Angel's warning

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Rea looked up at the angel as he sat near her on the park bench watching the light blue sky. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused. The angel rarely used her real name to address her. Besides, something in his tone was different. Eerily different.


"Keep your distance from Jungkook." 

Rea's eyebrows shot upwards. Whatever it was that she was expecting to hear from Suga, it was not that. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Look, I know that you can't help it," Suga began, "I know that history will repeat itself and it will happen again but can you not fall..." he suddenly paused as his eyes met hers. One look into her eyes was all it took him to realize.

"It has already happened, hasn't it?" he asked. Though he wasn't being clear, Rea vaguely understood what he meant, and... she couldn't find it in herself to deny it.

He let out a sigh as if he had been expecting it. As if what he had been dreading has happened.

"You will get hurt, dea- kid," he stated looking away from her.

"What is it? Explain." 

Suga shook his head. Giving her one last look, he spoke. "Just be careful."

And he disappeared.

That was the last Rea had seen of Suga for the past several weeks. 

He never came to visit her again. He never appeared beside her at random. He never came to ask if she had made progress with her dreams. Nothing.

To be honest, it bothered her. She had gotten so used to having the angel beside her for so long that she had forgotten that she was alone. That she no longer had anyone besides her. His disappearance made her realize that once the killer was caught, Suga would probably leave her. And she will be left alone.

It was thought that disturbed her more than ever. She didn't want to admit it but she missed him. She missed the cold being who insulted the color of her hair the moment he first laid eyes on her. The being who constantly kept calling her a kid and kept treating her like a hyperactive, emotionally unstable child. The being who kept her safe. 

Often she would talk into the void, hoping that the angel would hear her. But whether he heard her or not, he never showed up again. Rea felt as if she had somehow upset him that day. Had she said the wrong thing? Or perhaps did she not say the right thing?

She sighed, her breath becoming visible in the cold night air as she opened her eyes to the dark alley. She didn't know when the sky had grown dim nor when the night had awoken from its slumber but she found herself standing in the middle of the alleyway to her home past midnight. 

She had stopped going on her nighttime strolls after that night she got chased by something. In fact, she clearly remembered that it was still daylight when she left her home. When had it grown so dark? It almost appeared as if... time had sped up.

Rea walked down clutching the sides of her skirt tightly. She watched her surrounding through her peripherals. Something didn't feel right. The night seemed to get darker with each passing second and the temperature seemed to drop as she took each step forward. 

Rea's frame slowly began to shake, visible tremors taking over her entire body from the cold and fear that slowly crept down her spine. It was eerily quiet. There was no sound in the eery darkness. Not even the soft distant hum of the cicadas. They had forgotten to creak just like that night. 

Her feet moved forward quickly, each stride trembling but fast. Soon her footsteps were accompanied by another behind her and her breath hitched. Her feeling was right. Something was out there to get her and it had chosen today to finish its deal. A low guttural roar tore through the alley from behind her. She ran.

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