Shadows in Time 2

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Rea would never remember what happened after she took his hand.

It felt like millennia had passed in that fleeting milli-second she chose to blink for when she opened her eyes, she felt weirdly older, as if she aged a whole lot in a short amount of time. It took several moments for her brain to get adjusted to the strangeness of it all and when she finally gained the focus of her eyes she realized that she was standing in a familiar dimly lit bedroom.

 A full moon shone in through the windows and there was a figure crouched on the center of the floor, shaking with what were unmistakable sobs. She was crying. 

Rea's first impulse was to rush up to her. "Hey! Are you alright?"

The girl didn't respond nor did she make any movement to acknowledge her existence. Rea was about to try a second time when Jimin's voice suddenly spoke from behind her. "She can't hear you." 

"Why?" Rea turned around to the angel who strode around the room as if looking for something eagerly. Eyes still searching, he replied, "Because we don't really exist in this time. We're not really here. We're just impressions...mere shadows of our existence back in our present."

Her eyebrows furrowed at the choice of his words. Time? Present?

Jimin noted her puzzled expression and smiled. "That's right. This is my power. The power to look into the past, present, and future at will, and," he proclaimed loudly that his voice resonated within the walls of the huge room. "We're in the past."

His somber eyes glinted magically in the dark and they found hers. "Your past."

He swept his hand over to figure that sobbed silently in the room and Rea's eyes followed his lead and she gasped out loud as the realization struck her like a lightning bolt. Jimin's delicate voice whispered in her ears. "The Adairan Queen, Andrea."

Silence reigned at that moment. Only the sobs of a human queen were an exception. Rea stepped forward to get a better look at her former self.

The Adairan Queen certainly held a resemblance to Rea but there was a definite difference in the way the two held themselves. Even as she cried, the queen held herself with a refined poise. There was a notable difference in her high cheekbones, the arched eyebrows, and her complexion that was as pale as sugar. Smooth flowing raven hair cascaded down her shoulders and her chocolate brown eyes were framed with thick black lashes. Andrea was a Queen in every bit and sense. A little admiration blossomed in Rea as she watched her past version. 

Andrea's sobs had quieted as she watched. It was a sorrowful thing to watch. Somehow she felt there was a strange connection to the form in front of her. It was as if she could feel her sadness. She could feel why it was.

"I see you're distressed, Your Highness."

The form on the floor straightened in an instant. Raising her head higher, she looked for the source of the voice and spoke in a voice so stern and commanding that it was hard to tell she had been crying. It impressed Rea. "Who's there?"

"He's here," Jimin whispered, and before Rea could ask what he meant the calm male voice spoke again. A sense of foreign familiarity washed over her again.

"A human marrying a Fae Prince? It was bound to happen, Your Majesty. It is a wonder that you've lasted this long." The warm voice said sympathetically.

"Reveal yourself!" Andrea ordered, brown eyes flashing at the dark corner from where the voice seemed to come. A figure stepped forward and Rea gasped. Not because she recognized who it was. She couldn't because the face of the man who stepped forward from the shadows, was completely hidden by a cloud of thick black smoke obscuring his identity. 

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