Truth be told the adults were more afraid of her than her parents, the last school she attended put a warning that read : Good luck, she's going to make waves.

"You seem popular already Y/n, why is that?" Mikey asks noticing the stares. "Oh that? My daddy is a very important man and people like to suck up to me because of it, kinda annoying." Draken raises an eyebrow. "You're dad wouldn't happen to be that rich guy Suzuki Misato who basically runs one of the biggest corporations in the world who went politician?" She nods smiling. "That's right and you forgot head of a yakuza. So what are we getting into today?"

Mikey and Draken decide to show Y/n all of the cool spots they found over the years. "This was fun, I've never actually been on a motorcycle before. I do have to be back at school later because my dad's picking me up." Draken nods making a mental note. As the three walk through the park they bump into someone. "Watch where you're going b...beautiful. I've never seen you around these parts before. Hanma Shūji, what's your name?" Y/n notices the guy has tattoos on his hands. "Not interested, I'm here with Draken and Mikey. It's rude not to acknowledge someone." Hanma looks to see Draken looking irritated and Mikey looking bored.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to upset you. Well isn't it nice to see the infamous Mikey and Draken. Would you mind if I took her off your hands?" A cold laugh emits from Draken. "Actually I do mind, she's my b****. Go find your own." When Hanma goes to grab Y/n she instinctively roundhouse drop kicks him. Mikey and Draken's eyes widen seeing Hanma lying on the ground knocked out. "He said go find your own." Mikey crouches down and pokes him. "He's out cold...where'd you learn to do that?" They continue walking stepping over him seeing no reason to do anything for him. "Didn't I tell you my daddy is a yakuza boss? I was in taekwondo from the moment I could walk. I perfected that kick by the time I was 4."

"Remind me not to mess with Y/n."


Y/n gets back to the school just in time to see Mitsuya with her assignments. "So how is it you know Mikey?" He asks curiously as they wait for her dad to arrive. "Oh that, I bumped into them on my way to school this morning. I'm Draken's girlfriend I guess now but we just met so I don't know." He raises an eyebrow. "Well you'll get used to it but you're going to have to be in school more often than not if you want to have a future one day." She nods agreeing with him. "You're right, I can't miss too much school anyways. My mom kinda runs the school district. Thank you for today, I appreciate it." He smiles at Y/n shrugging. "No problem...is that your dad?" A black limo pulls up and Y/n groans. "I told him not to pull up in the limo, makes me look above people. Anyways I gotta go, thanks again!"

A Couple Weeks Later
"This is a nice view of the city, thanks for bringing me here." They're on a rooftop that overlooks Tokyo. "It's no big deal, aren't you used to nice things?" Draken inquires while Mikey naps behind them. "Well you know my parents aren't exactly always around because they're busy all the time. Don't get me wrong, they care and all but I wish I spent more time with them. It's lonely by myself." Draken drapes an arm over her shoulders. "No siblings?" "The twins? Oh they're in college and my brother is in high school, he's not concerned about what I'm doing. He has a girlfriend that takes up his time." Draken listens to her and rubs her shoulder. "Well you have us, now that includes the whole gang. Can't have someone messing with my girl on the streets."

She scoffs lightly. "You're girl ? You sure you don't mean you're b****?" Draken sighs making Y/n turn to look at him. "I'm sorry, I'm new to all this. I won't call you that if you don't want me to. I really like you Y/n." "It's true, he's been talking about you all the time. Please take him." Mikey says yawning and Y/n laughs softly. "Oh Mikey weren't you just napping?" He nods. "Aren't you two going to kiss or something?" Draken stares at him blankly. "Next time I take you out I'm leaving him home." "Agreed."

"Hey I'm the reason you two are together!"


Wow we're already at 3K views!! Thank you so much! Please I'm loving all the Tokyo Revengers stuff I have planned. A Mikey imagine, Draken Part 2, and Ran🌝...the 3K special will be out hopefully before the year ends🤡

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