The Final Battle

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(Warning: Might contain triggering scenes, long chapter)

The Battle Angel pulled the string of his bow, eyeing the devil that stood at the center of the room. In a sudden gust of wind, huge pearly white wings burst out and expanded from his back and the distinctive halo that shone like a fluorescent lamp appeared right above his head. The wind calmed and by the time everything stilled, the angel was ready, the arrow aimed straight for the Vile One's beating heart.

The color drained from the devil's face. He raised a trembling finger at the arrow pointed at him, his eyes quivering. He gulped down, his breaths becoming shallow as his eyes looked up to the angel. He wet his lips. "Are you-" He wheezed, trembling at the sight. "Are you going to kill me?"

Suga pulled the string harder. Ho-Seok tilted his head to the side as he stuttered out, shaking. "W-with that?" 

And that's when the devil lost it. He burst into a long series of uncontrollable laughter. 


His laughter was the kind that sounded bubbly but something about it, the wickedness in it or the mocking in his tone, made a chill crawl down the angel's spine. The devil laughed so hard he collapsed to the ground, holding his abdomen as literal tears sprung to his eyes which he wiped away with the back of his hands. Suga grit his teeth as he finally looked up, unmistakable glee shining from the depth of his eyes. "Do you really think you're any match for me angel? Even after you've lost against a mere toy of mine--"

An arrow whooshed through the air, cutting the Vile One off as it grazed against his cheeks before it found a new home on the wall behind. Ho-Seok fell silent. Slowly his glee morphed to glare as an inky black substance dripped down from the gash on his cheek. "Sneaky little thing, aren't you?"

Without wasting a moment, dropping the bow and arrow which vanished from the sight, Suga rushed forward summoning his divine sword from where it lay on the ground, his fierce gaze turned on Ho-Seok. 

The devil grinned at the oncoming angel as he raised his arm and lazily flicked his wrists but this time Suga was ready for it. A shimmering shield of white appeared just in time before a strong gust of power blasted onto him. His feet slid back a few inches as he blocked the Vile One's attack. 

The Vile One gave a low, impressed whistle.  "The angel's got some moves." He spread his arms in preparation as he faced Suga. "Why don't I humor you then? This seems fun..."

Heaving the great shield up, he charged towards the Vile One again. The devil only stood beaming as Suga came rushing to him. The distance between him and the angel was declining at a rapid speed and just as the angel was about to reach him with only a few inches between them, the devil disappeared. 

Suga didn't hesitate. He quickly spun around, the sword in his arm swishing through the air just as the Vile One reappeared behind him. Ho-Seok disappeared again just in time only to re-appear a few inches back, with an amused laugh. "Oof! You almost had me there..."

Suga held out his palm. Flames of pure white expanded from them and he flung it across the room at Ho-Seok the flame taking the form of a long spear. The spear shot through the air, heading straight for him when it lost its mind halfway through. It suddenly backtracked and slammed into the angel. The angel coughed out blood.

"Whoops! I didn't mean for it to be that strong." The devil told him apologetically.

The angel looked up coughing, his eyes glaring. A trickle of blood dripped down from his mouth. The Crown Prince watched the fight helpless and anxious, the sight of the angel's blood weakening his willpower to remain in his place. His fingers itched to help but he knew the angel wouldn't appreciate it. He knew it wouldn't go well considering his frail state. Years of subjection had weakened him. 

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