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A/n: WE HIT 2K READS??? Thank you omg. Here's a little something for you guys.

Everyday Y/n grew more and more tired of her boyfriend making a fool of himself in front of his team manager. Not only was it embarrassing for her, but it made her feel like in a way he was telling her she wasn't good enough to be his girlfriend. Today is one of those days. "Shimizu-san may I talk to you?" She sees that you look sad and pulls you away from listening ears. "What's up L/n-chan? Is it Nishinoya because I'll beat him up for you." Y/n sighs nodding. "I just think maybe he doesn't like me anymore? He's always talking about you when we're together and at this point I think it's about time I g-" "Don't give up, I have a plan. You're too beautiful to doubt yourself, he's crazy about you but he's also crazy stupid. I have a plan, come with us to Nekoma." Y/n raises an eyebrow. "Like right now??" "Come on, I need assistance anyways."

The girls join the boys on the bus. "Hey baby come sit next to me, I didn't know you were joining us!" Y/n goes to say something but Kiyoko shakes her head and pulls her into a seat in the back of the bus. "Y/n-chan you look pretty today." "Thanks Naka-chan." Nishinoya's eye visibly twitches. Why was his girlfriend ignoring him and calling his best friend anything other than his last name?


They arrive at Nekoma and are greeted by the rival team. As soon as Y/n gets off the bus she catches the eye of Nekoma's captain. "Well hello there, are we in a Wattpad au?" She raises an eyebrow. "Because I think I just struck gold." Y/n laughs at the quirky captain and this doesn't go unnoticed by her boyfriend. In fact he's fuming. "You're funny, what's your name?" He smirks leaning against the bus. "It's Kuroo Tetsurō but you could call me Tetsurō." Kiyoko smiles to herself seeing her plan is working. "Okay Tetsurō-kun, it's cute. So what position do you play?"

And the rest of the day went on just like that, Y/n laughing with the Nekoma team and particularly with Kenma and Kuroo. "Um Y/n-chan can I get your number? I'd like to play games with you sometimes if that's okay..." Kenma asks almost in a whisper. "Aww of course you can Kenma-kun, here let me put it in your phone." All the while Nishinoya is pissed off. "What's eating you?" Tanaka asked seeing his small friend upset. "Well Y/n ignores me on the bus, off the bus, and now it's like she's best friends with Nekoma's team. She's already on first name basis with them and she still calls me by my last name and we've been dating a whole year. Maybe trying to make her jealous of Shimizu was a bad idea."

"Maybe you should just talk to her about how you feel. Communication is key in a relationship."


After the practice match the team heads towards the bus. "Y/n-chan you better keep in touch, I'll show you around next time you come." Kuroo says walking Y/n to the bus. "Of course, I would love a tour! May-" "Actually Y/n can I talk to you?" She turns to see her boyfriend and goes to smile but stops remembering Kiyoko's plan. "Sure Nishinoya-kun, I'll see you later Tetsurō-kun." The short libero drags her away to the other side of the bus.

"Y/n you've been ignoring me all day. Did I do something wrong?" Seeing her boyfriend with such a hurt expression made her heart hurt but she was determined to stick to the plan. "I guess you could say that. Shouldn't you be looking for Shimizu since she's all you pay attention to when I'm around." The libero feels a pang in his heart. "Well I could explain that...are you mad at me?" She folds her arms and rolls her head, raising an eyebrow. He tries not to look at her chest but he couldn't help it. Y/n is the curvy and busty girl of his dreams...who made his nose bleed. "Okay so what if I told you I did it to see if you'd call me by my first name for once."

Y/n pulls out a tissue from her bra and dabs his nose, used to his nose bleeds...which makes his nose bleed more. "But...I thought I was using your first name. Nishinoya isn't your first name??" He shakes his head just as confused as her until he realizes his mistake a year ago when they first met. You see because Y/n is from America he decided to introduce himself as Yū Nishinoya and not Nishinoya Yū. So Y/n always thought Nishinoya was his first name and that he was just friendly with everyone. "...This is my fault for trying to be cool and impress you with my English we first met."

"Nishi-.. I mean Yū, you didn't have to try to impress me. I already liked you...haha." He pouts seeing his girlfriend hold in her laughter. "What's so funny? I'm laying my heart out for you." Her laughter is contagious and soon he joins in. "It's not...I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at how stupid we are. Gosh we're a mess." All the while Coach Ukai is waiting for them to get their asses on the bus. He doesn't want to interrupt but he does want to get on the road. "Well I think if there's anyone I'd want to be a mess with, it's you. I uh...I love you Y/l/n Y/f/n." He grabs her cheeks and places a wet kiss on her lips making her lipgloss smudge onto his face.

"Alright lovebirds, get your asses on the bus or I'll leave you here." Ukai yells making the pair run onto the bus. "Wait Y/n-chan you're dating the libero???" Kuroo asks in shock. "She's off the market and has been for a year now. Come on goddess let's go I have a snack waiting for you." Nishinoya pulls the black beauty along until they get to an empty seat. "Bye Tetsurō senpai, I'll call you okay?" She waves and as she does his focus lands on her chest making poor Kuroo's nose a bloody mess.

Kiyoko looks at the pair as the bus drives along back to their school. She smiles seeing them sleeping leaning against each other so she takes a picture but her sound wasn't off. "You're not sneaky taking pictures of people, delete that." Y/n mumbles in her sleep. "No thanks I'm keeping it." Nishinoya snuggles into his girlfriend with a drunk like smile on his lips. "Send it to me."


Thanks sooo much for all the support!!! Remember go request and if you did I am indeed working on them.☺️

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