Devil Marchosias III

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The howl of a wolf echoed throughout the junkyard, causing everyone who heard it to raise their arms in rage. The demon rushed towards the hunter in black. Cao simply ran off, shooting one last shot towards the beast's owner. The woman ran to the side, evading a gunfight that erupted. The Wolves had no patience for any predator foolish enough to intrude upon their land and quickly began to shoot back at the strangers. The people in black had the first move and managed to pin down some of them, but the difference in numbers made the assassin in black take cover behind the large piles of trash as well.

"At least most of them don't seem to be armed. Let's hope the boss takes down their puppy fast enough. "Man, he sure doesn't care about how we deal with his crazy stunts. " A Caucasian man with black hair and green eyes had taken cover after landing a shot on an enemy on his shoulder. He had a forced smile as he reloaded his rifle. He looked young, almost baby-faced, but was wearing the black suit of a hunter.

"Jack, shut up. " At his side, another man was shooting back to force the wolves to take cover under the trash. He looked almost identical. Clearly, the two of them were twins, but though his face was still very young for a man his age, he seemed to have a large scar under his eye. His concentration was unwavering as he leaned to the side to take another precise shot before ducking under a barrage of bullets.

'"If I'm going to die here, the least I can do is whine all I want, Hunt'." He ducked again, almost getting hit by a bullet that scrapped the junk pile that covered him.

The wolves had recovered from the shock of the sudden ambush and quickly managed to find their own cover, leaving the center of the rite completely empty, but the wolves had been forced to fight separately from each other as the hunters in black suits had them surrounded from every side from the very beginning.

The hunters' and wolves' leaders were attacking each other as they ran away from the circle, and a group of wolf thugs were now following them. Two of them were armed with handguns and one of them with a tommy gun. Above them, a hunter in a black suit waited quietly above a pile of scrap. He was an old-looking gentleman with a long beard and a tired expression.

''Leave them to their own games. That is no place for humans to intrude, without losing their heads, that is." "He threw a hand grenade at them, letting it roll just at the foot of a mountain of scrap that collapsed on impact above them, crushing some of the wolves, but a few managed to evade it. He walked away with care as they screamed at each other, quietly slipping out of their sight.

The pursuers had their way cut off and three of them moved back, but they were already in the sight of someone.

"Alright, I've done this before, so I can do it again. "

A black woman with short braided hair was breathing slowly. She wore the black suit of a hunter as well. She took a deep breath as she pointed her gun at the man with the machinegun, but as she was about to release the trigger, there was a loud bark behind her and she missed the shot for a moment. The three gang members split after the shooting to take cover and quickly saw where the enemy was hiding.

"Damn, I'm moving back. " As she said that, she could hear the sound of a lot of dogs barking around her. They were aware the enemy had a lot of hunting dogs with them that had been locked up for the ritual and they were finally released.

She turned around as two hounds jumped from behind her, The woman tried to shoot but the beast moved faster and jumped towards her arm. The hound bit hard, making her bleed, and she fell back on the ground, unable to stop herself from screaming. The man below heard her and walked towards their location with their weapons drawn.

The other dog lunged at her leg, but a rock was thrown in their direction, causing them to flinch with pain as it hit their eyes.

'"Don't touch her!" Another woman in a black suit came from the side and swung a knife at the dog, wounding it and making it jump back. " She stood between the dogs and their prey. The woman was very tall and muscular and had short blond hair shaved on the sides. She had an expression furious enough to make even the dogs hesitate.

"Can you still use your gun? They are going to surround us soon, Janice! " The tall woman approached the other woman, who got on her feet quickly. The dog had mauled her arm, but she could still move it well. She was certainly enduring a lot of pain, but she moved to her position and slowly aimed at the first man who showed himself and immediately shot him down before they could attack back. One man fell, but another one opened fire with a barrage of his machinegun.

"This is bad, Olga. Be careful, there is still one more enemy unaccounted for! " Janice screamed at the taller woman as she took cover again while trying to tend to her wound.

"I'm kind of busy, love." As soon as one dog jumped towards her, the tall woman grabbed it by the head and swung her knife at it, then slowly backed away and pulled out a handgun with her free hand. While the man with the machinegun came closer to them, keeping them pinned, the remaining wolves moved to the side to approach them from the flank, but they were quickly shot from the back.

The old hunter had returned and opened fire from behind a broken-down car he was using for cover. As soon as the remaining wolf saw this, he turned around and opened fire toward his location. The old man ducked but was completely pinned down and with no way to move out from behind the car. He hugged his rifle as he closed his eyes.

''Dear Lord... and I gave those girls such a good shot as well. What a waste... " The man with the machinegun came closer to his barrage to the car where he was ducking. The wolf  was shot in the arm from behind suddenly. He tried to turn around and release his whole clip as he screamed back at his attacker, but Janice managed to shoot him in the heart in time, barely remaining standing from the pain from the recoil of shooting her rifle. She suddenly jumped as someone grabbed her by the arm.

''Calm down love, is me.'' Olga held her and looked at her arm with concern. The taller woman was sweating a lot, but it seemed she had taken care of the hunting dogs. "All right, try to keep your head down; we'll get a medic."She was still subbing, but she nodded. Olga smirked as she saw the old man running towards them with his rifle in hand.

"Oh dear, you two don't mind if I stick with you both? "

"No problem, Mr. Sanchez, we could use an extra gun right now," Olga smirked as he joined them, looking back in the direction Mr. Cao had fled.

"Now Sir, the rest is up to you as always, so hurry up already." "The old gentleman, Mr.Sanchez, begged their leader, who was at that moment facing the demon wolf all by himself.

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