Carrick Grey

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Carrick Grey
I have to give my family an act they can believe. Grace is so clueless and too trusting. Carla nearly blew it for us all. Bob needs to keep it in his pants. Stone has to be terminated after we get what we need from him. Ray won't stop until he finds out who killed his daughter and husband and Jessica. As soon as we get the money I am moving to a non extradition country. I have to pretend to be upset now. I knew that Carla would be a wild card. Now I have to face the tears so I can mislead them about who is really involved. I thought I was in control of everything, between Carla and Morton I can't believe how they screwed this up so badly. Those bimbos were supposed to get Elliott and Christian alone and couldn't get the job done. Elena screwed up and didn't kill both the girl and the baby. I wished I had never gotten caught up in all of this. Grace can never know what happened with Elena. She has her claws deep into me. Both Carla and her came up with this plan after their kidnapping plan failed. I can't get around Ray Steele, Christian and Taylor were an immovable force. A gun toting, black belt midget was underestimated in her skills to survive dangerous situations. Now Ana, Jessica, and Christian are dead. I could be ruined if the videos got out that Elena has of me naked in her dungeon with an underage female. She drugged me and I went to have it verified that I had been drugged, but she still had someone ready to say that I was a willing participant in all the activities. It was not my idea to kill anyone or hurt anyone. It is Elena, Carla, Bob and Morton. Morton wanted revenge against Ana and Ray. Carla wanted Ana dead so she can have the inheritance..I can't do this anymore. I call Taylor and Raymond and have them meet me, I need to get help and they might be able to help me.
Carrick seems upset and very nervous, we have had him under surveillance and he has been acting strange for a while. Ray meets me in the lobby and we go to see Carrick, both of us are armed. We both have extra people guarding us and our families. I can't stand the waiting and wondering who is doing what at this point and how slippery these criminals. Like Elena is out on bail after an obvious kidnapping attempt.
I have an idea Carrick is going to tell us what we probably already know. We haven't told him anything about the setup at the wedding. Carla is probably talking to stone already to get the money. Wait until she hears that Taylor and I have the real wills and the only ones that count. They are filed with the courts and we have evidence that prove they are the real wills. Death certificates and handwriting analysis prove Stones documents aren't worth the paper they are written on. We knew Carla and her crew all too well. We walk in and Carrick looks about to burst into tears.
I come clean and finally tell someone about Elena blackmailing me. She drugged ma and stripped naked when I was there to help her on a legal issue. She stripped me naked with help from her boy toys and videotaped and photographed me in poses that looks like I am having sex with someone she said was 14 years old. The girl herself told me she had a lot of sex with me and she was only 14. Elena still has those, I haven't seen them, but am sure she has them hidden someplace. I have no doubt I am not her only blackmail victim.
I can find out for you and I know a few people who can do the job of getting all her blackmail material. Pula we might find something to reverse her h9ld and place one on her. Just give us enough time and we can find it. Tell her to use them, because you have lost everything you could have already lost. The girl probably hadn't had sex with anyone at all. If you were drugged then it would be obvious in a video and a photograph. Did you seek out medical treatment?
Yes, but that still doesn't help me.
So it's on the record that you were drugged? You had to have that information for this precise reason, right?
Yes and yes. It's in a safety deposit box.
Let's get this handled before they know that you have spoken to us. Ray you leave first and we will follow soon after. Have security come inside when you leave, take one with you. We have to be obvious about keeping everyone else safe at this point. No one knows who is going to inherit Christians billions yet, so we are hoping they try to present the forged wills and trusts soon. We have to get back to Seattle soon and we have to find the criminals and the blackmail material.
This is all about money and greed. I had no idea how ruthless people could be until I became an attorney and now three people have been killed for it. Seeing the bodies was a huge wake up call.
Seattle Elenas lair
I have been waiting for the news about Christian, Jessica and Anas death to be announced and nothing has been stated over the news yet. A knock on the door makes me jump. I answer the door and a very good looking young man is standing there looking at me.
Greg Wilson
I introduce myself to Elena Lincoln and ask if she has any work for me to do around her home? I look 14, but I am 22 really. Ray helped me get into undercover work and trained me well. I have even been hired for temporary jobs with law enforcement agencies. They can't afford my services on a regular basis. Barney at GEH is another friend of mine, we kind of play at crime fighting together. We keep it away from our normal lives though. We have an office in Seattle where like Batman and robin we fight crime. No one suspects we would be capable of much more than looking good and being nerds. Like Superman we look like someone no one would look twice at by day. But when we go into our superhero mode we mesmerize people with our good looks. Like now Elena can't stop drooling and that's what we want. I check the house out as Elena actually asks me my age. I tell her what's age but a number of years we have lived in our bodies and nothing more. She smiles and opens her blouse and fans herself and moves closer to me. The web is spun. I already saw her put something in the drink she offered me. Now to switch the drinks. I get up and check out her painting over the fireplace. A painting of her of course. I make a comment as she brings both drinks and I touch the frame and notice the hinges for it to open up like a door. There's one safe. She puts her drink down and so do I, I distract her and switch glasses easily. Plus I have a hypodermic needle just in case.
I watch as Greg finally gets her drink switched and he hands it to her and says he would love to see the rest of her home. He tells her to drink up as he pours his drink into a planter nest to the wall by the fireplace. He tips the glass up like he has drank it all. She drinks hers and noticeably becomes drowsy. He made sure she didn't lock the front door so I and a few other of Ray's men can enter the home. They finally leave for other parts of the house.

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