Demon Vepar V

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The deep mist was tainted red by the flashlight and immediately everyone who was at the entrance to the watergate room began to retreat. The twins looked at the red light but remained in place to continue with their cover fire to allow everyone to escape.

"Where did those two from Aurora's team go? " Hunt asked his brother as they switched places to reload."I saw them heading up the stairs. I think that is why there is a lot less shooting up there. "' Jack tried to look above through the mist. There was a skirmish between the worms and someone on the upper catwalk."Jeez, that whole team is straight-up mad. So do we wait for them? "'"Hell, why not? We have the best position for it, so let's make sure those idiots have some cover! "Above, Luis had seen the retreat signal, but they were very much pinned from both sides. Still, they have the advantage by now. The number of worms had been reduced, and compared to the snakes, they didn't have nearly as much equipment. Luis was sweating, but he refused to stop his cocky grin from showing on his face."If we can take down the one guy on the left, we may be able to risk it by going to the ladder. Someone down there seems to be trying to keep the enemies on the right from ducking behind cover." "" ' Aya was behind Luis, covering his back. With the signal sent, there was no longer a point to any more killing. It was not like they even cared to hurt these people in the first place, only the demon was a target."Cao's team aren't all stuck up as I thought. I'll give those guys a hug." Luis tensed as he stopped hearing the sound of gunfire and heard screams, all of them coming from where the enemy was firing just a minute ago."Aya, something is happening. ""All that screaming, maybe Mr.Abram is finally cleaning the way out for us? "

"... I don't think so. All of them were panicking at once. That's too flashy for him. "" ' Luis aimed again as he saw a single coated figure running through the mist towards them, screaming madly."Hell no. " Luis opened fire towards the covered man, who moved forward. His raincoat began to rip apart as his figure expanded in a grotesque manner, and rather than collapsing, he ran faster like a furious beast, only his silhouette was clearly visible in the fog."Is the devil we were looking for one of those monsters? Shot! " The two of them fired at the creature, making it recoil, but in an instant, he had reached Luis and threw him back, breaking the covers he was using to hide. The long claws of the creature pierced his shoulder, but while falling, he still took another shot toward the creature's head. Aya joined him immediately, putting herself between them and shooting another round at his head, making it fall."I knew those monsters moved around these parts, but I never expected one of them to just pop out of nowhere... " They could hear the roar of another of those pale devils, and another and another. Suddenly, the fog around them made them terribly afraid.

"Can you walk Luis? We are leaving. There is no time to wait for an opening. "' Aya keeps her scope seeing shadows moving in the distance. It is possible the creatures weren't aware of their presence yet. The fog may still work against them."You don't have to tell me twice." She helped him stand up, but the wound on his shoulder was bleeding terribly. He at least seemed to still be able to move his arm properly. He needed medical attention, but up there it was simply suicide.Luis descended first while she remained watching with her rifle. He was enduring a lot of pain, but he couldn't make her wait any longer. She finally began to descend as well.

''She always makes my life so damn hard... The hell is with all this noise? " He looked at his shoulder where the wound was. He was starting to feel dizzy. He was furious at having let himself be wounded as such, and as he looked at his bloodied shoulder with disdain, he saw a long white worm moving inside of his wound. He let go of the ladder out of shock and fell to the ground. Fortunately, he wasn't that high. Aya heard him fall and quickly sped up the pace, before jumping down as well.

"Seriously, what are you doing? " She got close to him. He seemed to be holding his head in pain. She tried to grab him but he rapidly threw her back and away from him."Run, just run, I can hear a voice in my head, there is something inside me! " She tried to get closer to him again, but he slashed the air with a claw. His body was being forcefully transformed as his hair began to fall. Aya dropped her rifle after that push, and she didn't notice it till then. Luis was gone and in its place, a beast reached towards her. She closed her eyes.The beast howled as it fell to the ground, his legs bleeding before reaching her. Abram was standing behind him and quickly pierced him in the back with his dagger. She finally had the time to get ahold of her rifle while still shaking, and she shot at the creature before it could get up again. More gunshots were heard from the exit as the twins were on each side of the sewer tunnel shooting down the creature before it could get up. Abram grabbed Aya by the arm as he looked back at where five of those monsters were jumping down from above."We are leaving now!" When Abram spoke, the mist surrounded him and Aya. It then expanded violently like a wave towards the monster, who began to scream and look around them confused. Both he and Aya had completely disappeared from their sight."I'm sorry, it seems this whole place was a ticking bomb," Abram told her as they ran together to leave the worm tunnels as fast as they could."Who are you? "she asked, clearly confused and afraid. Abram flinched for a moment, before speaking."No one is important, so just keep running till you're safe." Abram pushed forward into the dark.

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