✨5K Special ✨ Iwaizumi

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A/n : This was a request but it seemed like it'd make a good theme for the special so enjoy!!

"Put me out of my misery please!" Y/n suffered in silence from the hustle and bustle of her everyday life, it doesn't pay to be the sunshine of the staff. Working at a hospital is hard enough with all the stress and long hours, but add dating into the mix it just makes everything 10x harder. As the lead pediatric surgeon Y/n did get to choose who she took on as a patient so it wasn't so bad. Tonight though she had a date with her boyfriend  and put it on the calendar she wasn't accepting any new patients today or doing anything that wasn't on her schedule already. "Dr. Y/l/n here's your charts for today. You have 6 patients to see today before you leave for the evening." Y/n takes her charts with a smile and reads through her charts. "Oh young Nobara seems to be recovering well, let's start with her."

Y/n makes a stop in the cafeteria and gets some cake pops that resemble dango before stopping by her patient's room. "Nobara-chan how are we feeling today? Is that broken arm feeling better?" The young girl's face brightens up seeing her favorite doctor. "Dr. Y/n!! The medicine is helping, I feel lots better!!" Y/n kisses the top of her head. "Good enough for this?" She pulls out the dango inspired cake pops and hands it to Nobara. "Wow thank you Dr.Y/n!!" "You're welcome. I'll be back before my shift is over to make sure you're still okay." The special thing about all of Y/n's patients are that they're all under privileged and or orphans.


2 hours before the date

"Dr. Y/l/n, you need to have a look at this." Y/n takes a look at the tests and sees that her nurse missed something months ago when Nobara first arrived. "Oh no I should've caught this sooner, are these from today?!" The CNA nods bleakly and Y/n's heart drops into her stomach. "Okay well clear my schedule, I have to get a hail mary emergency surgery approved." "W-what about your date??" Y/n sighs collecting everything she needs. "I'll call him don't worry. Find out who mixed up these charts, I want to find out who compromised my patient's life." The poor CNA gulps knowing it must be worse than she thought. "Poor Nobara might not make it 48 hours."

Y/n knocks on the director's office before walking in. "Y/n what's up? Uh oh I know that look, a little life is in danger. Who do I need to fire?" Y/n places her patient's chart on her desk with the look of fury in her eyes. "I need to perform an emergency bone marrow replacement surgery, Nobara won't make it through the night if I don't. Please Shinobu, I need to save her!" A tear rolls down Y/n's face and Shinobu sighs looking at her star surgeon. "You and I both know that no matter what you do it's too late, we should've caught this a month ago. At this point her cancer has spread to her lungs and I've had her on medication to make her breathing less painful. Your assistant told me she suspected foul play and I think she's right. Someone sabotaged your patient's charts and I'll find out who but in the meantime, say your goodbyes because I'm sending you home so you don't do anything you regret. I will find out who did this, no bad deed goes unpunished."

Y/n goes by the cafeteria and picks up Nobara's favorite meal of pizza and mochi before going into her room. "Knock knock...I have your favorites." Nobara's eyes brighten but she's definitely more sluggish than she was earlier. "Dr Y/n you always know how to make me feel better. Why do you look so sad?" Y/n smiles although the pain in her heart is taking over her chest. "Well I know you've been being a trooper and making light of your situation which I love about you. I wanted to spend the end of my shift with you and eat your favorite meal." Nobara raises an eyebrow but doesn't question her favorite mother figure.

While they eat Nobara brings up what Y/n has been dancing around. "So I'm dying, I know you did everything that you could. Maybe...in our next life you can be my mommy...and we'll do fun things together like ride...bikes and try all different kinds of desserts! Won't...that be fun?" Y/n's mouth runs dry as she can visually see her health declining and that it was getting harder for her to breathe. The morphine drip exhoed in her ears making her stomach hurt with guilt. "We'll definitely be together again, I always wanted to be your mom and give you the life you deserve. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job taking care of you." Tears cascade down Y/n's face seeing Nobara no longer eating her good laying trying to catch her breath. "Don't be sorry... you did nothing...wrong. I love...you!" The machine goes silent and only the cries from Y/n and the morphine drip can be heard in the room.


"Baby what's wrong? You haven't touched your alfredo pasta and it's your favorite." Iwaizumi noticed the somber mood his girlfriend was in which isn't like her. "Shinobu put me on leave for awhile..." He raises an eyebrow seeing that this was a good thing and no reason for her to be so depressed. "I'm sorry but what's wrong with that? You could definitely use the break baby...did something happen to Nobara today?" Bingo, cue the waterworks and his face immediately falls as he too had come to love the young child. "She...passed away...and I couldn't fix her." The spiky haired man gets up and consoles his girlfriend and shields her from wandering eyes. "I know you really loved her, but think about it, she's not suffering anymore right?"

"That's true but I wanted to adopt her, she was the sweetest little girl I've ever met and always was so positive. Hajime I really wanted to be a mom..." Eventually her sobs turn into sniffles as he kisses her tears away. "Baby we can always make a baby and if it's a girl we can name her Nobara and if it's a boy...Hajime." Y/n's lips can't help but curve into a smile. "Hajime we can't have two of you in the same house, I was thinking we could name him after that best friend of yours. After all he is the reason we started dating." Iwaizumi's eye visibly twitches at the thought of his son with his idiot friend's name. "I'll be damned if my son had that idiot's name."

Two months after Nobara's funeral, Y/n returns back to the hospital to be greeted by Shinobu who greeted her warmly. "Welcome back, we've certainly missed your sunshine! I just want to let you know I found out who it was that tampered with your patient's charts and they've been arrested." "...Who?" Shinobu hands her the mugshot of Mahito  one of the nurses who works...well worked in the lab. "But why would he do that? I've never done anything to him." She sighs and pulls up a video on her tablet showing him getting arrested. "I loved her first, she never noticed me but I guess you notice me now huh Y/n?! Now you'll always have a hole in your heart just like me!!" It then shows her assistant whacking him in the head with a clipboard.

"...Wow I don't know what to say. I guess I'll just be content with the fact he's in jail. He's right though, I will always have a hole in my heart. The bright side is I am looking forward to being a mom." Shinobu looks at Y/n's stomach in shock to see a small baby bump. "Baby you forgot your bag in the car!" Iwaizumi says after running in after his girlfriend handing her the birkin bag she left behind. "Oh I see congratulations you two...or should I say three haha. I'll let you settle in Y/n and come see me later." Shinobu waves as she walks away towards the elevator. "Thank you Hajime, you didn't have to run in I could've come back outside." He gives her a look like

"I'm not letting my pregnant girlfriend do anything more than she should have to

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"I'm not letting my pregnant girlfriend do anything more than she should have to. Damn right I ran inside." She leans up and gently kisses him on the lips earning a smile from him. "Well I appreciate it. I'll call you on my lunch okay baby?" He watches as she lets him go and he basks in the scent that lingers when she's gone. "Okay baby I'll pick you up later. I love you now say it back." She rolls her eyes. "I love you too!"

A/n: I think this took wayyyy longer than I thought it should've taken 🤡...anyways if you'd like to see some tumblr exclusive content that I'll be posting then comment 😀. Love you guys!

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