Interlude IV Captains meeting.

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Commander Emilia has called for a meeting the first one in a very long time. The hunters reunited on the top of the tower of the labyrinth. They were on a long metal table all of the captains present, Abram, Collins, Aurora, and Cao with the commander at the end of the table, their meeting was in the throne room now although she never sat on it, the throne was always vacant. Aurora stood up and went to the side of the table where a chalkboard was placed with multiple pictures and articles.

''Congratulations on a well-done job, things didn't go perfectly but this incident was placed on an assassin in the city rather than us, and for the time being, no one suspects our involvement, good job to you Mr. Abrahm. Mr.Collins.'' Emilia told them, Abram nodded with his cap, and Rush just ignored her being thanked by the commander didn't make him happy. Aurora waited for things to calm down at the side of the chalkboard.

''Alright listen up, things are going smoothly but we still have a lot of work ahead, Mr. Cao has come up with some possible targets and we will be requesting the aid of the information agency before making a move for now, you two will stay put as well, is risky to send the same agents too often it may lead to patterns appearing to the authorities.'' Aurora pointed at some of the pictures on the chalkboard, one of them was of a young-looking man with a brown fedora. ''You sure those Louise people aren't just going to sell us out, that still feels like the biggest risk in all this?'' Rush asked her. And she just shrugged.

''Hehe they sure could, but that will make them our first targets and with them being such a small group in the city I'll be a big risk for them, Im sure they can guess that far. They are not known for making enemies if they can help it, except for Amara that lady just really likes to fight it out with Aurora for every nonsense, but that is also Aurora's fault, they must like each other..'' Aurora slapped herself. It was clearly Amii in control and she spoke something that annoyed her.

''Don't interrupt the meeting Amii.'' She said to demon inside her and then moved to the side of the board pointing at a photo of the very Mr.Louise it seemed to be a photo of a portrait rather than the same one on the newspaper agency. ''Beelzebub is a demon famous for being a farm of thralls with that, he has no need to leave his hideout to be dangerous. Then there is Directo Vic he has the demon Baphomet a flying monstrosity that can control fire and of course, there is Amara.'' She finally pointed at the chief of security of the newspaper agency.

''This annoying woman has the demon Pazuzu, a demon that calls forth a powerful sandstorm a real force of nature. These are the only three demons they have, a small number all things considered, even though we have more than them, these are still very powerful demons if we get into a fight with any of them the casualties will be devastating and the rest of our operations on this city will become extremely hard with no good source of information to rely on, so my recommendation is to trust them because we have to, not because we want to.''

''Well said Ms.Aurora, we have the intention to continue our recruiting, but training people takes time, a lot of it, we can't afford a massive confrontation, all in due time. For now, we are only going to go after individual demons that are under no one's protection and keep our profile small. Anyone else has something to add or can I go and take a nap?''Emilia spoke more than ready to close up the meeting.

''If I may,'' Cao asked her and she nodded letting him stand up.

''Now then I need to remind you all that our tactics must change from this point onwards, we are in the city, therefore, going with a full army can bring the attention of the police as well, as the attention of the families, we have to be a lot more conscious of being watched than we have been thus far, we must also account for civilians it is likely a lot of our assassinations will take place in a public setting, we need to decide what course of action we will do in such situations.''

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