4K Special Gojo vs Toji II

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A/n: I'm glad I'm updating while I have idea😀...enjoy! Comment theories🌝

Warnings: Mentions of fondling of male appendage...you'll see what I mean. Nothing like explicit but you know😅

"Wow this is really nice...everyone looks so pretty." Y/n looks around admiring the expensive atmosphere of the gala. "No one is as stunning as you are tonight my love. Look everyone is looking at you." And he was right, women were envying Y/n for being with the arguably richest man there and men were eyeing her with lust...Toji was no exception. He watched as Y/n strolled through the party on Gojo's arm like she was the accessory of choice. What made it worse is that the couple were extremely cute together and Toji couldn't deny it. He should be happy for Y/n but he couldn't. "Princess do you mind if I have a chat with a few colleagues for a moment? I won't be long I promise!" Y/n nods not seeing a problem with it.

He kisses her temple before leaving her alone. A server comes by and offers her a glass of champagne that she gladly takes. "You look beautiful tonight." Y/n turns to see Getou, a friend of Gojo's. "Oh Sugu, how are you? Here I thought I wouldn't know anyone here." She gives him a friendly hug which he returns. "I'm doing well, I just got back from Korea believe it or not and I found out about this event tonight and here I am." "Oh really? Toru didn't tell me you were in Korea, what were you doing there?" Toji was bored and looked to see Y/n with someone other than Gojo. It would be rude to not congratulate her on her engagement right? Just as Toji was going to go over to her the room goes silent and the attention goes to Gojo who's standing by a covered canvas.

"Thank you everyone for attending the celebration of Infinite Finance Inc and Fushiguro Industries doing business together." A round of applause rings out throughout the venue. "I also wanted to dedicate something to the woman I owe everything to, she has been my support system since the beginning and I love her beyond words. This will be the first thing people see when they enter the building of Infinite Finance Inc!" The cover is taken off of the canvas to reveal a beautiful portrait of Y/n and Gojo smiling at each other. At first glance anyone could see that although Gojo is in the painting, Y/n is clearly the star.  Gojo raises his glass of champagne and everyone follows suit. "To my beautiful fiancée Y/n!" "To Y/n!"

After his moving speech Gojo makes his way over to Y/n who he finds is talking to Getou and...Toji? "So you two are officially getting married huh?" Y/n nods but she can't help but notice how good looking Toji is. Don't get me wrong here, Y/n is 100% happy with Gojo but the woman isn't blind. "We set a date last night, in just a couple short months we'll be married. But how's Megumi? Is he with a babysitter?" Toji sighs knowing the conversation isn't going how he planned it. "Well he's fine I guess, my ex is watching him. She has a daughter around his age so he goes over there when I'm busy on weekends." Y/n holds back the urge to say something about his love life. "Oh well I'd be happy to watch him on the weekends or after school. He's so cute and well behaved, I adore him." "Oh you have a son?" Getou asks trying to seem interested in the conversation but in reality he wants to stay to see the drama between Gojo and Toji. "You don't have to watch him more than what you're paid to do, but thank you I'm sure he likes you more than my ex. Oh yeah he's like 4 I think."

"Oh there you are Princess, do you like the painting Suguru painted?" Y/n turns to Getou surprised. "Sugu you did that? It's beautiful, I love it! I love how it looks so real, it really captures Toru well. His eyes are stunning!" Gojo wraps his arm around Y/n's waist pulling her closer to him. "Oh it was nothing, Y/n you are a wonderful muse. You're always glowing, don't you think Toji?" Toji stands there awkwardly not wanting to be included in this conversation. "She's always been stunning, well I have to go make my rounds." Toji leans down close to Y/n's ear. "Later beautiful, see you Monday." She can smell his cologne that brings back memories of when they used to be together and it makes her feel some type of way. Gojo feels her tremble and he frowns at Toji's broad figure retreating through the crowd.

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