Devil Diao Si Gui I

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"Come on don't go falling asleep again Heng." A woman opened the door to a rather messy small office, The woman wore a green dress and was rather dainty if not a bit malnourish, still her smile was glowing as she stepped into the room with an exciting step. The room was an office but not the kind to give a professional appearance. The room was full of old newspapers, boxes, and no shortage of trinkets and tools, but there was still a wooden office desk at the center with a plate of half-finished food a woman was sleeping on the desk with her feet, she was wearing a white shirt with workers overalls and was keeping the light of her eyes with a cap, a long ponytail of black hair fell from under her cap to her chest.

"Jeez, give me a moment, please."The woman spoke half asleep, she was Fong Heng the director of this odd jobs office, the blond woman put her hands on her hips and got closer.

"No way hon, we got work in a couple of hours and you need to look presentable."

"We are just going to be carrying heavy boxes for a warehouse I doubt they care."

"Well I do care, the hero of the town can't be looked half asleep, the better our reputation the best jobs will get and we can eat some nice food."

"Well, I do love me some nice food." She finally lifted both feet from the desk and leaned her chair back letting her get up with a jump with great finesse, she woman arranged her cap and with her gloved hands swiped her pony tail back giving her companion a cocky smile.

"alright Laura lets bother Lee, Ill go make a coffee, we have a boring day of carrying boxes in the warehouse ahead."

"I like this kind of job, no one is shooting us today."

"Yeah, that part is nice, but can't help but feel that is a bit boring."

"Who knows maybe we can finish early and go on a date." Laura Song step out of the office with far too much energy for such a cold morning, Heng sighed and followed her out of the office, There was the living room they had no money for both and office and a home so the odd jobs office just had to serve both functions, truly there were only three rooms and a bathroom that never quite worked, a bit small for three people but fortunately all three of them are more than used to make due. THere was at least the smell of eggs being cooked, the kitchen was on an of the living room, a small place to the side with barely any space on it for more than one person. A tall man wearing a white shirt with a black vest was preparing breakfast for the small office, he was the only employee in the place he didn't get much of a salary but got to sleep on the sofa in the main room for free and as the only cook in the place, he no longer went hungry anymore, still, he was no ordinary man his strong build and the small scar on his face showed his past as a mercenary.

"Lee, we will like not to get any food till night, will go to some stand at night, we do have enough on us today Laura." The man look back at them, Heng and Laura already sat down on a small circular table near the kitchen. The table was set but there was a small pot on it half full of water as there was a leak in the ceiling there.

Laura Song opened a small purse with a white flower pattern, she was in charge of the finance of the group the other two were still too impulsive with money for her taste, so she carried all the cash in her purse at all times.

"We are good we can eat dinner out tonight, I hope we get another good job today, finding missing cats and fixings toilets won't get us enough for the rent."

"That's fine, the landowner is way too slow to catch me I can get us half a month more, will make it, will make it." Heng waved her hand as she threw her cap to a nearby stand. Lee step to the table giving the two of them an omelet with eggs and cheese and sat down with only bread for himself.

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