Interlude III Envoy of the city

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How the hell did it all come down to this?

"Boss, they're ready for you; I'll stay nearby."

"Sure you can do that. "

After Mr.Park died, I ended up taking charge of whatever remained of the stadium. I expected the other heads outside of the city outskirts to come to my head, but they all retreated as soon as they heard that the Nishiyama clan was going to talk to our new leader themselves. As soon as that happened, no one wanted to come forward and I was stuck as the de facto leader of the snakes. Huh, I'm starting to get why Mr.Park never stopped complaining about his job.

"Mr. Nishiyama is ready to see you. " A woman spoke to me, forcing me out of my anxious thinking. She was a short woman in a blue suit with no tie. I could tell she was a woman from her voice but her head was wrapped in multiple white sheets and a black face mask. She seemed to be a bodyguard of sorts and had come in an almost robotic manner to accompany her employer.

This was just ridiculous. Why would the very chairman of one of the five great families come for something like this in the middle of nowhere? There is a lot of unnecessary danger of something any subordinate could have done. I couldn't even wrap my head around the idea of it and didn't want to either. I was simply too scared of meeting him even if it was in my own meeting room.

Was he just that confident he couldn't be killed? I'm sure he has a demon. I bet the woman does too.

Still, I had a guest to meet. I needed to remain positive. If things work out here, I may be able to permanently remain as the leader of the snakes. The rest of them won't bother me if the chairman gives his approval.

I entered the room followed by my own guard. Mr. Nishiyama never requested us to be unarmed, so my bodyguard kept his gun. It didn't look like the woman was carrying any sort of gun... but that means nothing to a demon. I saw him, the chairman of the Nishiyama clan, the yakuza that controls one of the districts of the city. Mr. Park had a meeting with him before, but this was my first time seeing him.

He was, by all accounts, an unassuming old man with a small white mustache and a long traditional Japanese kama in dark black. He smiled with a perfectly kept white smile. His skin was rough and creaky, but he didn't appear to be tired as he bowed respectfully with his walking cane behind his back, as did the woman behind him to greet my arrival.

I awkwardly bowed as well.

"I thank you for coming Mr. Nishiyama." The old man nodded.

"Greeting Mr.Franklin, May I have a seat, I had a long day of walking around. " Waling around? In Creakc district? Forget it, we both should stay on topic, or else I may say something I will regret.

We both took our seats opposite each other, knowing how important proper manners were to the Japanese. I was at the edge of my seat, but the old man leaned casually on his chair holding his walking staff over his lap... I suppose, since I am not Japanese, he may be giving me some slack. He must know how to negotiate with people of other cultures, but that will only go so far.

"Great, this district is just as I remember. It was good to get my chance to stretch my legs again. "

Still, he didn't feel dangerous at all, his casual mannerism just made him feel rather like an average old man. His tone was rather jolly as well. Was he really Nishiyama Haruto?

"It is our honor to have a visit from our most renowned supporters. We are truly glad to see you." Nishiyama leaned back and looked at the ceiling above him.

"But you see, I'm really sad I didn't get to see Mr.Park. I thought he was a very hardworking boy, really respectful too. I feel really bitter that this reunion couldn't have been a happier one. I hope I can give my respects. "

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