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This Story is a work of fiction and in no way intended to be taken for the real thing. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Hope you enjoy it.


Thundering footsteps penetrated the silence of the night.

Her long red gown swished over the blackened soil. The woods seemed never-ending and the branches stood spread out casting shadows over her as she passed beneath them.

She was running. She was running away. But from whom. She didn't know. All she knew was that she should keep running, for if they caught up to her, it would be the end. She would never see the sunrise again.

 She would never see the sunrise again

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She ran along the woods, bare feet cut and bruised. She didn't know where she was going. She merely went where the trail led her. The cold night air chilled her to the bones but she couldn't give up. Not now.

She ran, though her strength waned, pushing through her limits. Her lungs screamed for air but she couldn't afford to stop. The pain of her strained muscles slowly made itself known and the darkness made it unable to see what lay before her.

Roars and growls rang out through the forest. Her heart thumped louder than ever in her chest.

It was scary.

Adrenaline kept her feet moving. Her mind was numb, incapable of reason. The chill of the night air or the darkness of the night must have numbed her.

Up ahead, she finally saw a clearing though, what lay beyond was obscured by the darkness. Her steps slowed to stop and she clutched her chest heaving in the chilly air. She couldn't go on. Nor could she back down. For she knew there was something there.

She was surrounded.

The footsteps ceased and her breaths came out in tiny gasps.

There, from among the shadows emerged a silhouette, his face hidden from sight.

As he stepped forward, the pale moonlight shone down on him, illuminating his smooth tan face. His dark ebony hair fluttered against the wind and long fringes brushed just above his eyebrows. 

She didn't know who he was, yet, she felt as if she knew him. She felt as if she had known him forever. 

His eyes were a pair of stunning ashen grey orbs and a storm seemed to rage in them as they locked onto hers.

"After centuries, I finally found you." He smiled softly and whispered against the cold breeze. "Andrea."

Pain pierced through her heart and she fell.

His smile had never reached his eyes.

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