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AU, Y/n's quirk is telekinetic empathetic manipulation. She can do more than just read others minds and understand their feelings. Y/n has the ability to teleport to any place she's been in the past or has seen in a picture. She can control someone/something just by looking at them/it and sense how they feel from the color of their "aura rays". She can easily change how the person feels if she touches them or inflict how she feels the stronger and more turbulent her emotions. The parameters of her power is so immense she was trained under All Might from a very young age. The darker side of her power is the fact she could at anytime control more than one person or thing into being her puppets.

"You really need to calm down." Currently Y/n is training with her boyfriend who seems to be really mad about something and taking it out on her...again. "Shut the hell up! You're always telling me what the f*** to do all the time! You with your useless quirks, you don't even have what it takes to be a damn hero!" Y/n was what you call a telekinetic empath. She easily could control the emotions of others and the darker side of her quirk she never shared in order to not be deemed a villain. Bakugo is known for having a hothead but usually he doesn't speak crazy to her. In fact Y/n isn't the only one who's noticed.

"You know what Katsuki I don't know who's pissed you off but I didn't do anything to deserve what you just said. I'm getting tired of you taking out how you feel on me like I'm some punching bag." His eye twitches. "What do you mean you're tired of me? I thought you should know how I feel, isn't that what your useless quirk is for?!"
Y/n feels a pang one her heart. "I don't know where this is coming from, I've never used my quirk on you." He laughs humorously. "You're lying! I know you have, I overheard the girls talking about how you used your quirk to make me fall in love with you!!"

Out of all the things that could've broken her heart...this hurt the most. "You really think I'd do something like that? After I told you in confidence how I feel about my quirks and how I'd never use them on you or my friends...I'm done." She starts to pack up her things and this seems to set off her boyfriend even more. "What do you mean you're done?! I'm not finished talking to you yet!" She can't even hold in the tears in her eyes because he hit her where it hurts the most. "I'm done with you Bakugo, I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me after dating for 2 years. If you really want to know if I used my quirk on you I'll tell you this, it would be impossible to miss me if your feelings were fake. And I'll do you one better, I won't even be around you so there won't be any doubt in your mind if what you feel is real."

He didn't think that he'd dive her away with what he said, he just thought she'd deny it and they'd move on. Instead he pushed her away and boy did she keep her word. It was as if she never existed at all, she didn't come to class nor was she around in the lounge area in the dorms. He'd go by her room but he couldn't bring himself to knocking. The light was on but even he could sense the immense sadness emitting from he room. Now Bakugo was never someone who was particularly in touch with his emotions but ever since he met Y/n that all changed. Although he didn't see the world through her eyes, he could get a glimpse of how torturous her quirk was yet she always seemed so happy. She literally only gave off warm happy feelings.

He didn't want to admit it but he really missed her, he missed his sunshine. He missed the way her brown skin glowed when they were practicing outside or when the sun would shine through the window. He missed her laughing at his antics and he especially missed how she would hug him when she felt he really needed a hug. He missed her kisses too, he just really missed her.

Y/n was depressed. She felt as if her entire world was upside down and there was no way up. Bakugo may be a hothead and a little abrasive but he was always soft for her. She knew his feelings were real and she knew how she felt was real but what she couldn't get over was the fact he didn't believe her. She wanted nothing more in the world right now than to be in his arms cuddling while watching Fire Force together. The sudden knock on her door broke her out of her thoughts. She sensed a calm aura on the other side of the door.

To her surprise Todoroki was revealed. You see he had noticed the shift in how Bakugo spoke to his girlfriend and he also noticed how Ochako and Tsu were talking about how it was so weird that Bakugo changed when he was around Y/n. Todoroki has always had a slight crush on Y/n but never said anything because of the way she felt about Bakugo. He wanted to make sure she was okay because although she was in class he knew she was using her quirk to dampen her aura so she'd be in the classroom undetected.

"I noticed that no one in class but me and Aizawa knew that you were there. Why didn't you make yourself invisible to me?" She was taken aback. She honestly didn't know that he could see her, she must've missed him but then again she's always had a soft spot for the heterochromatic boy. You see she always could feel his pain and empathized with him. This is why they were such great friends. "Well you're the only person who I can trust won't talk to Katsuki." He raises an eyebrow. "Why? Has he hurt you?" He looks her over but the only difference he sees is the dark bags developing under her eyes.

Bakugo watching from a distance is heated, why is Y/n wasting her time on an extra like Todoroki. "No he hasn't hurt me physically but he said some things that hurt my feelings so I technically broke up with him." Todoroki can't hide the surprise on his face. "You two broke up? Huh that explains your lack of participation in class and activities. Well I'm here for you if you need me." He gives her his best smile which causes her to smile. Bakugo can't take this, Y/n should only smile at him like that. "Thanks Shoto, I really appreciate that. The downside to my quirk is I can't help who I fall for, Katsuki is—"

"Wait just a damn minute! Y/n you can't possibly be replacing me with this two toned loser! You can't do were right and I f****ed up. Just take me back damn it!!" Y/n could not believe the sight before her, Bakugo with as deep if not worse of under eye bags and his face desperate. She's never sensed his aura this color before it's turquoise which means he's jealous and...sad. "Uhhh I'll leave you two alone..." Todoroki wants no part of getting between these two because even he knows Y/n is happier with Bakugo. "Yeah get outta here extra I got business with my lady." He pushes Todoroki out the way and makes his way into Y/n's room slamming the door behind him.

"Katsuki that was rude, you shouldn't push people l-" He cuts her off by smashing his lips on hers, desperate to make her aware of his feelings. "Use your quirk and see that everything I say is exactly what I f***ing mean. Y/n I miss you, I can't stand being away from you and your useless quirk anymore. I need your sunshine, I can't live without your damn cuddles and your Fenty lipgloss covered lips. Take me back I need you!"

Y/n can't help but have a smile on her face being in Bakugo's arms. He actually thinks that she has to touch him to know how he feels and she would tell him differently but this is her selfish moment of bliss. "I missed you too, that's actually what I was about to tell Shoto. I'll take you back on one condition," He gives her a look to continue. "You have to promise to never listen to any outside influences on our relationship. If you have a problem, tell me and we can talk about it. You have to trust me."

He sighs looking into her glossy eyes. "Alright, damn stop looking at me like that! I'll trust you and come to you when I have a problem. I uh...I love you." Y/n's cheeks hurt from how much she's smiling right now. Call her a simp if you want but she does love her man.

"I love you said you missed my cuddles, you want to do that or?" He rolls his eyes but he drags her to her bed lifting up the covers and climbs in. He pulls her in so she could be the big spoon and he places his head in the valley of her chest. He inhales her wonderful scent of Jimmy Choo and her natural scent swirled together in blissful harmony. They both get what they really want, each other.


Okay hear me out, I want to make a separate story from this imagine although there's already so many Bakugo stories 🥲

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