Welcome To Bonten III

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A/n: Wow over 4K reads and if I don't get the 4K special out before I reach 5K I'm going to make 2 new series haha. I'm thinking about a Toji one because although I'm committed to Gojo...Toji is a side piece. Is that a hint? Idk ...🌝 enjoy the finale 💚

Y/n knows that her "dream" felt too real for it to not be true. She goes to see Takamitchi to clear everything up. Hina opens the door smiling warmly. "Oh Y/n-chan what a surprise, you should've called me! I would've had some tea prepared already, come in!" She pulls Y/n inside of her noticeably clean apartment. Y/n looks around to see pictures of Hina and Takamitchi over the years along with pictures of Hina, Emma, and Y/n smiling in yukatas at different festivals over the years. "Your apartment is very...clean." Hina giggles blushing seemingly embarrassed. "Yes I try to keep it clean because you know my husband isn't very clean. Do you want jasmine tea?" "Please, thank you."

"Hey baby what's for lu....Y/l/n???" Takamitchi comes into the kitchen surprised. "Oh hey you're who I'm looking for. I think you can answer a question I have." He raises an eyebrow. "About what? Mikey hasn't told me anything about proposing." Y/n rolls her eyes. "Actually I'm not concerned about that. I was in this dark place and Mikey had white hair and cold eyes with bags underneath. And all of a sudden it was like I was sleeping and woke up to seeing Draken and Emma who I know died." Takamitchi sits down taking her seriously now. "Oh...you still remember that last timeline. Do you have any new memories of this timeline?" She nods sighing. "It's just scary to know that certain events really had me turn out to be someone I rather not be. I was terrible and I killed people...it's almost like I can't be happy knowing I have that potential."

Takamitchi nods listening attentively. "Y/l/n, you aren't what you were. In fact in this timeline you've used your potential to become a good person and help others. Modeling for Mitsuya's clothing line and being a cutthroat lawyer is a good thing." Hina places the tea on the table along with some dango. "He's right Y/n-chan, you deserve to be happy like all of us do." Y/n stares at her tea seeing how beautiful a simple cup of tea and dango  is when Hina makes it. "You're right. Just one last thing, is Baji..." a year rolls down her cheek seeing Takamitchi point to what seems to be a recent picture of Tomen together posed with their old gang uniforms. "Wow...you really did good Takamitchy. Thank you for helping us."


Y/n returns home to what seems to be Mikey's late grandfather's dojo. Looking around new flashbacks appear in her memory.

"Y/n let's see who has more stamina in a fight!" Baji says getting riled up. "Baji I'm not going to fight ya calm down. You're prettier than me anyways, I wouldn't want to mess up your face." Y/n says laying on Mikey's lap. "That's real cute Y/n but I'm serious, come on tie your hair up and fight." She shrugs tying her braids into a low ponytail before knocking Baji to the ground in one swift blow. She climbs on top of him and raises her fist before punching the floor beside him and cracking it. "Y/nnnnn come back it's my turn to lay on your lap this time!"
"Y/n I like you, be my girlfriend." Y/n almost chokes on her water. "Mikey we're third and fourth wheeling for Draken and Emma, you don't have to do that." Mikey grabs her hand and puts it on his chest. "I really mean it Y/n, remember how your cat died yesterday? That could've been you and I would be really sad right now that I didn't confess sooner. I really want you to be my girlfriend." Y/n smiles feeling his heartbeat determining he's being honest. "Okay, but if you break my heart I'll break your leg." He smiles back at her. "Good because now you're stuck with me forever."

"Baby are you alright? You've been standing there staring into the distance for a good five minutes." Y/n jumps hearing Mikey's voice behind her. "Yes I'm alright, just thinking about stuff." He tilts his head to the side. "Stuff? Like when I was a bad person?" She shakes her head before turning around and joining him by the door. "No just when we were younger and how you asked me to be your girlfriend. You said I was stuck with you forever." Mikey hums pulling her into a hug. "It's true...were we married before?" She shakes her head. "No but we were kinda engaged. Why do you keep asking about the other timeline?"

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