Rin x Author

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Another day being a manager of the Iwatobi swim club along with Gou-chan was beginning to test my patience. "Rei-chan please just let me beat you once running? Mina senpai is watching." Nagisa says more like whines to the butterfly stroke swimmer. "That wouldn't be beautiful now would it?" I roll my eyes at them because we're visiting another school to have joint practice and this is how they act. "You know what would be beautiful? You two behaving and not embarrassing your senpai!" My boyfriend looks at me from across the pool with curiosity. I sigh looking away from him.

Ever since we started dating he's been putting swimming at a priority and if it's not swimming it's his friends and if it's not his friends it's his studies...where am I in the picture huh? I really just want to go home right now but I have a job to do. "Ah sorry senpai forgive us! We'll do better!" Not feeling so annoyed anymore I pat their heads walking off. I sit on an empty bench watching both teams practice for regionals. "Mina Senpai...are you okay? Is it that you miss my brother?" I jump slightly hearing her voice but I plaster a smile on my face. "Oh no I'm all good! I'm just tired, since practice is over I'm going to clean up since we're at Samezuka today." She nods but doesn't seem convinced. "Do you want me to help? I can help you."

Before I could answer another more raspy voice sounds out. "I'll help her don't worry about it. You make it home safely." I look to see Rin with a towel on his shoulders with Sousuke next to him. I fight against rolling my eyes at him. "Is that okay with you Mina-chan?" I give my best fake smile and I nod. Gou leaves looking unsure but waves as she parts anyways.


I grab my things as I get ready to leave out of the gym. I see Rin and Sousuke talking to Momo across the pool so I just take my leave quietly.


"Not to overstep senpai but is your girlfriend mad at you?" I scoff folding my arms across my chest. "What makes you think that?" Sousuke taps my shoulder and points to her leaving figure walking out without a word. "I think it's the fact she didn't even say goodbye or greet you earlier when her team arrived. Maybe you should go talk to her..." I run after her in hopes of catching up to her.

"Mina hey wait up!" She pauses walking but doesn't turn around. I catch up with her and I can almost feel the tension radiating off of her. "You left without saying anything, what's wrong?" She looks up at me with glistening eyes and I feel a pang in my chest. "I didn't think you'd notice if I left or not. I got to get back before I miss the train." I place a hand on her shoulder. "Of course I noticed you left, I almost feel like you're mad at me." I see her hesitate but then she smiles...doesn't reach her eyes. "It's nothing, I just have to prepare for a test tomorrow."

I grab her hand and I walk with her to the station. "Well then let me make sure you get home safely...have you eaten today?" She nods. "Haru-kun made me a bento..." Although I'm happy that she's eaten I'm not exactly happy that Haru was the one making her lunch. "Oh...are you busy Saturday? We haven't gone on a proper date in awhile and that's my fault." She stops walking. "Why now?" I raise an eyebrow. "Now?"

"This is the first time in months that you've even held my hand and are having an actual conversation. You're so busy these days I'm not sure if I even fit into your life anymore." My breath hitches in my mouth making it feel like the air has been knocked out of me. "Mina...w-what are you saying? Are you...are you breaking up with me?" Tears escape her eyes making me feel even worse. "No I'm saying I miss you and I want you to care about me like I care about you...it's like I'm not a priority for you."

"You are a priority for me...I'm sorry that I made you feel differently. I love you Mina, you get me through everything. Come here," I pull her into a hug and I hear her sniffle and then she pulls away quickly. "You don't have a shirt on..." I look down to see she's right. "Oh well it's not like you haven't seen it before." She turns away cutely and although I can't tell if she's blushing but I know she is. "Well that's true...but if you're walking me home you should have one on." I smile knowing she's right. "Alright let me go change uh can you wait inside?"


"Hey Mina-chan you looked down yesterday, are you okay?" Makato asks when we make our way to go home. "I'm fine, I was just tired." Haru joins us walking and gives me a wave. "Hey Haru-kun." "Hey...are you feeling better today? I noticed you looked sad yesterday." My cheeks start to burn in embarrassment. "Did everyone notice the same thing?" They both look at each other and shrug. "Pretty much. Gou-chan said that she'd ask Rin to check up on you. Are you two okay?"

I sigh knowing I can't fake my way out of their questioning because then they'd just bombard Rin with questions. "We're fine, I just missed him and although I'd see him I never got much alone time with him. Anyways we talked about it when he walked me home last night so it's fine." They both let out sighs of relief. "That's good to hear, we don't like to see our Mina-chan sad. How about we get ice cream?"

A hand slips around my waist pulling me backwards. "I'll be taking her from here guys. Thank you for looking out." The three of us gawk in confusion. "Where'd you come from?! You scared me!" Rin chuckles softly kissing me on my temple. "I was on my way to meet you at your house but I saw you walking with these guys home and figured I'd take you off their hands. Come on there's a lot of stuff I want to do with you."

"Okay shark boy chill out. Later boys I'll catch you Monday"


Wow omg where have I been?? Okay so I haven't gotten requests so I wrote one about my anime boyfriend Rin. Anywho I'd love to do like a Jujutsu Kaisen imagine but like where do I start?? Gojo Sensei or Toge?? Gosh idek but obviously I will be working on it and I'll make it a Y/n because that's what you guys are here for 🌝. Please comment any requests for Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, BNHA, or Haikyu. You can request out of that and I'll try my best if I haven't watched that anime. If I have then great, if not I'll do research 😌

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