Draken III

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A/n: I'm just thinking, I'd really love to spend just one night with Toji bruh just ONE night!! Gojo bby I am yours but can I get a hall pass for one time only?? I just want my back broke like a glow stick ✋🏻😫...anyways this is about Draken. I decided I'm a sucker for drama so I won't put you guys through the ringer yet but one of these days I WILL write a sad imagine. Huh maybe for Rengoku 🌝 hmmm

Warnings: mild violence, and cursing obviously censored, mentions of lowkey pervy behavior but come on it's Sanji 🌝

"Pudding pie...pumpkin...oh baby I think she's waking up!" Y/n's eyes flutter open to see her family smiling back at her. "Thank goodness, you gave us a scare there stink. Welcome back to the land of the living." Her older sister Yuri says giving her a hug. "Yeah can't have you dying because you're the only one of us fit to take over the family business, we all know MJ is lowkey squeamish." Mirko says with a comedic tone causing a smile to appear on Y/n's face. The twins were always her favorite siblings. "Hey I got over that...anyways she's right. You took those bullets like a champ bruh, I don't have that in me for real for real." The girls unanimously roll their eyes at their brother. "Baka...anyways it's nice to see everyone in the same room again."

Misato and Déja kiss their youngest child on the head. "Of course pudding, we love you." Y/n raises an eyebrow looking at her father with suspicion. "What do you have up your sleeve? I know you have a plan to get revenge and I want in. Obviously they were aiming for Draken so he's still in danger." The twins look at each other smirking. "Somebody thinks their grown and has a little boyfriend huh?" Mirko asks and MJ scoffs. "Yeah the baby has a little boyfriend before you how does that feel?" "Well I have a man so I feel pretty secure." Misato turns to her with his own look of suspicion. "And when are we meeting him?" Yuri snickers to herself because Mirko dug this hole for herself. "...Um I'll get back to you on that. So uh you had a revenge plan?"

"I was going to send Sanji to go light his ass up since Y/n is his favorite, but now that pudding is up and ready for action I'll let her do it." Déja's jaw slacks and the black woman in her decided to make an appearance. "Have you lost your damn mind? That's our baby who just got shot up in the comfort of our front yard. I'll be damned if you let her take part in this and she takes worse damage than she left with. No absolutely not."

2 short weeks later (Y/n had previously been in the hospital a month recovering from the accident. She's fully recovered now.)

"I can't believe that you have my baby out there getting her hands dirty!" Misato shrugs. "She's with Draken, he's got her back and Sanji is accompanying them." Déja blinks a few times. "That doesn't make me feel any better, Sanji is kind of a perv. He better not touch her." Misato laughs at his wife's disgusted expression. "That's why Draken is there, besides he'd never actually do anything, she's only 14. 16 is different." Déja blinks a few times. "I forget the yakuza don't actually run background checks. Where are they now?"

That was a great question because currently Y/n and Draken were out on a date making up for lost time. "You know my birthday is coming up and I'll be 15 soon." Sanji's eyebrow raises. "I know I haven't forgotten, we're supposed to go to the water and fire festival (this is a real thing I do my research) and have dinner with your family at that fancy restaurant you like. I'm glad that you doing better, I missed you." Y/n raises an eyebrow. "You did now? Huh you're so forward with your feelings...is it because...you know?" Draken sighs as he pauses eating. "I just realized I don't ever want to lose someone I love ever again and miss telling them how I feel. So whenever I get the chance I'm going to tell you everything that comes to mind."

Y/n has a smile that spreads across her face. "Aww who knew you were such a romantic KenKen, well I'd take a bullet for you in a heartbeat if I have to again. Ride or die remember?" A mirroring smile appears on the blonde teenager's face and he intertwines their hands. "That's right ride or die. Uh Princess when are we going to actually do what you're dad sent us to do?" Y/n points her eyes to a far table where Hanma and Kisaki are sitting. "When they leave we leave, I have a way of getting them to fall into my trap." Draken decides not to question his girlfriend because he knows she's the one taking over for her father for a reason.

Once the two boys leave the diner Y/n and Draken leave with Sanji not too far behind. "Ahh Miss Y/n has gotten so mature, ooo I can't wait to work under her...over over her haha." Author-chan apologizes for his private thoughts. Y/n initiates her plan running away from Draken with him following her with them bumping into Hanma. "Draken leave me alone, stop following me for real I'm getting tired of you babying me!" Draken was taken aback but then gets into character because they have an audience. "I'm only trying to do what's best for you Princess, you need to calm down." He goes to grab her hand and she pulls away in "disgust". "What the hell I need to do is leave your sorry ass. I'm sick and tired of being labeled apart of Toman, I want a real gang to back me." Draken is really left speechless because although she's acting it lowkey was making him angry.

"Oh yeah? Forget this, I don't need some brat as a girlfriend anyways. All you do is b**** about your high life and I need a down chick not an uppity b****." Hanma decides to step in. "Woah what do we have here? Are you looking for a real man now baby girl?" Y/n smirks turning to Hanma. "You have no idea, you here to take me away?" He wraps his arm around her waist. "Sure thing baby. You heard the lady, leave." Draken rolls his eyes and leaves in the direction Sanji is hiding. "So you two free tonight? Want to come back to my place?" Kisaki smiles in the same he does when his plans come into fruition. "Lead the way Princess." Y/n walks with them down the street and turns and goes through the alleyway until they get to a black SUV. Before the two boys know what hits them, Sanji knocks them both out cold and Draken ties them up.

"Good work KenKen, you should really think about a career in acting." He smirks pulling her into a kiss. "You were the real actress, some of those lines almost felt real like you were really going to break up with me." She kisses him back wrapping her arms around his neck. "Haha the only way you're getting rid of me is death at this point, ride or die, besides I'd never break up with you for caring about me." Sanji grits his teeth seeing their exchange. "Miss Y/n the car is ready, let's head back." He throws the tied up pair in the trunk before letting Y/n and Draken (reluctantly) into the blacked out vehicle.


"Good job pudding, daddy is going to dispose of them okay?" Y/n shakes her head. "I don't want them to die daddy, I think making them live a life wishing they were dead is much better." She replies innocently and her father smiles. "What do you have in mind pudding pie?" Déja walks over to Hanma and slaps him clean across the face and kicks Kisaki in the stomach. "Well I was thinking about dishing what they sent me and seeing if they could survive. And then pour salt and vinegar over them." "Aww pudding you really know how to make your daddy proud. It's done, now go enjoy your little sleepover and there better be only sleeping going on. Zoro will be checking in on you."

Y/n hugs her mom and dad before heading upstairs to her wing of the house. "Now," Misato cocks his gun. "Let's make pudding's dream come true." In Y/n's room she could hear faint screaming that relaxes her. "Feeling alright Princess?" She nods setting up the movie on her TV. "Of course, you're spending the night and we're having a movie marathon." Once she cuddles up to him on her bed she sighs in content. Draken kisses the top of her head as the movie plays on the two fall asleep in each other's arms. Zoro doesn't hear them talking anymore and grows suspicious so he peeks in the room and sees them fast asleep. He grabs Y/n's polaroid and snaps a few pictures of the couple and  sets them on her desk to see when they wake up. "Those brats better be thankful I'm helping them document their stupid toxic relationship."

"Um baby who took these pictures of us sleeping??"

"What pictures?"

"These, look. It's kinda creepy..."

"Aww these are cute, I'm adding one to my scrapbook. You should hang one up in your room."

"Princess okay but like...who took these?!"

"I don't know that's a good question. I'll ask my dad."

"NO...I mean no haha it's okay I'll hang it up."

"Alright...why are you scared of my dad?"




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