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"Yeah, and I'm not falling for that."

"I would have believed that it was just a nightmare too, N.J, but when I woke up, I still had the baseball bat with me," Rea explained to a very skeptical Namjoon. After what happened yesterday, she wanted to get it off her chest. It had felt so real, she didn't know what was happening. Rea was never a believer in paranormal activity or supernatural beings, but after yesterday she wasn't sure anymore.

"If you are that sure of it, then there's only one explanation for that." Rea turned around to face him, wide eyes expectant and Namjoon dramatically opened his mouth, as if he were to reveal the greatest secret. "You have schizophrenia."

"Namjoon!" Rea hit him with her fist annoyed at his newfound discovery, to which he only chuckled. "Be serious, please. I'm losing my mind right now."

Namjoon pursed his lips and frowned deep in thought.

"Maybe you have sleep-walking tendencies."

Rea gasped. That is plausible. That might explain how she had the baseball bat in her hands this morning.

"Oh my god! You are right. That might be it." Rea exclaimed, her fingers yanking at his shirt sleeves and Namjoon shook his head. "See, I told you. There's nothing like ghosts or anything in this world."

"I'm stupid," Rea muttered against the wind.

"You are~" Namjoon sang, earning another beating from her and he chuckled, as he defended himself from her onslaught.

"Ow! Stop, hahaha, ouch!"


Rea was walking back to her apartment complex deep in thought.

Sleepwalking? Do I really have that?

If she did, then she would have to consult a psychiatrist and the consultation fees were no joke. She will have to toil day and night without food to pay it back. She sighed, clutching the straps of her bag. I'll just wait and see...

She walked on, down the lane, when she saw a familiar figure walking a few feet before her and Rea called, "Jungkook!"

The figure paused, and Jungkook turned back. As his eyes fell on her, he smiled. "Hello, Rea."

"You're going home, right? Let's go together." Rea called out as she jogged up to him. "So tell me, How's everything going?"

Rea noticed that she hadn't really talked to her new neighbor after that day. He kept to himself most of the time and the only times she had talked to him were when they had Sociology. Jungkook shrugged, "It's fine, I guess."

"Um, yesterday..." He suddenly began, looking towards her as if waiting for her permission to continue. When Rea gazed up frowning, he continued. "I think I heard a scream from your house. It was brief so I didn't know what to make of it."

"Oh," Rea smiled awkwardly. Yesterday, she might have screamed in her sleep when the TV went off. But can one blame her? It was absolutely terrifying. And today she learned, she might have sleepwalking tendencies. But she can't say that to Jungkook. It would be utterly embarrassing. "I-I just fell down the stairs."

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, pausing midway, his eyes wide and concerned and Rea waved away the question. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure? If you fell down the stairs, you would have certainly hurt your ankles." Jungkook pressed as he resumed the stroll towards their homes. She nodded her head, "Yes- Ow!"

Rea flinched as a sudden pain shot through her ankles. What the-

Why were her ankles paining all of a sudden? She slowly pressed her leg to the ground again and this time, the pain multiplied two-fold. "OW!"

"Seems like you are not fine after all," Jungkook commented, with a small smile as he caught her in a lie. Well, technically it wasn't a lie because Rea hadn't actually fallen down the stairs so she was fine. But she didn't know why her ankle was acting up all of a sudden. "I-It's fine. It's just the heels."

"You are not even wearing heels." Jungkook pointed out, eyes gesturing towards her sneakers and Rea internally cursed. Why couldn't she have come up with a better lie? Jungkook smirked, eyes twinkling mischievously. He stuck out his elbow towards her. "Here, I'll help you."

Rea looked at his hand in surprise, then back at his face. He was smiling. Rea was hesitant. But in the end, she gave in and took his hand. Jungkook swiftly wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Let's go." He said.

She stiffened like a board under the touch but nevertheless walked forward. Jungkook had a firm hold on her shoulders, supporting her from having to put too much strain on her ankles. She had to admit, if he hadn't helped her, it would have been a literal pain to walk all the way down the street with a sprained ankle. 

How the hell did it sprain though?  She was fine just a few minutes ago.

Rea couldn't take her eyes off of the hand on her shoulders the whole time.

Her throat had gone instantly dry and she didn't speak for the next few minutes as they trudged down the line in awkward silence. Jungkook didn't seem to mind as he helped her walk the entire way down to her home.

And all the while, Rea had noticed, he had a small smile playing on his lips.

And all the while, Rea had noticed, he had a small smile playing on his lips

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A/n: Oh my, my, my...

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