Devil Diao Si Gui II

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The night was falling on the busy streets of the market district, but now that midnight has passed even these streets were falling into silence. But tonight the odd jobs agency was still working, their boss was sitting on top of a crate looking below at Lee putting the last container into storage.

"They sure kept pilling up more work, they better pay us extra for the effort." Lee closed the store groaning from the tiredness at this point the three of them would be expended except for Heng, as expected of a devil she just jumped from the container looking around her. Laura came back with an envelope in hand.

"They just gave me the money and left, not even a goodbye." She passed the envelope to Heng, who looked at the money inside it.

"Is a lot more than they said, guess the extra time was added....still, all im seeing here is old furniture, kind of weird to get us to do this job, most people only get us for more on the underside work." Heng closed the envelope and put it in her pocket, the three of them reunited under a streetlight without a soul around.

"You look, anxious boss, something is amiss?" Mr.Lee asked her as she crossed her hands.

"Could be, this place is very far off and is quiet night, maybe just maybe they just give us this job to drag us here." Laura and Lee looked around them, there was no trace of a single another worker, but even so, the markets aren't that far away.

"Forget, let's just go home, the fastest we get to the office the faster we can just forget about this." She put her hands in her pocket and walked forward, Laura snored as she followed her and Lee walked behind them as well taking a small look behind their backs.

Away from them behind container, a person hid from view.

"Man I thought they were going to see me for a moment." A pair of twin brothers hid behind the container with rifles in their arms to the opposite side of them an old man wearing the same black suit hid as well.

"I feel kind of bad all of us getting ready to ambush two women and some dude, I expected a bigger job for our first time in the city," Jack told his brother Hunt as he nodded, even so, they never lowered their guns.

"Oh dear I can't get confident today since Mr.Cao told me to not use any explosives, I feel a bit out of water." The old man replied holding his rifle

"Can't blame the boss Mr.Sanchez your bomb will get the police to us right away." Besides is just three targets, like taking candy from a baby. Jack laughed, his brother hit him on the back of the neck to make him shut up."

"Anyway the ladies should be in position two, the captain will wait for an opening before moving." The three remained in silence as they noticed that the three members of the odd jobs office stopped.

"We are surrounded." Heng stopped first and the other two waited in silence.

"Three people behind us, two to the right and one more to the north...I can feel it, they all murmurs the devil within me can feel it...This is so not worth the money we got paid for." Mr. Lee reached his hand to his handgun and Laura also opened her jacket to reach for a small white gun.

"Will split and then reunite inside the warehouse, is too dangerous to be on the open." The three looked at each other as Heng took out her hands from her pockets.

"Such a drag...whatever happens let's make sure we all get back home." Heng closed her fist. Laura and Lee nodded and they both ran, with Lee going to the back and Laura to the right side. Heng stared at the darkness in front of her.

"I knew reeks of a devil." Heng ran forward into the darkness.

"Damn it the man is coming this way." Seeing that one of their targets was sprinting straight at them, Hunt came out of cover and aimed with his rifle at Lee. Lee pulled his handing from the holster and ducked to the side, the two of them shot at once and Hunt receive a gunshot in his shoulder, Lee was banished from their side by running while crouching to the side of some container.

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