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Rea leaned against the railing of the bridge, her brown eyes gazing down at the deep blue waters of the river beneath her. 

It was early in the morning and she felt like going on a jog that day, to get her mind off of the dream she recently had and all the strange phenomenons that had been haunting her for the past few months. The dream from the previous day was still vivid in her mind but strangely, she didn't feel the pain she once used to feel. As if it were numbed. 

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon and a chilly morning breeze brushed against the bare skin of her arms. A presence came to stand beside her, imitating the same posture and she knew who it was.

"On duty again?"

"Hmm," The distinct raspy voice of his, hummed beside her.

She sighed against the wind as she watched the sunrise. No one spoke a word as they immersed themselves in comfortable silence. 

Rea felt as if Suga knew that she had found out what happened the previous night but he didn't speak a word about it and just simply gazed at the waters below. There was something about the angel that told her that there was more to the story than what he let on. Suga wasn't just some random angel assigned to be her guardian angel. There was something he was hiding from her and he wasn't going to reveal it to her yet.

Eyes staring at the blue waters below, she asked, "Suga, how are angels born?"

"Hmm," Suga hummed thoughtfully, "Angels are human souls that have regrets; souls that have a powerful intention to protect something."

"Oh," she hadn't expected that. She had always heard stories about angels being created by God but she never considered the idea that they were once humans. Curiously, she looked to the angel. The sharp jawline of his side profile looked even more prominent in the soft morning light. "What did you want to protect?"

He stiffened for a moment as he brought his deep brown eyes to her. They explored her entire face before he averted them, "Someone I was close with. Someone who meant the world to me."

She stared at him for a long time before she looked away. 

"Tell me about Andrea." She whispered.

He took a moment or two before he heaved in a slow deep breath. He looked up to the orange sky that was gradually turning blue as he spoke.

 "Andrea was the Queen of Adaira..." Upon noticing the confusion on Rea's face, he added, "The fae Kingdom."

"She was a human, the only ever human who had become the Queen of the fae." A soft reminiscent smile tugged at his lips before it dimmed and faded away from his face. "But she had to go. She went away before her time. It was her fate..."

Despite his efforts to hide the strain in his voice, Rea could tell that there was sadness in his tone. Suga fell silent and she felt that she shouldn't press him about it anymore. In an attempt at changing the subject, she asked cheerfully, "So you were a human before! Who were you... or like, what did you use to do?"

He narrowed his eyes at her fake cheeriness as if he knew what she was up to, which he probably did. 

"I was a musician."

"A musician, cool!" Rea exclaimed staring up at him, starry-eyed. "Can you sing for me then?"

Alright, that was the cue for him to leave. Turning away from her, he began walking away. Rea who realized that he was escaping ran behind him and he increased his pace, "Hey, wait!"

Suga didn't wait for her to catch up. He took off and Rea laughed out loud. "Why are you running away? I asked you to sing for me!"

"No!" came his muffled reply.

"Why not?!"

"Because, I'm an angel!"

"Oh, come one now!"

 Though Rea couldn't see his face as he ran away from her, she knew. 

He was smiling.



Ann Rea's voice was barely a whisper as her face portrayed an expression of utter shock. Slowly, her hands began to tremble and she dropped to the floor as the phone she was holding against her ears slipped from her hands. 


Not another.

Shakily, Rea forced herself to get up from the ground as she tried hard not to let the tears block her vision but it was useless. Her heart wrenched. She clenched her fists so hard that her nails dug into her palms. No Rea... Stay strong.

Do what you need to do.

Breathing heavily she looked around trying to figure out what to do next but her befuddled mind wasn't letting her think properly. All she could hear from her mind was one thing. It's your fault. Yours.

Suddenly as if on cue, the familiar white form of the angel blinked into existence in her living room and Suga strolled forward, not bothering to hide the concern on his face. "What happened kid? What's wrong?"

Trembling, Rea looked to the angel barely holding her tears back, "I...Sh-sharon..."

He didn't need to hear anything more. Sighing resignedly, the angel held out his pale hand to her. "Take hold of my hand."

Rea looked to his hands reluctantly then back at him. Slowly, she placed her hand in his. He closed his eyes and the next thing she knew there was a flash of something bright white and her surroundings seemed to spin before her eyes.

Soon, the living room vanished in a whirl of white.


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