Another Victim

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The sound of Sirens tore through the crowded alley.

A body was being transported down the building, white cloth covering their face. Flashes went off as soon as the stretcher was bought to sight. Reporters ran back and forth in an attempt to capture the entire moment in their utmost gravity for the people back home, who witnessed the scenes within the confines of their homes.

Choker strikes again.

Within somewhere in the crowd, Rea stood watching the scene with grave and sunken eyes. She had witnessed the same scene over a million times in her head. She could still remember the night N.J was found and as she watched him being transported to the Emergency Vehicle, one limp hand had fallen out, dangling lifeless, to the side. Pale, discolored, dead.

The vision was so completely engraved in her mind, as she watched the scene, a tear rolled down her eyes. Another one is gone.

Her fists clenched, so tight that her knuckles turned white. Curious eyes peeked in from everywhere, an expression of alarm and worry mirrored on every single one. But not Rea. She was calm and silent. A storm raged inside her, despite and she could barely conceal it. She moved away from the scene, fluidly navigating through the crowds. She would come back. She will have to because there seemed to be no progress in the investigation whatsoever.

But that was not all.

There was a figure. A figure who had appeared at every single one of the crime scenes, yet never came to public sight. She had noticed the way he moved through the crowd, the places he stood, careful not to attract attention, the way he disappeared without a trace. What caught her suspicion was that the figure never once came to watch the crime scene. He came to watch her. And she knew it.

But this time, she would catch them. Whoever it was.

Purposefully, eyes skimming through the crowd, Rea watched out for the figure. They weren't there, but she was sure they would appear. Sooner or later.

Namjoon's death wasn't a random coincidence. All of the victims... They were all related to her. She wasn't sure how, yet she knew. She could feel it in her gut. Whoever was watching her should be related to the murders.

Just as she had predicted, he appeared at the corner of a hidden alleyway. Rea watched as he fluidly moved within the shadows with exceptional grace. Whoever it was, was skilled at his job. She kept her eyes on the figure as it followed. Deliberately, she moved through the dark corners in order to lure him in. She was playing a dangerous game. She knew that.

She didn't care. What she wanted was answers, and she was willing to do anything to get them. Anything.

Minutes passed, she walked through shadows. His silhouette mirrored her motion all throughout the way. Yet he never made a move to approach her. No, he was observing her. This isn't working. I should catch him.

Rea paused. She turned around towards the hidden alleyway directly now, facing the figure. The moment he realized that she had seen him, he ran back into the alley. So did she

She won't lose him. Not anymore. She ran with renewed vigor. She was confident that she would catch him. After all, he couldn't go too far, because Rea knew the alley would soon end at a dead end and there were no places to go. She would get him today.

She ran and suddenly, she paused. Desperately, her eyes looked around. She was at the dead end, but the silhouette was not there anymore.

He had vanished.

There must be a way. There must have been a loophole.

She searched all throughout the place. There must be one. How could he have escaped?

There were none. H-How?


She cried seething in rage. How the hell- Her fingers curled into fists and she squeezed her eyes shut. She was pissed, but mostly, she was disappointed. Why? Why couldn't she do anything right? Why didn't anything go her way? And why does it have to be him?

Namjoon was her everything, and they took him. Why?

Before she knew it, silent tears had stained her cheeks and she crumpled down to the floor. It hurt. It always hurts. He was the first one who knew her and understood her. He was the only one. Now, he was gone...

Violent sobs made her small frame trembled as she cried. She cried for what felt like hours.

No... You can't cry, Rea. You have to find him. You have to ...

Rea wiped her tears, a furious light shining in her eyes. She would catch him.

And she would kill him.

She pushed herself up from the floor, and a pale white object caught her eyes.

It was a feather. An unusually large one that she had never seen before.

And then it struck her.

It was from her pursuer. It was a clue.

Rea quickly picked up the pale white feather and tucked it inside her bag. Determination shone through her eyes as she walked back home.

Tonight wasn't such a waste after all.


A bewinged being sat on the rooftop, eyes curiously fixed on the pale girl as she had picked up his feathers and walked away with a new resolve.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." The being shook his head as the chilly night wind ruffled his hair, and his feathers.

"That's not going to help you, kid." He whispered into the night as the pale moonlight shone down on him.

A moment later, all that remained was a wisp of white smoke that dispersed into the night air.

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